
  • 网络The American Lawyer;lawyer;US BAR;The Lawyers
  1. 所以,下面这段争吵听上去让人感觉很新鲜。据《美国律师》报道,争吵发生在纽约和加里福利亚两位首席检察官之间。

    So it is refreshing to hear an exchange such as the following , between the attorneys-general of New York and California , as reported in the American Lawyer .

  2. 职工持股又称员工持股计划,由美国律师路易斯.凯尔索于1953年最早提出。

    Workers holding the shares , which is also called as the workers shareholding plan , was firstly proposed by the American lawyer Louis Kelso in 1953 .

  3. 在无忧无虑的美国律师界,世上最简单的事情就是提出诉讼。

    In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action .

  4. 求职申请中可能会提到求职者与"威斯康星州非裔美国律师协会"或"全国黑人雇员协会"等团体的关系,这显然会产生超出其成员控制范围的影响。

    A job application might mention affiliations with groups such as the " Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers " or the " National Black Employees Association , " the names of which apparently have consequences , and are also beyond their members ' control .

  5. 当他们停下来后,美国律师问他们是否想去美国做法律工作。

    When they stopped , the American attorney asked if they wanted to go to America to practice law .

  6. 去年,美国律师协会(theAmericanBarAssociation)认为:利用犯罪嫌疑人的资料来建立数据库的作法应该被禁止,犯罪实验室检测数据库中DNA的行为应当被起诉。

    Last year , the American Bar Association recommended that suspect databases be banned and that labs that use them be prosecuted .

  7. 美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)表示,在房地产交易中,肯定应该对马尔金这样的政府官员给予更密切的关注,但该机构的指导方针是自愿执行的。

    The American Bar Association suggests that government officials like Mr. Malkin warrant enhanced scrutiny in real estate deals , but its guidelines are voluntary .

  8. 提案的反对压力来自美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)、美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),以及一个较不知名但颇具影响力的游说团体:全美州务卿协会(NationalAssociationofSecretariesofState)。

    Opposition comes from the American Bar Association , the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a less-known but powerful lobby , the National Association of Secretaries of State .

  9. 随着免费法律援助时间减少,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)和其他团体正在探所新的方式招募律师志愿者来帮助有需要的人们处理复杂的法律事务。

    As free legal hours fall , the American Bar Association and other groups are trying to come up with new ways to enlist lawyers to assist in navigating the court system .

  10. 为此,上个月美国律师协会举办了首个全美法律援助峰会(NationalProBonoSummit),探索提高律师参与度的新方式。

    In response , the ABA held its first national pro bono summit last month to explore new ways to ramp up lawyer participation .

  11. 而只有当那些与DEA及其他执法机关密切合作的美国律师开始发难这些企业时,变化才会产生。

    Change will happen when U.S. attorneys , working closely with DEA and other law enforcement entities begin enforcing against these businesses .

  12. 这位成功且胸怀大志的美国律师上月脱离了传统的法律职业道路,离开力拓并出任cpaglobal战略总监一职。

    A high-flying US lawyer , this month she deviated from the traditional legal career path to leave Rio Tinto and take up a position as director of strategy at CPA global .

  13. 在一些幻灭的毕业生和一些教授的施压下,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)首次公布了上一年度找到全职永久律师职位的毕业生数量。

    Under pressure from disillusioned graduates and some professors , the American Bar Association for the first time released a tally of the previous year 's graduates who have secured full-time , permanent jobs as lawyers .

  14. 塔玛纳哈认为,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)的评审机制过度鼓励了法学院的“学术模式”。在这种模式下,薪水可观的教授很少带课,从而可以腾出时间撰写法律学术文章或者开展研究。

    Tamanaha says that the American Bar Association accreditation system has excessively encouraged a " scholarly model " where handsomely paid professors teach few courses so they have time to write law journal articles or conduct research .

  15. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家davidgoldstone认为。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm .

  16. 在北京工作的美国律师吉莫曼(JamesZimmerman)说,政治和贸易无法分开,但明显的政治姿态会招致同样的反应。

    James Zimmerman , a Beijing-based American lawyer , said politics and trade can 't be separated but that ' overt political posturing welcomes a like response .

