
  1. 探索和完善企业经营管理人员管理制度。

    And to probe and consummate the management system of enterprises ' operation managers .

  2. 我国台湾地区药学专业人员管理制度分析

    Regulation Mechanism Analysis of Professional Pharmacist in Taiwan

  3. 他们把人员管理制度发展到了极致,青桐表示。

    They have driven their system of managing people to perfection , Qing says .

  4. 在此基础上,提出了对城市流浪乞讨人员管理制度进行重构的若干设想,以期对相关立法及管理机关有所借鉴。

    This essay brings forwards to several assumptions of reconstruction of management system of the tramps and mendicants , expecting them to be used for reference by the correlative legislation and management departments .

  5. 城市流浪乞讨人员管理制度重构&兼评《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》之得失

    The Reconstruction of the Management System of the Tramps and Mendicants in the City & And the Comment on the gain and loss of the Management Measures about Salvation of the Tramps and Mendicants with no Income in the City

  6. 本文分析了美国城市限制流浪乞讨行为的举措及其对我国流浪乞讨人员救助管理制度改革的启示。

    These measures coping with vagrancy and panhandling of American cities will have potential implications for reforming China administration of relief for vagrants and beggars .

  7. 完善专业技术人员聘任管理制度,形成较为完善的聘任、管理、考核、激励机制,促进技术人员队伍素质的整体提升。

    Improve the professional and technical personnel appointment management system , to form a more perfect appointment , management , assessment , incentives , promotion of technical personnel to enhance the overall quality .

  8. 简述了施工组织形式及其在群体工程施工中的具体应用,详述了项目组织体系中的人员管理与制度管理的具体措施,从而有力地保障了项目施工的顺利实施和管理的科学化及条理化。

    It elaborates the constructing managing format as well as its concrete application in the construction of group projects , elaborates the concrete measures of staff management and system management in item organizing system , so as to ensure the favoring implement as well as scientificity and consecution of management .

  9. 方法通过Orem自理模式在儿科的应用分析患儿的自理需求,评估患儿的自理缺陷以选择相应的护理体系,按系统有层次的配置护理人力并建立各职能层次人员的目标管理制度。

    Methods Analyzed the nursing points when using the Orem self-care model in the nursing manpower management of pediatrics , evaluated the limitation of children ′ s self-care , and then allocated nurses reasonable .

  10. 将人员素质和管理制度作为建筑火灾危险性的补偿因子,对其进行分析评价;

    Evaluate the personnel abilities and management regulations as the compensation index .

  11. 人事制度是针对特定职业人员设计的管理制度。

    The personnel system is a management system with specified professional employees as its target group .

  12. 尽管如此,我国的兽医管理工作仍与国际上对兽医管理的要求有一定差距。这需要研究和借鉴国外兽医人员管理方面的制度。

    It needs studying and drawing on the laws and regulations relating to veterinary management from foreign .

  13. 最后从人员管理、保密制度、审计制度等方面论述了电子商务的安全管理。

    Lastly , personnel management , security systems , auditing system security management and other aspects of e-commerce .

  14. 第二章对外国社区矫正制度进行了考察,介绍了国外社区矫正的种类,社区矫正的决定机关、执行机关和人员以及个案管理制度;

    Chapter 2 makes an investigation on the community corrections abroad and introduces their types , decision , organizations , administrative organizations , personnel and administrative systems .

  15. 会计委派制度作为强化会计监督,提高会计信息质量,加强会计人员管理的重要制度,对我国会计监督机制和会计人员管理体制的完善起到了积极的推动作用。

    It is an important system for strengthening accounting supervision , increasing the quality of accounting information , and improving the staff management . It plays an promoting role in perfecting the supervision system and staff management system .

  16. 我国国防预研管理起步较晚,因为军用背景的限制,从事国防预研项目管理的人员很少,管理制度和经验比较欠缺,许多管理问题有待研究解决。

    A late start of Defence Pre-research management in our country is because of the restrictions of military background , the small staff engaged in national defense pre-research project management , the lack of management system and experience .

  17. 制约廊坊市武术馆(社)发展的主要因素有:经营理念落后,经营方式单一;教练员队伍整体素质偏低;课程设置不合理;管理人员不足,管理制度落实不到位等。

    The main factors of restricting the development of martial arts schools ( associations ) in Langfang are : the lagging management ideas , a single business model , the overall low qualified coaches , the unreasonable curriculum , inadequate managerial personnel , and the implementation of management systems .

  18. 最后从时间进度、人员和业务管理、制度建设以及财务保障几个方面来保障方案的实施。

    Ensure several respects to ensure the implementation of the scheme from time schedule , human , business management , institutional improvement and financial affairs finally .

  19. 基层民警在境外人员管理中,应掌握境外人员的动态信息,建立境外人员管理制度和信息收集制度,及时迅速处置涉外案件,增强执法的国际法律意识,遵守国际规则。

    Local policemen should keep informed of the movement of the foreigners , establish administration system and information-collection system , handle foreign cases promptly and rapidly , strengthen consciousness in the international law enforcement and abide by the international law .