
  • 网络Strategic management process;strategy management process
  1. 但更重要的是这个互动过程是存在于战略管理过程中的。

    However , more importantly , such interactions exist in the strategic management process .

  2. 这个战略管理过程是一个全面的、持续经营过程,包括战略规划、实施与评估。

    The strategic management process is a comprehensive and ongoing management process that involves strategic planning , implementation , and evaluation .

  3. 基于多Agent技术实现战略管理过程

    Implement of Strategical Management Based on Multi-Agent Techniques

  4. 其中,提出运用SWOT分析法、波士顿矩阵法及四种因素矩阵分析法等工具,这有利于我国企业在具体制定和实施财务战略管理过程中能得以有效地参考和借鉴。

    It proposes to use SWOT , Boston matrix and four factors matrix analysis tools and so on , which is beneficial for our enterprises who develop and implement specific financial strategy management .

  5. 我们称这个过程为企业的战略管理过程。

    We refer to this process as the process of strategic management of enterprises .

  6. 战略管理过程中竞争情报与知识管理的集成融合研究

    Integration and Fusion of Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management in the Processes of Strategic Management

  7. 企业的战略管理过程包括战略形成和战略执行两个阶段。

    The strategic management of a corporation includes two phases : strategic formulation and strategic implementation .

  8. 高等学校战略管理过程分析。论述了高等学校战略管理过程是一个科学的逻辑过程,该过程主要包括战略分析、战略选择、战略实施、战略控制四个部分。

    Chapter Two concludes strategic analysis , strategic choice , strategy implementation and strategic evaluation and control .

  9. 第二章提出了将危机管理融入战略管理过程的观点并进行了可能性和必要性分析。

    Chapter ⅱ: into the strategic management of the crisis management procedures views and analysis on the possibility and necessity .

  10. 在企业战略管理过程中,企业要根据外部环境和内部条件的变化进行战略调整。

    In the corporate strategic management process , enterprises according to the external environment and internal conditions , changes in strategic adjustments .

  11. 如何有效的将财务分析运用到企业战略管理过程中成为企业决策者所关心的问题,本文就是研究在实际的企业战略管理中企业是如何充分利用财务分析这一工具的。

    It becomes a matter of concern to decision-maker that how the financial analysis is used to the process of business strategic management .

  12. 战略管理过程是一个动态发展的过程,这五个阶段实际上是一个循环反复、不断完善的动态过程。

    The strategic management process is a dynamic development process , these five stages in fact are the dynamic processes which is circulation consummates and unceasingly repeatedly .

  13. 同时,挖掘出战略管理过程中存在的主要问题,如没有做好战略分析工作、战略制定工作不完善、缺乏战略实施保障体系、不重视战略评价工作等等。

    The strategic schemes itself is imperfect ; a lack of safeguarding system for the execution of the strategic schemes ; giving no enough attention to the strategy evaluation .

  14. 关于独立董事与公司绩效呈现弱相关关系的一个假说性解释是:独立董事对于作为关键绩效驱动因素的公司战略管理过程参与不足。

    A hypothetical explanation for the weak correlation between independent directors and corporate performance is the shortage of independent directors ' influence on the strategic management process , which is the key driver of corporate performance .

  15. 在战略管理过程中,必须同时包含战略制定和执行两个过程,战略的制定必须充分结合企业外部环境和内在实力两个维度。

    Strategy management must include two important phases , the establishment of strategy and the corresponding implementation . The establishment of strategy need to be closely combined with both dimensions of external environment and internal capability .

  16. 企业在战略管理过程中面临的最大难题是如何使制定出来的战略转化为战略的执行,由卡普兰和诺顿提出的平衡计分卡能解决这一问题。

    In the strategic management process , the biggest problem which enterprises face is how to develop out of the strategy into implementation of the strategy , by balanced scorecard that Kaplan and Norton introduce just to solve this problem .

  17. 投资者关系管理是公司治理的重要组成部分,是上市公司运用一定的方法向既有投资者及潜在投资者详尽展示公司经营状况和发展前景的战略管理过程。

    Investor relations management is an important part of corporate governance . It is a strategic management process to display the operating conditions and developing prospects of the listed company to the investors and potential investors by using financial , communication and marketing tools .

  18. 基于平衡计分卡(BSC)的原理提出了高技术企业战略管理的过程分析模型。

    Specifically , the transition from one management model to another is jump - or spiral - style . ( 3 ) Based on the principle of Balance Score Card ( BSC ), a process analysis model is put forward for the strategic management in high-tech enterprises .

  19. 要实现这个目标,就要以价值创造为导向,在整个财务战略管理的过程中实行价值管理。

    To achieve this goal , we must create value-oriented strategy and take value management process in the overall financial management .

  20. 战略财务管理过程包括财务战略制定、财务战略实施、财务战略控制与评价。

    The process of the strategic financial manage - ment includes institution financial strategy 、 implementing financial strategy 、 controlling and appraising financial strategy .

  21. 在战略危机管理过程中,必须自始至终关注组织文化、组织结构、战略人力资源和危机预警机制等事关战略成败的重要元素,必须着力加强这些元素的优化和创新。

    In the strategic crisis management process , we must concern the following vital elements such as : the organizational culture , organizational structure , strategic HR and warning mechanism .

  22. 文章从实践性教学设计、实践过程控制和实践效果总结分析三个方面对生产与运作战略管理教学过程中的实践性教学进行了探讨。

    This paper mainly researches the practical teaching of strategic management of production and operation from the following three aspects : the design of practical teaching , the control of practical teaching , and the summarization of effects of practical teaching .

  23. 全文共分为五个部分,即:中国企业战略管理发展过程及趋势展望、中小企业战略管理研究的必要性、中小企业战略管理的现状与问题、成功企业战略管理的实现途径和案例分析。

    The full thesis is divided into five parts altogether , namely : The strategic management evolution of Chinese enterprise and trend prospect ; the necessity studied in strategic management of small and medium-sized enterprises ; current situation and problem of small and medium-sized enterprises strategic management ;

  24. 现代企业战略网络关系管理过程研究

    Study on Course of Relationship Management of Strategic Networks of Modern Enterprise

  25. 国内外对于战略管理的心理过程已经有了大量的研究。

    Much research has been done on the process of psychology in the strategic management at home and abroad .

  26. 高校战略管理的演进过程体现着适应高校组织内在逻辑与适应外部环境需求之间的协调和平衡。

    And the process is the equilibrium of the adaptation to organizational logic and outside environment of Higher Institutions .

  27. 接着,分析了青岛建设集团实施战略管理的控制过程,并对战略绩效进行了评价。

    My research then analyzes the process of implementation of the strategic management in Qingdao Building Group and evaluates the performance of strategies .

  28. 企业业绩评价作为财务管理的一个很重要的组成部分,也在企业战略管理的整个过程中发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Enterprise Performance evaluation as a very important part of Financial Management , it plays an increasingly important role in the entire process of enterprise strategic management .

  29. 进一步阐述了战略管理建设与实施过程,战略管理体系的构建与职能以及战略管理体系的建立对企业提高竞争力的作用。

    Elaborate the process of construction and implement of strategy management , and the function of strategy management system to improve the enterprise competition ability .

  30. 如何指导企业制定正确的发展战略,战略管理的过程是什么,这将是本论文的实证研究课题和选题意义。

    It is the subject and purpose of this thesis to direct enterprises how to set up right development strategies and control the process of management .