
ɡāo qǐ
  • continue high; stay high
  1. 鱼类养殖者以及分析人士预测,三文鱼价格将保持高企。

    Fish growers and analysts expect prices to stay high .

  2. 科西嘉岛腹地地势高企,环境荒芜。

    The interior of Corsica is high and untamed .

  3. 高企的房价和惰性使得很多父母面临一个不太乐观的境地,家里三十多岁的孩子并不着急出去独立生活。

    The combination of high property prices and laziness has left many parents with the surprise -- one that is not always welcome -- of finding their thirtysomething children are not in a rush to leave .

  4. 此外,世界银行(worldbank)称,日益高企的粮食价格可能导致至少增加一亿挨饿人口。

    Moreover , according to the World Bank , soaring food prices threaten to make at least 100m more people hungry .

  5. 因此,尽管全球经历了“大萧条”(greatdepression)以来最严重的经济衰退,油价却依然高企。

    As a result , oil has stayed expensive , in spite of the worst economic downturn since the great depression .

  6. 与官方隔夜利率相比,libor仍然明显高企目前,联邦基金利率(federalfundsrate)为2%。

    LIBOR remains particularly elevated when compared with the official overnight rate the federal funds rate of 2 per cent .

  7. 由于名义国内生产总值(gdp)增长陷入停滞,债息高企的国家正面临着跌入债务陷阱的风险。

    With flat nominal gross domestic products , countries with high interest rates are at risk of falling into a debt trap .

  8. 尽管GDP增长迟缓,失业率高企,中产阶级收入受到挤压,汽车和卡车销售仍在增长。

    Despite sluggish GDP growth , high unemployment , and the squeeze on the middle class , car and truck sales are rising .

  9. 海湾国家今年预计将参与更多并购交易,因为持续高企的油价提升了海湾合作委员会(gulfcooperationcouncil)地区6国的购买力。

    Further deals are expected this year as continued high oil prices boost the spending power of the six states in the Gulf Cooperation Council region .

  10. 如果企业利润下降速度快于GDP增速,投资者可能开始考虑部分股票高企的估值是否合理。

    If those margins fall faster than GDP rises , investors could start to reconsider some of the hefty valuations they 've pinned on equities .

  11. 意大利预算赤字相对较小,占gdp的比例才刚刚超过4%,而且数十年来意大利一直应付得了高企的政府负债水平。

    The Italian budget deficit is relatively moderate at just over 4 per cent of GDP and Italy has managed a high level of government debt for decades .

  12. 在全球经济增长状况日益恶化及通胀持续高企的情况下,美联储(fed)、欧洲央行(ecb)和英国央行(bankofengland)本周可能维持利率不变。

    The Federal Reserve , European Central Bank and the Bank of England are likely to keep interest rates on hold this week , amid a deteriorating global growth and continued high inflation .

  13. 目前国内物价上涨较快,CPI高企,百姓个人资产面临快速贬值的风险。

    The rapid rise in domestic prices , CPI is high ; people face the risk of rapid depreciation of individual property .

  14. 东京的市场调研公司MMResearchInstitute发布报告称,由于电子书价格高企、种类不足以及来自智能手机和平板电脑的竞争,整个电子书设备市场去年表现疲软,销量未达预期。

    Tokyo-based market research firm mm Research Institute reports that e-reader demand was weaker in Japan last year than expected owing to the high price of e-books in Japan , their relative scarcity , and competition with smartphones and tablets .

  15. 油价也牵制了欧洲的降息行动,英国央行(boe)和欧洲央行(ecb)依然担心通胀高企。

    Oil prices are also hindering interest rates cuts in Europe where the Bank of England and European Central Bank remain worried about high inflation .

  16. 南京钢铁联合有限公司(nanjingiron&steel)总经理杨思明在本周于厦门举行的一次钢铁会议上表示,由于需求萎缩和原材料成本高企,中国多数钢厂已经减产。

    Yang Siming , general manager of Nanjing Iron & steel , told a steel conference in Xiamen this week that most Chinese steel mills had cut output because of shrinking demand and high costs of raw materials .

