
  • 网络project funding
  1. 短期项目资金不充足。

    Short-term project funding is not sufficient .

  2. 加强成本控制,使项目资金计划变得合理,缩短资金回报周期。

    Tighter cost control , project funding plan to become reasonable to shorten the cycle of financial returns . 7 .

  3. 《意见》指出,把更多优质内容、先进技术、专业人才、项目资金向互联网主阵地汇集、向移动端倾斜。

    The document calls for assembling more quality content , advanced technologies , professional talent and funds to internet platforms and mobile terminals .

  4. 基于贷款能力测算的供水项目资金筹措方案研究&以NG供水项目为例

    Researches on capital financing programmes for water supply projects based on loan financing capacity

  5. 白炽灯生产企业利用企业自有投入,结合GEF项目资金,开展高效照明产品生产的转型活动。

    Combining with GEF project funds , incandescent manufacturer utilizes its own inputs to carry out the conversion project to energy efficient lighting products .

  6. 利用CAPM模型,引入项目资金结构的净现值模型对特许权期的求值是更能够准确反映项目成本和收益的科学方法。

    Using the CAPM model , the introduction in project 's capital structure model is a scientific method to reflect the cost accurately when it used to evaluate the concession period .

  7. SunRun筹措项目资金去购买、安装和维护客户的屋顶太阳能系统。

    SunRun raises project capital to buy , install , and maintain its customers'rooftop solar systems .

  8. 加强项目资金控制和成本管理的途径与措施

    Methods and Countermeasures on Strengthening Project Funds Control and Cost Management

  9. 发展中国家工业项目资金来源录;

    Directory of financial resources for industrial projects in developing countries ;

  10. 世界银行贷款项目资金成本分析

    Capital Cost Analysis of Projects Using World Bank Loan

  11. 议员有权为特定的项目资金指定用途。

    A congressman has the power to earmark funds for a specific project .

  12. 铁路建设项目资金筹措与运用分析

    Raising funds for railway construction and Its Applicable Analysis

  13. 试析通货膨胀风险对投资项目资金收益的影响

    Analysis of the impact of currency risk on captial profits of investment projects

  14. 已按计划发放用于分包工程的项目资金。

    The project fund for the subcontracted works has been released as scheduled .

  15. 世界银行贷款造林项目资金成本管理浅析

    A Study on Loan Fund 's Cost Management of Forestation from World Bank

  16. 建筑施工项目资金使用计划的研究

    Research Into Fund Utilizing Plan for Construction Project

  17. 用项目资金购置的配套设备按固定资产进行管理。

    The supporting equipment purchased by project funds shall be managed as fixed assets .

  18. 开发项目资金筹措方案评估

    Assessment scheme for raising funds of project development

  19. 资金监管从财政资金预算和资金使用效率角度建立政府投资项目资金监督约束机制;

    The fund supervisory mechanism lies in fund budget and efficiency of fund usage ;

  20. 关于做好政府投资项目资金管理的思考

    Thoughts about Improving Fund Management of Government Project

  21. 施工项目资金运用的预测

    The Forecast of Fund Application in Construction Project

  22. 我本来能自己筹集项目资金的。

    I could have funded the research project .

  23. 供热项目资金筹措的探讨

    Analysis of Financing on Centralized Heating Projects

  24. 项目资金筹措技术

    Money Raising Programs for Construction Items

  25. 州政府表示,这笔援助款包括面对未来灾害时将损失减为最小的项目资金。

    The governor says the revise total includes the cost of minimizing damage from future disasters .

  26. 电网投资项目资金需求量大,但是资金总额有限。

    Electric grid expansion projects demand for significant investment while the amount of funds is limited .

  27. 中国国家开发银行贷款项目资金管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Development of Management Information System on Item Funds for State Developing Bank of China

  28. 管理项目资金、协调国家市场计划过程、执行新产品说明和管理营销事件。

    Managing program funds , coordinating country marketing plan process , implementing new products introductions and managing marketing events .

  29. 政府从政策和项目资金等方面为蚕桑产业转移起到较好的指导和推动作用。

    The government from the policy and financial aspects to be better guide and promote the transfer of sericulture industry .

  30. 联邦和州政府稳定的基金资助是国家风景道体系建设项目资金的重要来源。

    The stable federal and state funding is the importance financial resource for the construction of national scenic byway system .