
  1. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)中国房地产业分析师杜劲松表示,随着开发商推迟新项目开工,土地交易量也大幅下降,而且随着购房人买房意愿进一步减弱,土地交易量可能持续走弱。

    The volume of land transactions has also dropped sharply as developers hold off on new projects and will probably continue to weaken as homebuyer sentiment falls further , says Du Jinsong , China property analyst at Credit Suisse .

  2. 白色家电的产量增长大幅放缓,建筑业看起来摇摇欲坠,最近去过中国的高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家预计,一季度项目开工量将同比下降20%至30%。

    Growth in production of white goods has slowed significantly and the construction sector is looking shaky , with Goldman Sachs economists returning from a recent trip with predictions of a 20-30 per cent year-on-year drop in first quarter project starts .

  3. 火电基本建设项目开工排序决策探讨

    Discussion on Decision of Base Building Project Plan in thermal Power Plant

  4. 土地征用在工程各标段项目开工建设前完成;

    Land requisition shall be completed before commencement of project in each bid section ;

  5. 项目开工以后根据项目目标编制工程质量计划,明确编制目的、编制依据及措施等。

    Quality plans are prepared according to project target after the commencement of construction to specify preparation objective , basis and measures .

  6. 政府可能还会考虑允许更多项目开工或者放宽融资环境,这将增加住房供应,从而最终压低房价。

    The government could additionally consider permitting more buildings or making financing easier , which would boost supply and eventually reduce prices .

  7. 王靖表示,香尼集团在项目开工之前,自身资金已经足够承担运营成本。该项目计划于2014年年底开工。

    Mr Wang says HKND could cover the operational cost before the start of construction , scheduled for late 2014 , with its own funds .

  8. 通过控制独立煤电项目开工建设和制定政策促进煤电企业互相参股,推进煤电一体化的发展。

    We should promote the participation between the coal and power industry and the development of the coal and electricity integration by controlling the independent coal power project and policy formulation .

  9. 据美联社报道,24日,伊朗最大的炼油厂发生爆炸,伊朗总统内贾德正要来此地参加扩建项目开工仪式。

    An explosion rocked Iran 's largest oil refinery Tuesday as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was about to arrive at the site to inaugurate an expansion project at the refinery , AP reported .

  10. 近几年来,煤化工产业在我国得到快速发展,煤制甲醇、煤制乙二醇等一大批项目开工建设。

    In recent years , coal chemical industry is in the rapid development of our country , a large number of projects such as coal to methanol , ethylene glycol , etc. are in the construction .

  11. 近几年来,伴随着我国经济的迅速发展,每年都有大量的工程建设项目开工建设,在这种环境下我国勘察设计企业无论在数量上还是在规模上都获得了前所未有的发展。

    In recent years , a large number of construction projects are undertaken with the rapid economic development in our country . In this setting , survey and design enterprises obtain unprecedented development both in numbers and scope .

  12. 项目开工之前应根据工程的特点,制定需要编写的施工组织设计和施工方案的清单,明确完成时间和责任人。

    Before the commencement of construction , the list of construction organization plan and construction scheme required to be prepared shall be worked out according to the characteristics of the project to specify the completion time and person in charge .

  13. 伯恩斯坦研究公司的分析者认为,如果当前趋势得以保持,那么美国将有74项新涡轮机项目开工,较去年的64项有所上升,但仍低于金融危机前的增长水平,更不可与1999-2001年的疯狂攀升同日而语(看图表)。

    If recent trends continue , Bernstein 's analysts reckon that about 74 new gas-turbine projects will get started in America , up from 64 last year . But this is still below the level in the boom before the financial crisis and nothing compared with the mad dash for gas seen in 1999-2001 ( see chart ) .

  14. 过去一年,很多大型住宅项目纷纷开工建设,包括海德公园营房(HydeParkBarracks)数百万英镑的重建项目。

    In the past year , a rash of large-scale housing projects have got under way , including the multimillion-pound redevelopment of Hyde Park Barracks .

