
  • 网络Completion date;Date of completion
  1. 预计竣工日期为2001年7月1日。

    The completion date will be on July 1st 2001 .

  2. 请问您建设者坚定的竣工日期,对建造你的家。

    Ask your builder for a firm completion date on the construction of your home .

  3. 我们在等待的竣工日期是什么时间?

    What delivery date are we looking at ?

  4. 关键里程碑工程当前预测竣工日期与预定竣工日期之间的对比。

    A comparison of currently forecast completion dates and scheduled completion dates for key milestones .

  5. 这也是目前进行计划,通过竣工日期为2012年。

    It is also currently being seismically retrofitted , with a planned completion date in2012 .

  6. 美国国务院坚持固定的建筑成本和竣工日期,对预算超支或延期完工有预定的处罚。

    The State Department insists on fixed prices and completion dates , with predetermined penalties for overruns .

  7. 如果超过商定竣工日期工程还没有结束,承建商将不得不付给我们赔偿金。

    The builder will have to pay us compensation if the work continues beyond the agreed completion date .

  8. 他们将与对方的律师和安排交接日期和竣工日期。

    They will communicate with the other party 's solicitor and arrange a handover date and completion date .

  9. 所以这是一个好主意,一旦你知道的竣工日期为您的移动,你开始规划。

    So it is a good idea that , as soon as you know the completion date for your move , that you start planning .

  10. 指定分包商负责向承包商加亮突出超过基线计划竣工日期一个月的不利时间表偏差。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor is responsible to highlight to the contractor when ever the adverse schedule deviation from the baseline programme completion date exceeds one month .

  11. 但是自从艺术馆竣工日期延迟后,他说,他觉得自己没有能力再完成一个四年任期了。

    But after delays in the schedule for the museum 's completion , he said , he felt unable to commit to an additional four years .

  12. “竣工日期”指依照合同规定完成工作的日期,尽管承包商在本合同条款下还负有持续义务或责任。

    " Completion date " means the date on which the work is required to have been completed in accordance to the contract , notwithstanding any continuing obligations or liabilities of the Contractor under the provisions of the contract .

  13. 这种方法需要准确地界定延误事件在实施计划中的时间点,我们首先要做的就是要尽可能详细地掌握那些已竣工活动的日期。

    This requires first the identification of the as-built dates for the construction activities in sufficient detail for a meaningful identification of delays to be made .