
  • 网络as-build drawing;As-built drawing;As- built Drawing
  1. 承包商应基于现场反馈编制竣工图。

    Contractor shall prepare as-built drawings based on the site feed back .

  2. 施工图不应用作施工记录图或竣工图。

    Shop drawings shall not be used as record drawings or as-built drawings .

  3. 利用AutoCAD二次开发技术建立电力竣工图索引

    Establishment of Power Completion Work Chart Index Using AutoCAD Secondary Development technology

  4. 必要信息参见竣工图。

    Obtain the necessary information from the " as-built " documentation .

  5. 必须记录下不同于竣工图的任何误差。

    Any variances against the as-build documentation has to be recorded .

  6. 山西滴水坝和石头窑洞竣工图平面图(简单)。

    Shanxi dam and stone cave drops plan built drawings ( simple ) .

  7. 指定分包商同时应维护竣工图绘制所需的记录。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor shall also maintain records necessary for the preparation of as-built drawings .

  8. 设计修改的证明文件、变更图和竣工图。

    Design the certificate of the modification and change the diagram with finish construction the diagram .

  9. 他是一个某工行完整竣工图。

    ICBC completed a full map .

  10. 如无竣工图,承包商应收集现有设备的所有信息。

    The Contractor shall gather all information from existing facilities in case as-built drawings are not available .

  11. 鉴于工程竣工图的制作,准备工程师要求的信息。

    Preparation of information as required by the Engineer for the purpose of preparing as-built drawings for the works .

  12. 提供竣工图、操作手册、备件清单、安全连续操作的任何其他建议、维护要求等。

    Furnish'as built'drawings , operation manual , list of spares , any other recommendation for safe and continues operation , maintenance requirement etc.

  13. 这些特征的逐步完善最终都反映在竣工图中。在检测和移交阶段,通常还以最终运行调整的形式进一步完善这些特征。

    This further elaboration of the deliverables is captured in as-built drawings , and final operating adjustments are made during testing and turnover .

  14. 本文介绍了基于管道数字化成果自动绘制竣工图的方法,阐述了自动绘制竣工图的意义。

    This article describes the method of automatically drawing completion drawings based on the results of Digitized Pipeline , plaintion the meaning of automatically drawing completion drawings .

  15. 在工程量清单模式,由于招标工程量清单与最终竣工图工程量存在差异,存在投标单位采用不平衡报价的风险。

    BOQ model , the tender bill of quantities and eventually built drawings project the amount of difference , there is the tender units to the risk of unbalanced offer .

  16. 最后一笔期中付款将在所有的竣工图和不符合缺陷清单得到处理并且经指定分包商和承包商签署后支付。

    The final interim payment will not be issued until all the as-built drawings and non-compliance list of defects have been attended to and endorsed by nominated Subcontractor and the contractor .

  17. 本系统可以实现对变电站、开关站、配电室、电缆、竖井、沟道及高压用户等空间位置、图形资料(包括一次接线图、竣工图、断面图)、电缆台帐信息的综合管理;

    And so , the GIS-based Electric cable information management system can administrate transformer substation , switch substation , power distribution room , power cable , silo , canal and high voltage user according to their location , drawings , cable records .

  18. 利用土地利用现状图、竣工验收图,以及自然、社会、经济调查资料和实验室分析的数据,在EXCEL软件的支持下,建立了基础数据库。

    Make basic database by EXCEL , with present land-use map , final acceptance map , and data from nature / social / economic survey or lab analysis .

  19. 如果所得测量值与“竣工”图不一致,那么必须重新调整高度及搭接长度。

    If measurement differ from " as-built " drawings it will be necessary to re-adjust the height and stagger .

  20. 建筑物与核定工程图样完全相符者,免附竣工平面图及立面图。

    Where the building is completely the same as described in the approved working drawings , the as-built plan and elevation views are not required .

  21. 在施工测量中,利用常规方法绘制施工区小范围的原始和竣工地形图并进行工程计量工作,不仅效率低,且精度不高,不能满足要求。

    In the construction survey , it is not only low efficiency but also low precision to use conventional method to draw original and finish terrain map in a small range of construction area and do some computation of engineering quantities , which can not meet the request of engineering .

  22. 通过理论研究、工程实践以及对建筑工程的重要性的研究,研究总结出一些编制竣工总平图的可行的方法。

    In this paper , some researches in theory and practice are carried out . and its importance is studied .

  23. 承包商应制作“竣工”面板位置图、布线图和互连图。

    Contractor shall produce " as-built " panel location , wiring and interconnection drawings .

  24. 竣工决算超施工图预算的原因剖析及防治

    A study on the causes of completion budget beyond working drawing estimate and its prevention measures

  25. 基建工程决算审计中的问题、原因及重点竣工决算超施工图预算的原因剖析及防治

    Stressing the Essential Question in Order to Do Well Audit of Capital construction Engineering Returns A study on the causes of completion budget beyond working drawing estimate and its prevention measures

  26. 竣工测量与竣工总平面图的编制方法

    Preparing method for completion surveying and completion general layout