
  • 网络threat analysis;Threaten
  1. WWW安全威胁分析

    The Analysis of Threats to WWW Security

  2. SCTP安全威胁分析及对策

    Countermeasure and security threats analysis of SCTP

  3. 先进威胁分析:为每个已安装的BHO的使用内置的启发式机制。

    ' Advanced Threat Analysis'for each installed BHO using the built-in heuristic mechanism .

  4. 威胁分析小组称这个漏洞“可能是目前针对iPhone用户最大的一个威胁”,据称它会影响iPhoneiOS10到iOS12的每个版本。

    TAG says the exploit " may be one of the largest attacks against iPhone users ever . " It reportedly affected iPhones running iOS 10 to iOS 12 :

  5. 我们和威胁分析小组合作发现五个攻击链中共有14个漏洞:其中7个针对iPhone的网络浏览器、5个针对内核,还有2个独立的沙箱逃逸。

    Working with TAG , we discovered exploits for a total of fourteen vulnerabilities across the five exploit chains : seven for the iPhone 's web browser , five for the kernel and two separate sandbox escapes .

  6. 谷歌威胁分析小组(TAG)在博客上详细介绍了一些iOS上的漏洞,iPhone只要访问被黑客入侵的网站,这些网站就能轻易黑进iPhone。

    Google 's Threat Analysis Group ( TAG ) has published a blog post detailing a number of exploits in iOS that allowed hacked websites to hack into an iPhone simply if the iPhone visited the site .

  7. 放羊理论应用使Q连锁酒店存在加速扩张和业务增殖机会。4、放羊理论存在问题和威胁分析(1)连锁管理的标准化要求与放羊理论的自主性倾向之间相互矛盾的。

    Theoretical application of sheep there is acceleration to Q hotel chain expansion and the proliferation of business opportunities . 4 , sheep theoretical problems and threat analysis ( 1 ) chain management theory of the standardization requirements and the autonomy of sheep between the conflicting tendencies .

  8. 首先分析了联合利华在中国洗发水市场的机会与威胁分析,其次列举了联合利华的竞争优势和劣势,然后结合SWOT模型,进行了战略匹配分析。

    Firstly the thesis analyzed the opportunities and threats of Unilever in China shampoo market . Secondly the advantages and disadvantages were listed . Based on the former analysis , the strategies were set to take the use of opportunities and avoid or diminish the threats by SWOT model .

  9. 一种基于威胁分析的信息安全风险评估方法

    Risk assessment method of information security based on threat analysis

  10. 在目标威胁分析中,对目标的威胁判断又被认为是主要的研究内容。

    Target threat analysis is considered the main constituents of Target Analysis .

  11. 企业信息安全威胁分析与安全策略

    The Enterprise Information Safety Threatens the Analytical and Safe Strategy

  12. 基于事件关联的网络威胁分析技术研究

    Research of network threat analysis technique based on event correlation

  13. 路由协议威胁分析与安全性设计研究

    Research of Threats to Routing Protocol and Secure Design

  14. 基于多指标区间数关联决策模型的空中目标威胁分析

    Aerial Targets Threat Analysis Based on Incidence Decision Making Model of Multi-attribute Interval

  15. 工业控制系统中安全威胁分析与策略

    Security threat analysis and strategy in industrial control system

  16. 无线传感器网络中的安全威胁分析及对策

    Risk Analysis and Security Countermeasure about Wireless Sensor Network

  17. 他们一定会作出了自己的威胁分析和估计的风险。

    They will surely have made their own threat analysis and estimates of risks .

  18. 电话网及移动网络安全威胁分析

    Analysis of Telephone Network and GSM Security Treat

  19. 威胁分析与改进启发式更好。

    Improved Threat Analysis with better heuristics .

  20. 模糊关系方程在目标威胁分析中的应用

    Fuzzy Relation Equations in Target Threat Analysis

  21. 侦察卫星的组网及其威胁分析评估

    Reconnaissance Satellite Nets and Threat Assessment

  22. 它对收集到的用例执行风险与威胁分析,并为减轻漏洞带来的影响制订了指导准则。

    It performs risk and threat analyses on collected use cases and produces guidelines for mitigating vulnerabilities .

  23. 基于GPRS/CDMA通道的电力二次系统的安全威胁分析及对策

    Analysis and Treatment of Security Threat to Electric Power Secondary System Based on GPRS / CDMA Channel

  24. 然而,攻击建模和威胁分析工具方面的研究仍处于摸索阶段。

    However , insider attack modeling and threat analysis tools have not been evolved at the same rate .

  25. 导弹防御新途径&美国多杀伤器拦截系统及其威胁分析

    A New Way for Missile Defense : An Analysis of USA 's MKV Intercepting System and Its Threat

  26. 浙江省免疫规划工作的优势劣势机会威胁分析

    A SWOT ( Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities , Threats ) Analysis of the Current Immunization Program in Zhejiang Province

  27. 敌空袭威胁分析是研究城市防空作战的主要内容,而准确判断敌空袭威胁度是城市防空作战争取主动的前提。

    The analyse of the enemy air-raid menace degree is a main content to research on city air defence operation .

  28. 为更加精确的对特定目标进行侦察威胁分析提供了新的方法,对伪装措施的选择具有指导意义。

    A new analysis method for more accurate threat object detection , which is important for the measure camouflage , is put forward .

  29. 对信息系统风险评估的方法有多种,该文提出了基于威胁分析的量化风险评估方法。

    There are many risk assessment methods for information system , and in this paper the quantitative risk assessment method based on threat analysis is presented .

  30. 以两册有关场地安全设计的译著为基础,从场地调研、威胁分析、划分安全防范等级、制定场地安全对策四个方面介绍了美国场地安全设计体系的组成及工作流程。

    This paper introduced the American security design system from the aspect such as site survey , threat analysis , security level classification and site security countermeasures .