
zǐ mù xu
  • alfalfa
紫苜蓿[zǐ mù xu]
  1. 从紫苜蓿叶中提取出的食用苜蓿叶蛋白(EALP)含有57.9%蛋白质和12.7%膳食纤维,是一种良好的食用蛋白新资源。

    Dible alfalfa leaf protein ( EALP ) extracted from Medicago Sativa contained 57.9 % ( wb . , etc. ) protein and 12.7 % dietary fibre , which was a good new resource of human edible protein .

  2. 在紫苜蓿和大豆根际土壤中原生动物、根际细菌和根瘤菌之间的相互关系

    The relationship among protozoa , bacteria and inoculated rhizobia in the rhizosphere of alfalfa and soybean

  3. 紫苜蓿褐斑病药剂防治试验

    Control of the brown spot of purple alfalfa by Germicides

  4. 与紫苜蓿相比,踏郎嫩枝和叶含有丰富的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、淀粉、可溶性糖和钙。

    Compared with alfalfa , plentiful crude protein , fat , starch , sugar and calcium existed in the twigs and leaves .

  5. 豆科植物的,属于豆科植物的,具有豆科植物特点的,这种豆科植物包括豌豆、蚕豆、翘摇、紫苜蓿及其他植物。

    Of , belonging to , or characteristic of the family Leguminosae , which includes peas , beans , clover , alfalfa , and other plants .

  6. 月是大部分花儿首次开放的月份。玫瑰开放,花香四溢;空气中充满了紫苜蓿暖洋洋的香气。蜜蜂在花朵间飞舞,采集花蜜,给它们的蜂巢装满蜂蜜。

    June is the month when most flowers first begin to bloom . ( 3 ) Roses burst into fragrance , and the sun-warmed sent of purple clover fills the air .

  7. 在辽西褐色土上,对紫苜蓿和沙打旺施用稀土或钼、锌、锰肥,当年都可获得促进生育,增加产量的效果。

    Rare-earth ( RE ) elements or Mo , Zn and Mn applied to the brown soil in west Liaoning had significant effect on the establishment and yield of lucerne and astragalus pastures .

  8. 芜菁甘蓝、饲料甜菜、饲料用根、干草、紫苜蓿、三叶草、驴喜豆、饲料羽衣甘蓝、羽扇豆、巢菜及类似饲料,不论是否制成团粒。

    Swedes , manigolds , fodder roots , hay , lucerne ( alfalfa ), clover , sainfoin , forage kale , lupines , vetches and similar forage products , whether or not in the form of pellets .