  15. 价格下跌正迫使能源公司削减预算,暂停部分新项目的开工。

    Lower prices are forcing energy companies to cut their budgets and hold back on starting some new projects .

  16. 一个规模更大的项目即将开工,那就是连接香港、澳门和珠海、全长29公里的大桥。

    A much grander project about to get under way is a 29-km bridge linking Hong Kong with Macao and Zhuhai .

  17. 不过,月度投资数据极不可靠,而且,在一年的最后一个月,地方官员往往热衷于将新项目的开工日期推迟到下一年,从而可能进一步导致12月份的投资数据失真。

    But monthly investment figures are notoriously unreliable , and could have been further skewed last month by local officials keen to push the start of new projects into the new year .

  18. 2003年众多企业建设或技改项目竞相开工建设,中国的钢铁行业将逐步走入供给过剩和激烈竞争的风雨期。

    With more and more steel works and technical innovation projects putting into construction in 2003 , China 's steel industry will increasingly step into a hard time of sharp competition and oversupply .

  19. 当地的区政府似乎作出退让,称如果没有得到公众“理解支持”,该项目不会开工,并促请人们不要再抗议。

    The district government appeared to back off with an announcement stating that the project would be suspended if it did not gain public " understanding and support " and asking people not to protest any more .

  20. 随着西部大开发、西电东送以及南水北调等国家级大工程项目的开工建设,高坝大库的建设越来越多。

    Along with the development of the West Regions , West-East electricity transmission project , South-to-North Water Transfer project are under way , there are more and more constructions of high dam and giant reservoir coming up .

  21. 一个水利工程项目从开工到竣工投入运行的施工过程中,只要某一环节上出现问题,都会影响工程质量的提高或可能埋下质量事故隐患。

    In the construction course from begging to completion to running for a water conservancy , if even there is a problem in a certain link , it will influence on the project quality or could bury the hidden trouble of quality accident .

  22. 1946年4月3日,图灵和沃默斯利正式拜访了邮政实验室,继而他们的项目得以开工了,但却是以一种断断续续的方式,朝着一个不确定的方向,而且有着无法估计的时间延误。

    Alan and Womersley made an official visit to Dollis Hill on 3 April 1946 , and thereafter work began - but in a desultory way , with the effect of creating an unforeseen delay , and a sense of uncertainty as to direction .

  23. 许多抗议活动中的居民是在项目即将开工时才听说这些有潜在危险的项目,但据国有媒体报道,江门市有关部门说,在该项目计划开工时间之前很早就通知了公众。

    A number of protests have erupted when residents have learned of potentially hazardous projects only as construction is about to get under way , though in Jiangmen authorities said they notified the public well in advance of the project 's planned start date , according to state media .

  24. 在商贸领域,中国企业与当地公司合作开发的安哥拉国际商贸城项目已经开工,建成后将成为西南部非洲最大的商贸物流中心、会展中心和投资服务中心。

    In the field of commerce and trade , the construction of the Angola International Trade Center , jointly initiated by Chinese and local enterprises , has been started . When completed , the project will be the largest commercial logistics , convention and investment service center in southwest Africa .

  25. 随着许多新工厂和项目的最近开工,以太网组件的需求将继续爆炸式增长。

    With many new plants and projects started recently , the demand for Ethernet components will continue to grow explosively .

  26. 项目要尽早开工,力争在年内形成更多的工作量。

    Try to start construction as early as possible , so as to form more work volume within the year .

  27. 蒙斯塔出人意料地联合挪威政府和三家石油公司(挪威国家石油公司、壳牌和南非的萨索尔)开发的价值十亿美元的项目已经正式开工。

    Mongstad-a billion-dollar development owned jointly by the Norwegian government and three oil companies , Statoil , Shell and Sasol of South Africa-is a rare exception that has actually opened .

  28. 适当时,XXX项目试运行包括开工前功能测试,它是一个联合系统。

    Commissioning involves pre-start function testing of the XXX project as combined systems where appropriate .

  29. 他拒绝透露该项目将于何时开工。

    He declined to say when work on the project might begin .

  30. 该项目于1933年开工,历时4年完工。

    The project took four years to complete .