
  • 网络non-compete agreement;Non-Competition Agreement
  1. 梁振英还对自己接受一家澳大利亚公司400万英镑的决定作出辩护,他表示这笔款项涉及竞业禁止协议,而不是提供任何服务。

    Mr Leung also defended his decision to accept a £ 4m payout from an Australian company , which he said involved a non-compete agreement rather than the delivery of any services .

  2. 而商业秘密权利人与员工之间的矛盾也显得尤为明显。因此竞业禁止协议作为一种商业秘密保护的事先预防措施从而显得异常重要。

    And the conflict between trade secret right holder and the employee is very obvious . Hence , non-compete agreement as a kind of preventive measures for protecting trade secrets is quite important .

  3. 涉外劳动纠纷中竞业禁止协议准据法之研究&以微软与Google纠纷案为视角

    Study on the Proper Law on Prohibition on Business Strife Agreement Concerning Foreign Labor Disputes & From the Angle of the Disputes between Microsoft and Google

  4. 论竞业禁止协议的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of the Agreement on Prohibition of Business Strife

  5. 这便是不作为犯罪因果关系的真相。商业秘密保护与竞业禁止协议

    The Protection of Business Secret and the Agreement of Competition Trade Inhibition

  6. 竞业禁止协议的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis Of Covenants Not To Compete

  7. 竞业禁止协议已经成为现代社会美国企业保护商业秘密的有效途径。

    Covenants not to compete has already become a main way to protect US modem company .

  8. 企业往往通过与其员工签订竞业禁止协议的方式,要求离职员工保守其商业秘密。

    Enterprises often by their employees to sign noncompeting agreements require former employees conservative trade secrets .

  9. 用人单位与劳动者签订竞业禁止协议是保护商业秘密的有效措施。

    Reach an agreement on non-competition between employer and employee is vital to keep the trade secret .

  10. 签订了保密协议还有必要签订离职竞业禁止协议吗?

    Is it necessary to sign the confidential agreement provided that a non-competition agreement has been signed ?

  11. 但是,直到上个月,他方才开始在谷歌的全球销售和运营部门担任副总裁(可能是由于竞业禁止协议的相关规定)。

    He started only last month ( perhaps for competitive reasons ) at Google as VP of global sales and operations .

  12. 我曾在劳动合同、保密协议、知识产权协议和竞业禁止协议中见到过与社交媒体有关的条款。

    I see provisions dealing with social media in employment agreements , confidentiality agreements , intellectual property agreements and non-solicitation agreements , she says .

  13. 接包方可以通过和职工签订保密协议和竞业禁止协议将商业秘密保护融入劳动管理之中。

    The outsourcing contractors may integrate the protection of business secrets with the labor management , in virtue of making secret information agreement and non-competition agreement .

  14. 亲爱的安妮:我读过您的一篇专栏文章,里面提到竞业禁止协议是否(或者在什么时候)可以协商,不过我有一个更加古怪的问题。

    Dear Annie : I read your column on whether ( or when ) non-compete agreements are negotiable , but I have a much weirder question .

  15. 在竞业禁止协议理论和实践中,不可避免披露原则作为竞业禁止协议的一个补充,它的使用更应当谨慎。

    In the theory and practice of non-competition agreement , the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine which is a supplement of the agreement should be used more careful .

  16. 企业同掌握商业秘密的雇员之间订立竞业禁止协议,并纳入到法律范畴,是一种行之有效的对策。

    Enterprises with the commercial secrets of the employees have entered into non-compete agreement and into the area of the law , it is an effective response .

  17. 是否存在一些竞业禁止协议?你的合同需要你就业一段时间,是公司需要的离职通知吗?等等。

    Are there any non-compete agreements , does your contract require a certain period of employment from you , which is the leave notice your company requires , etc. ?

  18. 实践中经常遇到三种问题需要解决:1、竞业禁止协议的效力的认识问题:2、诚实信用原则在竞业禁止协议中的适用问题;

    In practice , we must settle these questions : 1.how to realize the validity of the contract on prohibition of business strife ; 2.how to apply good faith doctrine to such contract ;

  19. 为了防止企业的商业秘密因人才的流动而被侵犯,现代企业通常采取与劳动者签订竞业禁止协议的方式保护其商业秘密。

    For the defense of the business secrets by the flowing of labors , the modern enterprises usually contract with the employer in the context of the non-competition to protect the business secret .

