
wéi yuē jīn
  • liquidated damages;breach of contract damages;fine for breach of contract
  1. 当事人可以在合同中约定,一方违反合同时,向另一方支付一定数额的违约金;

    The parties may specify in a contract that if one party breaches the contract it shall pay the other party a certain amount of breach of contract damages ;

  2. 违约金最多不超过应付款金额。

    The breach of contract damages shall not exceed the amount of the sum payable .

  3. 即完备合同(γ→1)、高额违约金(f)不但有助于维系战略合作关系的继存,而且也有助于维护从属企业的利益。

    That is , the completeness of contracts (γ→ 1 ) and great fine of breaking contracts ( f ) will not only maintain the relationships , but also protect the benefit of subordinate firm .

  4. 首先,Fairfax本身并没有完成尽职调查;再者,Fairfax有权随时终止交易,但却不用交一分钱的违约金。

    For starters , Fairfax had not yet conducted due diligence , and had the right to terminate the deal without paying any penalty .

  5. GT在提交给法院的文件中表示,苹果的保密协议“规定,GTAT公司每违反一次保密义务,就须向苹果支付5000万美元违约金。”

    In court filings , GT said that Apple 's non-disclosure agreements " provide that each breach of the confidentiality obligations will require GTAT Corp to pay liquidated damages to Apple in an amount of $ 50m per occurrence . "

  6. 论违约金数额的调整

    Study on the Adjustment of the Amount of the Liquidated Damages

  7. 第二部分,违约金的适用。

    The second part is about the application of liquidated damages .

  8. 本部分实际上是对我国现行违约金调整制度的阐释。

    This section is actually for our current system of liquidated damages .

  9. 合同上根本没有提到你所索要的违约金。

    The contract says nothing about the penalty you claimed .

  10. 论对约定违约金的法律干预

    Study on the Legal Interference with Damages for Breach of the Contract

  11. 论违约金的性质及制度重构

    On the Nature of Penalty and Reconstructing of Penalty System

  12. 不足一个日历日的,承包商不必支付相关违约金。

    No amounts shall be payable for fractions of a calendar day .

  13. 第三章:第一节简述了我国惩罚性违约金制度的历史沿革。

    The first part introduces the development of punitive damages in China .

  14. 论违约金是否能与赔偿损失并用&兼谈违约金的性质

    An analysis of Whether the Penalty can be Used Simultaneously with Compensation

  15. 违约金的理解与适用

    Understanding and usage of fine for breach of contract

  16. 第二部分分析就业协议与劳动合同中违约金的法律效力问题。

    The second part analyzes the validity of employment agreement and labor contract .

  17. 试论违约金的法律概念和特征

    On the Legal Concepts and Characteristics of Penal Bond

  18. 论违约金责任的适用

    On Application of the Liability for Liquidated Damages

  19. 论违约金与赔偿损失责任的适用关系

    On Relation Between Penalty and Compensation Loss Responsibility

  20. 各国立法上违约金性质比较研究

    The Research of Comparative Law about the Nature of Liquidated Damages in Different Countries

  21. 违约金在古今中外的合同实务中运用很广泛。

    Liquidated damages are widely used in the Contract Practice of Ancient and modern .

  22. 最后,对惩罚性违约金的调整进行研究。

    Finally , it make research on the the adjustment of punitive liquidated damages .

  23. 主要阐明了无论是大陆法系还是英美法系的国家,从实际运作来看,对违约金进行干预是必要的。

    It is clarified that intervening to the liquidated damages by country is necessary .

  24. 可以提前提取存款,但要支付违约金。

    People can withdraw their money early but they have to pay a penalty .

  25. 未依前项规定缴纳违约金者。

    The securities firm fails to pay the default penalty under the preceding paragraph .

  26. 第一部分,简要概述违约金制度的起源和发展。

    Part one : summary on the origin and development of the penalty clauses .

  27. 违约金具有补偿性、惩罚性和担保属性。

    Fine for breach of contract has the attributes of compensation , penalty and guarantee .

  28. 劳动合同违约金的法律探讨

    Research on Default Fine of Labour Contract

  29. 第二、法官对违约金的数额调整无参考的统一标准。

    In second , judge on the amount of liquidated damages adjustment without reference standard .

  30. 浅谈约定违约金的法律调整

    On Legal Adjustment to Promissory Penal Sum