
  • 网络illicit drug;banned substance;prohibited drugs
  1. 目前为止,尿液检测是测定违禁药物的主要选择手段,也是系统筛选分析的首选检材。

    So far , urine detection of prohibited drugs is the main choice of means , and also the preferred system of screening samples .

  2. 考虑到国际体育仲裁法庭(theCourtofArbitrationforSport)最近以服用违禁药物为由,决定取消2010年环法自行车赛冠军得主阿尔伯托•康塔多(AlbertoContador)的冠军称号,他也可以位列其中。

    And given the recent decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to strip 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of his title for alleged drug use , he could be included too .

  3. 一位阿拉巴马女性因服用违禁药物后骑马而被捕。

    An Alabama woman was arrested for riding under the influence .

  4. 此外,甾体激素类使用和违禁药物使用也应当避免。

    Also , steroid use and illegal drug use should be avoided .

  5. 后来发现原来是他服用违禁药物导致了悲剧的发生。

    It was discovered later that drug use was a contributing factor .

  6. 起初我推测埃米莉有服用违禁药物。

    At first , I thought perhaps Emily had taken illegal drugs .

  7. 运动员使用这些违禁药物在竞赛中能获得非法利益,但滥用药物对于身体健康的运动员危害极大。

    Taking these medicines is immoral and is harmful to Human body in competition .

  8. 大型集装箱违禁药物辐射探测系统的初期探索

    The Primary Discussion on the Large Container Radiated Inspecting System of the Illicit Medicine

  9. 2014年,孙杨在一种违禁药物检测呈阳性后被禁赛三个月。

    Sun served a three-month ban in 2014 after testing positive to a banned substance .

  10. 在不提议完全开放违禁药物的前提下,我们肯定可以用更轻松的心态来对待兴奋剂。

    Without suggesting a pharmaceutical free-for-all , we can surely take a more relaxed approach to doping .

  11. 警务人员使用违禁药物是澳大利亚和全球不同司法管辖区都关注的问题。

    Illegal drug use by police is a concern in many jurisdictions , both nationally and internationally .

  12. 采访中阿姆斯特朗反复表示的是他没有使用过违禁药物的清白。

    The interview where Armstrong repeatedly said he was coming clean about his use of banned substances .

  13. 兴奋剂再次煞了奥运会的风景,又有一名运动员的违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。

    Drugs again rained on the Olympics ' parade as another athlete tested positive for an illegal substance .

  14. 兴奋剂的范围很广,违禁药物是兴奋剂的一部分,国际奥委会医务委员会到1991年底公布的违禁药物计五大类100种。

    There are 100 medicines divided into five categories which are prohibited to use as Doping by IOC .

  15. 液相色谱&质谱在保健食品功效成分和违禁药物分析中的应用研究

    Application of Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray / Mass Spectrometry in the Determination of Bioactive Components and Forbidden Drugs in Food Supplement

  16. 但这毕竟不是国际奥委会兴奋剂检测中心所列的违禁药物。

    But these tradtonal chinese medicines aren 't contraband medicines that International Olympic Committle Droping Control Center had la-belled .

  17. 亚历克斯:你认为那些使用类固醇和其他违禁药物的人不应该受到惩罚?

    Alex : You don 't think that people who use steroids and other banned substances should be punished ?

  18. 饲料安全质量检测室主要开展饲料常规成份分析及其有害物质和违禁药物的检测工作;

    Feed Safety and Quality Control Department is focused on feed proximate analysis and harmful materials and illicit drugs detection .

  19. 许多体育项目的世界记录已经达到了顶峰,并且不会再被打破,除非运动运服用违禁药物,研究人员说。

    World records in many athletic events are peaking-and will not be broken unless athletes take drugs , say researchers .

  20. 无论他们承受了多大压力,这都不是服用违禁药物的好理由。

    A : regardless of how much pressure you 're under , there 's never a good reason to take drugs .

  21. 然而,澳大利亚现代五项选手还没有发现过服用违禁药物或其它违禁品的。

    However , Australian pentathletes haven 't been found to have taken any banned drugs or other banned substances during the competition .

  22. 但他并没有对早前的报道作出回应,此前有报道称阿姆斯特朗带领车队队员服用违禁药物。

    He didn 't otherwise mention a recent report showing evidence of performing an enhancing drugs used by himself and his teams .

  23. 严禁雇员在这些建筑物内吸烟,违则立即开除。高效液相色谱法测定饲料中违禁药物喹乙醇

    Employees are forbidden to smoke on these premises , under penalty of instant dismissal . Determination of Forbidden Drug-Olaquindox in Feed by HPLC

  24. 如果你是tiddlywink游戏(用大拇指玩的无聊游戏&译注)的冠军,但觉得你的大拇指开始变得僵硬,为了延长职业寿命,你会服用能提高成绩的违禁药物吗?

    If you were a champion tiddlywinker and felt your thumbs growing stiff , would you take performance-enhancing drugs to prolong your career ?

  25. 这是在美国一家反兴奋剂机构指控他带领团队人员一同服用大量违禁药物后国际自行车联盟做出的处罚。

    That 's after a report from the U. S. anti-doping agency that accused him of leading a massive doping program on his teams .

  26. 居民们还因开高尔夫球车酒驾,服用违禁药物以及在酒吧斗殴等“事迹”出名。

    Inhabitants are also known to drive under the influence ( in golf carts ) , use illegal drugs , and engage in bar fights .

  27. 罗伯特于去年11月因被指控携带违禁药物和非法侵入罪在休斯顿被捕,当时他正准备攀登46层的“休斯顿第一大楼”。

    Robert was arrested in Houston in November on charges of trespassing and drug possession as he was about to climb the46-floor One Houston Center .

  28. 现在他因为涉嫌使用违禁药物而被禁赛,他被指控服用兴奋剂及和南佛罗里达抗衰老生物成因诊所有不为人知的关系。

    Now he is suspended for allegedly using them since then , accused of doping and having ties to a South Florida anti-aging clinic Bio-Genesis .

  29. 尿液中违禁药物的载体促进传递液相微萃取-高效液相色谱法测定以油包水型微乳为载体促进氟尿嘧啶的经皮渗透

    Determination of Illicit Drugs in Urine Based on Carrier-facilitated Liquid-liquid-liquid Microextraction Coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography Water in oil microemulsions for transdermal delivery of fluorouracil

  30. 它被如此广泛应用以致于国际抗兴奋剂组织正在考虑是否将万艾可列入国际运动项目的违禁药物。

    It has become so widespread that the World Anti-Doping Agency is considering whether to include Viagra on its list of substances banned in international sports .