
  • 网络mass higher education;the popularization of higher education;massification of higher education
  1. 20世纪70年代,美国著名的教育社会学家马丁·特罗(MartinTrow,1926-)教授提出了高等教育大众化理论。

    The theory of Mass Higher Education brought forward by professor Martin Trow , an United States sociologist , has popularized all over the world from 1970 's.

  2. 中英高等教育大众化前期比较

    Comparison of the Pre-period Mass Higher Education between China and Britain

  3. 中国正处在高等教育大众化的进程之中,计算机辅助教学(CAI)可以为加快此进程提供必要的技术支持。

    Chinese higher education is in the course of popularity , Computer Assistant Inculcation ( CAI ) can offer necessary technical sustain for the course .

  4. 走出高等教育大众化的就业瓶颈

    The predicament of popularization of higher education and its way out

  5. 利用远程教育方式推动高等教育大众化进程

    Making Use of Modern Long-distance Education and Putting forward Popular Education

  6. 高等教育大众化发展模式与教育质量理念

    The Popular Development Mode And Educational Quality Idea of Higher Education

  7. 应对高等教育大众化进程的两对主要矛盾

    Two Main Contradictions in the Process of Popularization of Higher Education

  8. 浅析高等教育大众化过程中的大学生诚信问题

    On College Students ' Honesty and Credit in Higher Education Popularization

  9. 独立学院:实现高等教育大众化的有效途径

    Independent Colleges : Effective Way to Realize Popularization of Higher Education

  10. 国外高等教育大众化的教育质量保障机制的审视与启示

    Insight into the Quality Guarantee System in Popularized Foreign Higher Education

  11. 高等教育大众化中质量观的更新

    The Relation Problem of Scale and Quality in Higher Education Popularization

  12. 高等教育大众化的前提是多样化。

    The premise of the popular higher education is diversification .

  13. 高等教育大众化时代大学生就业形势与对策探析

    On Popularization of Higher Education and Counter Measures in Students ' Employment

  14. 树立高等教育大众化新理念

    Establish the New Idea of the Popularization of Higher Education

  15. 知识经济、高等教育大众化背景下的精英教育审视

    Knowledge Economy , Popularization of Higher Education and Elite Education

  16. 中国高等教育大众化问题分析和对策探讨

    The Analysis and Countermeasures of Higher Education Popularization in China

  17. 论后现代视角下高等教育大众化的必然

    On the Inevitability of the Popularization of Higher Education in Post-modern Perspective

  18. 高等教育大众化背景下课程建设的认识与实践

    Understanding and practice of Courses Construction under Popularized Higher Education

  19. 我国高等教育大众化的必要性与可行性

    On the Necessity and Feasibility of Higher Education 's Popularity in China

  20. 高等教育大众化与高职高专教育质量

    Popular Higher Education and the Quality of Higher Occupational Education

  21. 高等教育大众化阶段若干问题思考

    Considerations on issues concerning higher education reform in the mass education period

  22. 美国社区学院对促进高等教育大众化的贡献

    Great Historic Contribution of Community Colleges to Popularizing the U.S. Higher Education

  23. 高等教育大众化下的校际合作办学探索

    The Exploration of the Intercollegiate Cooperation in Mass Higher Education

  24. 试论高等教育大众化背景下的多校区大学管理

    Management of a multi-campus university in the light of higher education popularization

  25. 高等教育大众化背景下成人高等教育若干问题探析

    Analysis of Problems in Adult Higher Education in the Context of Education Popularization

  26. 我国目前高等教育大众化所存在的问题及应对的措施

    Some Problems and Measures of Popular Higher Education in Our Country at Present

  27. 高等教育大众化的兼顾发展理念

    Overall Development Concepts on the Popularization of Higher Education

  28. 关于高等教育大众化与教育质量下滑的忧思

    Thoughts on Mass Higher Education and Education Quality Decrease

  29. 高等教育大众化阶段教学与科研关系探究

    Relationship between teaching and scientific research at the stage of higher education population

  30. 高等教育大众化进程中的矛盾和对策

    Problems and Solutions Occurring in Popularization of Higher Education