  17. 即便如此,美国律师协会仍然暂时批准了更多法学院的设立。该协会的官方网站显示,其中包括加利福尼亚大学欧文分校法学院(UniversityofCalifornia-IrvineSchoolofLaw)和麻省大学法学院达特茅斯分院(UniversityofMassachusettsLawSchool-Dartmouth)。

    Even so , the ABA has provisionally approved the creation of even more law schools , including the University of California-Irvine School of Law and the University of Massachusetts Law School-Dartmouth , according to the bar association 's website .

  18. 但他们在每个路口都抵制走这条路,拒绝调查顶级高管的受贿丑闻,而且在去年压下了美国律师迈克尔加西亚(MichaelGarcia)就世界杯申办过程撰写的调查报告。

    But they resisted at every turn , refusing to investigate bribery scandals against top executives and last year suppressing a report by an American lawyer , Michael Garcia , into the World Cup bidding process .

  19. 美国律师PatrickFitzgerald说,州长试图从委任新的参议员职位中获益,联邦调查局及时阻止了这种腐败行为。

    U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald says investigators stepped in to end what he characterized as a corruption " crime spree " that included charges of trying to profit from the filling of President-elect Obama 's U.S. Senate seat .

  20. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家DavidGoldstone认为。在很多国家,注册专利费钱又费时,很难进行。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm . Registering patents in many countries is both costly and time-consuming , and they may prove hard to enforce .

  21. 报告称,这种手法非常罕见,以致雷曼找不到一家美国律师事务所来发表相关法律意见,而只能委托英国的年利达(Linklaters)。

    The device was so rare that Lehman could not find a US law firm to give a legal opinion on it , using instead UK-based Linklaters , says the report .

  22. 90年代末,在北京开设当代艺廊的美国律师马芝安(MegMaggio)遇到了张小涛,那时他会在北京、上海及香港展示自己的作品。

    In the late " 90s , Meg Maggio , an American lawyer who ran a contemporary gallery in Beijing , met Mr. Zhang when he was showing his work in Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  23. 根据期刊《美国律师》(AmericanLawyer),2014年美国有74所律所每名合伙人的平均利润超过100万美元,其中收入最高的律所Wachtell,Lipton,Rosen&Katz,每名合伙人的平均利润达到了550万美元。

    In the US in 2014 , 74 firms enjoyed profits per partner of more than $ 1m , with Wachtell , Lipton , Rosen & Katz , the highest earners , turning in profits per partner of $ 5.5m , according to the journal American Lawyer .

  24. 但在参议院要想获得大多数的认可将是一场斗争,尽管美国律师协会(依据NRA的主张)已经证实了该条约不违反宪法中的枪支保有制。

    But getting the two-thirds majority in the Senate needed for ratification will be a struggle , even though the American Bar Association has confirmed the treaty does not infringe any constitutional right to bear arms ( as the NRA claims ) .

  25. 其中一块残骸是美国律师及业余调查者布莱恩•吉布森(BlaineGibson)在2月份发现的,而另一块残骸是由南非少年利亚姆•洛特(LiamLotter)去年12月在莫桑比克度假时找到的。

    One of the pieces of debris was discovered by an American lawyer and amateur investigator Blaine Gibson in February while the other was found by a South African teenager Liam Lotter , who was on holiday in Mozambique in December .

  26. 1752名苹果电脑出现问题的用户共同组成了一个脸书网组织,网站Staingate。该网站表示到目前为止有2500人互相联系。美国律师事务所WhitfieldBryson&Mason已开始与该脸书网组织联系,提供调查。

    A Facebook group formed by people experiencing problems with their Macbook screens has 1752 members , and Staingate claims to have been contacted by more than 2500 people so far.US legal firm Whitfield Bryson & Mason has contacted the Facebook group offering to investigate 。

  27. 我在为美国律师办公室调查这个案子。

    I 'm working this case for the u.s.attorney 's office .

  28. 美国律师称这起事件为现代奴役案。

    The U.S. attorney is calling it a case of modern-day slavery .

  29. 我们是讲中文的美国律师。

    We are Chinese Speaking Immigration Lawyers in South Florida .

  30. 美国律师事务所在这里干什么呢调查一宗自杀案吗

    What 's the U.S. attorney 's office doing investigating a suicide ?