
wéi yuē xínɡ wéi
  • breach of contract;non-compliance;nonperformance
  1. 这样的违约行为使他面临数百万美元的诉讼。

    The breach of contract led to a multi-million dollar lawsuit .

  2. 买房者应该如何对付卖房者违约行为?

    How to deal with real people who should buy breach ?

  3. 本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。

    This paper uses OLS and Binary Logistic regression to carry out empirical study on foreign investment breaking contract in 8833 Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures , and educes involved empirical conclusions .

  4. 信用与违约行为的关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship between Credit and Action of Infracting Promise

  5. 公司与农户双重违约行为的系统反馈基模分析

    Feedback archetypes analysis on contract violation behavior in company and farmers

  6. 监理的违约行为与违约责任分析

    The analysis of supervisor 's default behavior and default liability

  7. 选择违约行为的判据与影响因素分析

    On Criteria and Affecting Factors for Choosing " Contract Breaching " Actions

  8. 这些违约行为有的是发生在合同履行期到来之前,有的是发生在合同履行期到来之后。

    These default behavior takes place before or after the contract implementing period .

  9. 但是索赔的提出,却不一定是由于业主的违约行为造成的。

    But the construction claims are not always caused by the default responsibility .

  10. 法律环境同样也会影响企业违约行为。

    Legal environment may also affect businesses default behavior .

  11. 但当次贷违约行为增加时,会计师们要求银行对这些工具重新估值。

    But when subprime delinquencies rose , accountants demanded that banks revalue these instruments .

  12. 合同当事人的违约行为导致合同损害赔偿的产生。

    The breach behavior of the parties to the contract leads to contract damages .

  13. 工程款拖欠问题实质是一种违约行为更是一种违法行为。

    The essential problem of project payment default is violations and even illegal activities .

  14. 我方不能忍受你方的违约行为。

    We cannot abide your breach of contract .

  15. 企业违约行为的博弈论分析

    Game theory analysis of corporate default behaviors

  16. 中小企业信贷违约行为研究

    On Banking Credit Default Behavior of SMEs

  17. 违约行为引起的非财产损害赔偿问题研究

    A Research on the Loss Compensation of Non-property Caused by the Action of Breaking Contract

  18. 作者首先对主权债务及主权债务违约行为理论、违约诱因和形式进行梳理。

    The author firstly introduces the sovereign debt and theories , reasons and description for breaching .

  19. 任何此类违约行为都不能作为委托人要求赔偿损失的理由。

    Any such breach shall not be the basis of claim by the principal for ~ s.

  20. 另一方面又要加大对违约行为和合同违法行为的制裁力度。

    On the other hand will strengthen the sanction dynamics to the noncompliance and contract illegal activities .

  21. 这些特点使可变利率住房抵押贷款的借款人的早偿和违约行为产生了更大的不确定性。

    The differences made prepayment and default activities of adjustable rate mortgage backed securities even more uncertain .

  22. 从经济学意义上来讲导致这些违约行为产生的根本原因又是什么?

    What is the root cause , which leads to the product of violating contracts from the economic angle ?

  23. 其他乙方存在给甲方带来重大利益损失的违约行为。

    Other cases that will cause great loss of Party A 's interests due to Party B 's agreement breaches .

  24. 惩罚性赔偿则突破了这一理念,在弥补因侵权或违约行为导致的受害人的损失之外,对加害人判处额外的赔偿金。

    It sentences extra damages to inflicters besides remedying the victims ' damages because of the tort or breach of contract .

  25. 第三种观点认为,某些违约行为导致的精神损害可以请求精神损害赔偿。

    The third view is that some of the moral damage caused by the breach may request compensation for moral damage .

  26. 第二节则是分析个人住房贷款市场风险的表现。个人住房贷款的市场风险有直接表现,即市场价格波动导致借款人的违约行为。

    Secondly , taking Chengdu as example , and analyzing the market risks of personal housing consumption loan facing with Chengdu .

  27. 如当事人任何一方有违约行为,经证实后本代理协议可立即解除。

    If there be evidence of a breach of agreement by either party , the agency agreement may be cancelled immediately .

  28. 此外,如果买方的违约行为造成延期履行本合同,则买方应向供应方提供期限的延长。

    In addition , Purchaser shall grant an extension of time to Contractor if Purchaser 's default delays performance of this Contract .

  29. 当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使不能实现合同目的;

    ( iv ) the other party delayed performance or otherwise breached the contract , thereby frustrating the purpose of the contract ;

  30. 对本协议任何违约行为的明示弃权不构成对任何后续违约行为的弃权。

    Any express waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach .