
  • 网络Senior management;Top manager
  1. 首席执行官(CEO)一个公司最重要的管理者,所有其他的高层管理者都要向他报告。

    The chief executive office ( CEO ) is a company 's most important manager to whom all other top managers report .

  2. 基于代理理论,本文分析了治理机制(包括CEO补偿,CEO任期,领导权结构和所有权结构)与高层管理者行为的关系,以及它们对企业财务绩效和非财务绩效的影响。

    Drawing on agency theory , this study analyzes the relationships between the governance mechanisms ( including CEO compensation , CEO tenure , leadership structure and ownership structure ) and top managers ′ behaviors as well as their effect on both financial performance and non-financial performance of the firms .

  3. 为探明接种E.直觉能力与高层管理者决策水平

    The level of E. Intuition Capability and the Decision-making Level of the Top Manager

  4. CEO是现代企业运营的首席执行官、高层管理者,是主宰企业命运的核心群落。

    A CEO is the Chief Executive officer , the highest manager , the core of a modem enterprise .

  5. 这就对高层管理者特别是CEO在信息收集、处理、判断并做出正确决策方面提出了更高的要求。

    This put forward higher requirements to senior manager , especially the CEO in gathering , processing and judging information .

  6. 从EMBA教育看国内外企业高层管理者培养

    Study on Cultivating Top Manager in Worldwide Firms from the Angle of EMBA Education

  7. 高层管理者和MBA学生的初导研究证明权力分享权和管理控制在中国具有理论和实践的相关意义。

    The pilot study of top-level managers and MBA students confirmed the theoretical and practical relevance of power sharing and management control in China .

  8. 借助于EIS,高层管理者可以及时获取组织内外与经营、管理、决策最为相关的重要信息。

    By EIS , the top manager can timely obtain the important information concerning management , execution and decision in or out of the organization .

  9. 邮件证据显示,高层管理者早在2007年可能就知道“低报”libor的情况。

    Email evidence suggests senior management may have known about the " Lowballing " of the LIBOR rate as far back as 2007 .

  10. 此外,本文还对不同学历和不同任职年限的企业RD投入强度与策略变量之间的关系进行了研究,发现企业的RD投入强度在不同高层管理者的影响下也呈现不同的变化。

    In addition , the relationship between R & D intensity and strategies is also analyzed in the enterprises guided by top manager with different academic degree and different position time . We find that different connections appear in these enterprises .

  11. 分析了可供高层管理者直接使用的计算机信息系统(CIS)匮乏的主要原因,指出开发EIS是改变这一局面的有效途径。

    Based on analyzing the leading reasons for lacking of direct using CIS by the executives in organizations , this paper points out that developing EIS is the best way to change this situation .

  12. 他要求任命科学技术专家担任新的高层管理者负责协调工作,这种协调工作可以通过USAID完成。

    He calls for new senior administrators , experts in science and technology , to oversee coordination , which should be done through USAID .

  13. 一方面,借鉴博弈论思想,运用定量方法确定高层管理者合理的剩余分享比例,选择基于高层管理者自身经营能力而获得的经济增加值(F)作为剩余分享的业绩基础;

    In view of game theory , some quantitative methods are applied to determine the rational proportion of surplus sharing , depending on the economic value added to the enterprise by each and every manager 's individual ability as his / her performance standard .

  14. 艾莉森•瑞索(AlisonRisso)一家就是这种情况。今年39岁的艾莉森是一位负责公关业务的高层管理者,她的收入是她做土木工程师的丈夫乔恩(Jon)的两倍。

    That 's the case with public-relations executive Alison Risso , 39 , who makes twice as much as her husband , Jon , a civil engineer ;

  15. 如果组织的高层管理者希望能够超出ISO9001的标准要求,追求对业绩的持续改进,ISO9004可以推荐给组织作为指导。

    ISO9004 is recommended as a guide for organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond the requirements of ISO9001 , in pursuit of continual improvement of performance .

  16. 作为A公司的高层管理者,有责任运用EMBA课堂中所学的经济与管理领域的相关知识就此进行研究与探讨,进行战略制定,以明确企业未来发展的方向。

    As a senior manager of the A company , the author has responsibility to use relative theories about economics and management learned in EMBA classes to study and discuss this problem in order to make sure the future direction .

  17. 由公司高层管理者组成的BASCAP领导小组为主要贸易国家正在讨论的关于在全球范围内反盗版的条约提出了一系列建议。

    BASCAP 's leadership group of top corporate executives issued a set of recommendations for a global anti-counterfeiting treaty being negotiated by major trading nations .

  18. 第三,从一般员工激励转向高层管理者激励;

    The general worker encouragement will transfer to the administrator encouragement ;

  19. 高层管理者的工作压力、社会支持及二者关系研究

    Senior Managers ' Work Stress , Social Support and Their Relationships

  20. 企业高层管理者应对危机事件的抗逆力模型探索

    Exploring The Resilience Model of Senior Manager for Coping with Crisis

  21. 战略管理视角下的高层管理者胜任力模型

    Assessment of Competency Model of Senior Managers based on Strategic Management

  22. 企业中高层管理者绩效指标体系研究

    A Study on Performance Indicators of General and Senior Managers in Enterprises

  23. ②在低完成水平下,创业者的承诺度高于中高层管理者的承诺度。

    Under low completion condition , entrepreneurs'commitment was significantly higher than managers .

  24. 公司的高层管理者均来自于我们的母公司&丹麦。

    The top management leaders come from our mother company & Denmark .

  25. 直觉能力与高层管理者决策水平

    Intuition Capability and the Decision - making Level of the Top Manager

  26. 高层管理者应具备品德的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Moral Character of Top Chinese Managers

  27. 家族企业高层管理者胜任特征模型

    The competency model of senior managers in Chinese family firms

  28. 高层管理者影响信息技术应用模型与研究脉络

    The review of the impact of Top Management to information technology applications

  29. 南方电网高层管理者的能力评价体系设计

    The Senior Managers of the China Southern Power Grid Ability Evaluating System Design

  30. 与高层管理者相比,一般员工显示出更多的组织参与方面的组织公民行为。

    Compared with High level superintendents , common staffs display more participant behaviors .