
  • 网络gaobazhou hydropower station
  1. 高坝洲水电站水轮发电机组选型设计

    The selection and design of hydro-generating unit for GHS

  2. 高坝洲水电站在实际运行中存在弃水,为充分利用水能资源可进行适当的机组增容。

    In order to make the best use of the water resource , considerable capacity increase can be put in practice .

  3. 高坝洲水电站由于设计水头较高,设计单位建议采用预应力钢筋混凝土蜗壳。

    Due to the high water head of the GHS , the design unit put forward a suggestion of using the pre stressed reinforced concrete spiral case .

  4. 分析了高坝洲水电站水轮发电机组上导轴承轴瓦松动、间隙增大、受油器损伤的原因,提出处理措施。

    The causes which led to the increase of the clearances of the upper guide bearing pads and the breakage of the shear pins of oil distributors are analysed , and the treatment measures for them are described .