
  • American Consulate;US Consulate;United States Consulate
  1. 连驻香港的美国领事馆也关注这事。

    Even the US consulate in Hong Kong was concerned about the issue .

  2. 20世纪40年代新疆政局风暴与美国领事馆

    The Political Storms of Xinjiang in the 1940 's and the US Consulate

  3. 美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟的大厦。

    The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux .

  4. NPR的克雷格·温德姆报道,其中一个很可能提出的问题是上个月在利比亚,班加西美国领事馆遭到袭击的事情。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports one topic expected to surface tonight is last month 's deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi , Libya .

  5. 2012年驻利比亚班加西的美国领事馆被袭事件的幸存者也被安排了发言,几名在初选中被特朗普击败的对手也被安排发言,如参议员特德·克鲁兹(TedCruz)和本·卡森(BenCarson)。

    Survivors of the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi , Libya , are scheduled to speak , as are several of Mr. Trump 's vanquished rivals from the primary contest , like Senator Ted Cruz and Ben Carson .

  6. 他已向美国领事馆申请签证。

    He has applied to the American consul for a visa .

  7. 美国领事馆可以对这些情况提供详细说明。

    The United States Consulate can provide further information about these requirements .

  8. 2012年,美国领事馆建筑成为打击目标。

    In 2012 the U.S. consulate building there was targeted .

  9. 你们会帮助我们准备在美国领事馆的面签吗?

    Will you help us prepare for our interview at the US Consular Office ?

  10. 据报道班加西去年在美国领事馆的致命袭击造成大使和其他三名美国人被杀害,

    Benghazi was said last year deadly attacked on US consulate which ambassador and three other Americans were killed ,

  11. 但目前还不清楚被攻击的目标是土耳其警察检查站还是美国领事馆。

    But it is still not clear whether the police or the consulate was the target of the attack .

  12. 我所有的朋友们准备要求联邦调查局和美国领事馆在中国找我。

    All my friends were ready to call the FBI and the American Consulate in China to look for me .

  13. 这名狱警是边境城市华雷斯美国领事馆一名官员的丈夫。

    The guard was the husband of an official from the US consulate in the border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  14. 如果有任何一家类似的机构跟你说他们跟美国领事馆有特殊关系,千万别相信。

    If any such organization tells you that they have a special relationship with the Consulate , do not believe them .

  15. 他们仍到美国领事馆去探问美国能否以某种方式进行仲裁。

    They went to the American consulate and asked if the United States could not in some way arbitrate the incident .

  16. 他和乘坐另外一辆车的美国领事馆职员和她的丈夫一起遇难。

    He was killed along with a member of the consular staff and her husband who were traveling in another car .

  17. 最后,一定要牢记:美国领事馆与任何签证中介机构都没有关联,无论何时何地都如此。

    Finally , be sure to remember : the US Consulate does not have a relationship with any visa agent , anywhere .

  18. 在过去的这个周末,我们去参加了华雷斯美国领事馆那名美国女子的葬礼。

    This past weekend , we went to the funeral of an American woman who worked at the U.S. consulate in Juarez .

  19. 在这次访问之前,美国领事馆三名相关人员在墨西哥边境城市华雷斯被杀害。

    Her visit follows the recent murder of three people connected to the United States'Consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  20. 在议会上提议了一项两党提案,为全世界的美国领事馆提供更多的资源来缩减签证等待时间,要求等待时间在两周之内。

    A bipartisan bill being proposed in Washington would provide more resources to consulates around the world to cut wait times to just under two weeks .

  21. 如果你居住在海外,需要回国去当地的美国领事馆申请美国签证,你就需要联系在你的国家的主办方的办事处或者授权的咨询机构或安置机构。

    S.consulate in your home country , you will need to contact an SPONSER office in your country or an authorized consulting agency or placement agency there .

  22. Redelfs和他怀孕的妻子在华雷斯美国领事馆工作,他们身中数枪,死在白色的休旅车内。

    Redelfs and his pregnant wife , Lesley , who worked at the US consulate in Juarez , died in their white sport utility vehicle after being shot times .

  23. 在那次袭击事件之后,美国领事馆从市中心迁到目前这个位于山上更安全的位置。

    Following that attack , the U.S. consulate was moved from the center of the city to its present , more secure , location on top of a hill .

  24. 雷德尔弗斯的妻子莱斯莉已经怀孕,在华雷斯的美国领事馆工作。他们驾驶的白色的越野车遭多处枪击,夫妻双双死于非命。

    Redelfs and his pregnant wife , Lesley , who worked at the US consulate in Juarez , died in their white sport utility vehicle after being shot multiple times .

  25. 我们对你家人的签证申请是不收费的,除了一点点交给美国领事馆的申请费。

    There is no additional cost that we charge for your family members to apply and be approved for the visa , except sometimes a small government application fee at the US Consular Office .

  26. 巴基斯坦数百名抗议者与警方产生冲突,他们试图闯入位于卡拉奇(巴基斯坦港市)的美国领事馆。抗议者突入领事馆后,警察对抗议者使用了催泪弹和高压水炮。

    Hundreds of protesters clashed with Pakistani police as they tried to march toward the U.S. consulate in Karachi , police fired tear gas and water cannons at the protesters after they broke through .

  27. 如果你要到“梦之国”和“丰饶庄园”去的话,就要在美国领事馆留下8个手指外加两个拇指的手印。

    And then you have to leave the prints of all your eight fingers and two thumbs with the US consulate to get a visa to the " Land of Dreams " and " Pastures of Plenty " .

  28. 攻击美国领事馆或设施是这样一起创伤事件,因为美国外交官,他们是用生命来帮助美国进一步接触到一个国家。

    An attack on a US consulate or facilities is such a traumatic event because there are US diplomats that putting their lives on the line to help further US pollicy and to help reach out to a country .

  29. 之后,你可以去美国总领事馆索取签证。

    After that , you 're supposed to get a visa from the American Embassy .

  30. 此节目由美国总领事馆讯息资源中心协办。

    This programme is jointly presented with Information Resource Centre , US Consulate General , Hong Kong .