  20. 竞业禁止协议的效力必须综合考虑各方面的因素:一方面协议的签订必须保证雇员的合同自由,另一方面必须有利于社会利益最大化。

    The effect of prohibition of business strife agreements must consider of various factors comprehensively . Signing the agreement must guarantee employees ' freedom of contract and must be conducive to maximizing the interests of society .

  21. 但是实践生活中,雇主与雇员签订的竞业禁止协议五花八门,我国目前竞业禁止法律规范很不完善,竞业禁止法律制度还不够健全。

    However , in the practice life , there are various prohibition agreements between employee and employer . The non-competition legal norms are not consummate enough , the non-competition legal system is not perfect in China .

  22. 转让协议,或者所谓“预先转让协议”,通常被掩盖在竞业禁止协议的诸多法律条款当中。但由于加州宣布竞业禁止协议违法,这才有了你看到的这个独立的版本。

    Assignment contracts , also called preassignment agreements , are often buried in dense thickets of legalese in non-compete contracts , but since non-competes are illegal in California , you 've been presented with the stand-alone version .

  23. 梁振英对他应披露这笔款项的要求予以拒绝,并表示自己没有义务支付薪俸税,因为这笔钱是一份竞业禁止协议的一部分,不必缴税。

    Mr Leung has rejected the claims that he should have revealed the payments and said he was under no obligation to pay salaries tax , since the money was part of a non-compete deal that was not taxable .

  24. 从立法层面上建议尽快颁布全国人大级别的《商业秘密法》,将竞业禁止协议作为有名合同进行专项规定,来统一和完善我国竞业禁止协议的相关规定。

    It is suggested that from the legislative perspective , China shall enact Trade Secret Law as soon as possible , and make special provisions for covenant not-to-compete as nominate contract , thereby to consolidate and consummate current laws .

  25. 人才流动造成商业秘密的泄露已是不争的事实,竞业禁止协议作为竞业禁止制度的重要内容,已经引起越来越多用人单位的重视,成为用人单位保护商业秘密的重要手段之一。

    The disclosure of trade secrets caused by talents flow is an indisputable fact , Non-competition agreement , as an important part of the Prohibition of business strife , has been one of the important methods to protecting trade secrets .

  26. 商业秘密进入公知领域、雇员离职的原因和雇主破产、转业或转行等会影响竞业禁止协议的有效性。

    It will influence the validity of the covenants not to compete , for instance the trade secrets enter the open field , the reason of employees ' demission , employer is bankrupt and transfers to civilian work , and so on .

  27. 立法的完善主要体现在对离职竞业禁止协议合法性及合理性之判断标准的制订及细化完善,以期增强其可操作性,为法官发挥自由裁量权提供参考的标准。

    Legislation is mainly reflected in the post-employment restraint agreement on separation of legality and rationality of the formulation and refinement of criteria for judging improvement in order to enhance its maneuverability , the discretion for judges to play a reference standard .

  28. 竞业禁止协议是雇主利用合同或者合同条款的形式,对雇员的从业(尤其是指离职后)进行限制,以实现保护本企业商业秘密的目的。

    The agreement on prohibition of business strife is a contract between the employ and the employee that confines the employee to go into the same area , especially when he left his post , so that it can protect trade secret of enterprises .

  29. 雇员与雇主之间签订的竞业禁止协议是保护雇主商业秘密的一种比较有效的手段,但它同时会带来多方面的权利冲突,因此公权力的介入势所难免。

    The agreement of competition trade inhibition that employees and employers sign is a mean to protect business secret of employers , but it will bring the right conflicts in many aspects at the same time , so the involvement tendency of state power is unavoidable .

  30. 因此,为了协调利益冲突,在保护用人单位的正当利益不受侵害的同时兼顾劳动者合法权益和社会公共利益,实现三方利益的平衡,必须要对离职竞业禁止协议进行合理的限制。

    Therefore , in order to coordinate conflicts of interest , in protecting the reasonable interests of employers , while taking into account the interests of labors and the society overall welfare to achieve a balance between the interests , post-employment restraint agreement must be restricted reasonably .