  17. 尽管有如此多的顾虑,但当今世界要比卡特总统(JimmyCarter)在白宫安装太阳能和烧柴火的时代更能消化油价高企的影响。

    For all the concern , the world today is better equipped to swallow expensive oil than it was when Jimmy Carter was installing solar panels and a wood-burning stove in the White House .

  18. 表现为不断迅速增长的巨额的存贷差、M2与M1的持续背离、超额存款准备金的高企和货币市场利率的低位运行。

    The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans . M2 and M1 continually deviation , excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level .

  19. 法国巴黎银行驻上海的分析师DaisyZhang称:大型国有电力公司别无选择,只能继续运营。今年迄今为止,尽管煤价高企,它们的发电量却在强劲增长。

    Large state-owned power companies have no choice but to keep operating and we have seen strong power generation growth from them so far this year despite the high coal prices , said Daisy Zhang , an analyst with BNP Paribas in Shanghai .

  20. 罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)在任内经历过一模一样的时刻在1982年的中期选举中,他也因经济衰退和失业率高企而陷入困境,民意支持率与奥巴马一样在45%左右徘徊。

    Ronald Reagan at precisely the same moment in his administration the midterm of 1982 his presidency similarly bogged down in recession and high unemployment , had identical poll numbers as Mr Obama , stuck around the mid-40s .

  21. 经济改革、有利的全球环境和油价高企令该地区去年的实际GDP增幅达到6.5%,同时使该地区人均收入较2002年高出75%。此轮石油美元热潮始于2002年。

    A combination of economic reforms , a favourable global environment and high oil prices produced real GDP growth across the region of 6.5 per cent last year , bringing up average per capita incomes 75 per cent higher than 2002 , the first year of this petrodollar boom .

  22. ipsos认为,经济复苏迹象未能带动消费者信心复苏,反映了许多发达经济体高企的失业率水平。

    Ipsos believes the absence of a recovery in consumer confidence to match signs of economic recovery reflects high levels of unemployment in many developed economies .

  23. 研究表明,“冒名顶替者恐惧”(imposterfears)在男性和女性中均很常见,被认为是引发一系列问题的祸因,比如造成大学挂科率和退学率高企,以及女性从事数学、工程和科学工作的比例很低等。

    Imposter fears are common among men and women alike , research shows , and are blamed for an array of problems , from high college-failure and dropout rates to low female participation in math , engineering and science jobs .

  24. G20两位官员表示,公告草稿提到了大宗商品价格高企对全球经济增长造成的风险,并鼓励产油国承诺保证充足的石油供应,但未提到伊朗和制裁问题。

    According to two G20 officials , the draft communiqu é made reference to the risk to global growth from high commodity prices , and welcomed the commitment of oil-producing countries to provide adequate supply . But it made no reference to Iran or sanctions .

  25. 近年来我国面临着巨大的通货膨胀的压力,由于美国次级贷款危机、欧洲债务危机、国内CPI和PPI高企等引起的全球金融市场的震荡,我国股市受到国内外的影响而大幅震荡。

    In recent years China has been confronted with the huge inflationary pressures , due to the subprime mortgage crisis , the European debt crisis caused by the shock of the global financial markets and the domestic CPI and PPI high and severe shock .

  26. 更糟的是,能从交易量高企中获益的交易所还鼓励联位(co-location)的做法,使交易员能够把指令发送到与交易所电脑摄合系统处于同一位置的服务器上。

    Worse , the exchanges , which have a business interest in high volume , encourage co-location whereby traders can route their orders to servers in the same location as the exchanges ' computer matching systems .

  27. 在石油价格高企的情况下,甲醇的价格也相对便宜。

    When oil prices are high , it is also cheaper .

  28. 高企的原钻价格,反映出了供应链亟需补给的饥渴状况。

    Very high rough prices reflect a starved pipeline that needs replenishment .

  29. 部分是因为金价高企抑制了印度珠宝买家的需求。

    Partly because high prices are putting off India 's jewellery buyers .

  30. 延误就医是死亡率高企的主要原因。

    Late treatment was a major reason for the high death rate .