
tōnɡ xìn zhōnɡ xīn
  • communication center
  1. E语言是由国家电力调度通信中心开发的电力系统数据模型描述语言。

    E language is a data model descriptive language for the power system developed by National Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center .

  2. 介绍了静态电压稳定域可视化系统的理论与数值仿真依据,以及在河南电网调度通信中心能量管理系统(EMS)上的可视化软件的开发情况。

    The visualization system for the static voltage stability region is described , including its theory , numerical simulation basis , and the software development based on the energy management system ( EMS ) of Henan Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center .

  3. IBM提供了支持对服务进行个性化和整合的技术,可使电视成为家中的娱乐、信息和通信中心。

    IBM provides technology which enables personalization and consolidation of services so that televisions can become a center for entertainment , information , and communication at home .

  4. 两部分内容组成了支持组件接口规范(ComponentInterfaceSpecification,CIS)的EMS软总线。此项工作已通过国家电力调度通信中心主持的互操作测试。

    Finally , an open soft-bus for EMS supporting Component Interface Specification ( CIS ) is implemented and its practicality is verified by the interoperation test organized by National Power Dispatching & Communication Centre of China .

  5. 介绍福建电力调度通信中心新开发的调度员培训系统(DTS)的网络需求、DTS整体网络方案、网络连接方式、网络通信方式及其在反事故演习中应用情况。

    This paper describes the network project of Fujian Electrical Power Dispatching Training System , in order to adapt to the requirements of the provincial joint anti-accident exercise .

  6. 长期以来,马尼拉一直自认为是运输和通信中心,但是,美国的联邦快递(FedEx)正要把自己的区域分销中心从菲律宾迁至中国广州,称这是顺应制造业和贸易的趋势。

    Manila has long regarded itself as a hub for transport and communications , but FedEx of the US is moving its regional distribution centre from the Philippines to Guangzhou in China , citing trends in manufacturing and trading .

  7. 设计开发基于微机的实时数字试验装置,利用本装置在东北电力调度通信中心进行了大量继电保护装置的闭环试验,并与RTDS装置的试验结果进行了对比。

    Many closed-loop testings for protecton equipments are done in the dispatch center of northeast power grid with the equipment developed by this dissertation . At the same time , we have done contrastive simulation experiments between this system and RTDS .

  8. 程序安装到国家电力调度通信中心的CC-2000系统上,于2004年1月投入运行,经过这半年的运行证明程序在收敛性和估计精度方面都满足了实时应用的要求。

    The program had been installed on CC-2000 systems in National Power Dispatching and Communication Centre . The program came into use in Jan , 2004 . It has operated for a half year very well . It is concluded that program can do well with realtime data .

  9. 他们决定攻击民用和军用通信中心。

    They decided to attack civil and military communications centres .

  10. 中国电信广州分公司国际通信中心;

    CAI Han-chong International communication center , Guangzhou Branch , China Telecom .

  11. 然后,分多个方面介绍了数据通信中心的实现。

    Then the implementation of data communication was introduced in several different aspects .

  12. 浅谈电力调度通信中心大楼工艺智能化建设

    Analysis on the Construction of Intelligent Technology in Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center

  13. 日本全球通信中心站点

    Japan 's center for global communications site

  14. 港口通信中心信号站

    Port Communications Centre Signal Station

  15. 因而通过通信中心的显示器可以远程监视和控制整个采矿作业。

    The entire mining operation can thus be monitored and controlled remotely via monitors in the communications center .

  16. 该系统已成功应用于天津电力调度通信中心。

    The developed system has been successfully applied in Tianjin Electric Power Company Dispatching & Communication Center . 2 .

  17. 交通部无线电管理领导小组办公室亦设在中国交通通信中心。

    The Radio Leadership Team Office is co-located with in China Transportation & Telecommunication Center who introduces enterprise-style management .

  18. 福建省电力调度通信中心大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制

    The control technology of thermal cracks in the mass concrete in the electric power dispatch and communicating center of Fujian Province

  19. 依照本文的设计方案,重庆电力调度通信中心的调度管理信息系统已取得满意的设计效果。

    With the result of this designing scheme , the DMIS of ChongQing Power Dispatch and Communication Central gains a satisfying effect .

  20. 嘉峪关密码没有这么多的“要隘在天堂”作为一项重要的通信中心,中国历史。

    Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the " Strategic pass Under the Heaven " as an important communication center in Chinese history .

  21. 由于三峡梯调通信中心在数据应用上有着特殊的需求,这样的要求对于三峡梯调通信中心的业务体系网络设计有着重大的影响。

    It influence the system design of Three Gorges cascade dispatching center much because the epical application in data in Three Gorges cascade dispatching center .

  22. 文章的最后结合以上研究技术在三峡梯调通信中心的气象信息存储管理和显示分析系统的建设中进行了设计和实现;

    Finally , the article introduces the design and implement of the meteorological information storage management and display analysis system in Three Gorges Dispatching Center .

  23. 飞华公司是隶属于国电通信中心,具有电力资本背景的新型网络运营商。

    Feihua Company is a new-type trader running network with capital background of electric power , which subordinate the country electricity and communications in the center .

  24. 辽宁电力调度通信中心系统运行处担负着电网运行方式安排,新设备投运、运行设备检修计划、无功电压管理等工作,是保证电网安全稳定运行的重要部门。

    Liaoning Power Patching Communication Center Operation Office is responsible for the power operation mode arrangement , new equipment transportation , operating equipment maintenance , voltage without power management , and etc.

  25. 为了找到它,该团队运用了位于加利福尼亚州的戈德斯通深层空间通信中心的70公尺口径天线,向月球发出强大的微波束。

    To find the spacecraft , the team used NASA 's 70-meter antenna at the agency 's Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California to send out a powerful beam of microwaves directed toward the moon .

  26. 本文系统介绍现代商用建筑中空调系统的负荷特点和设计准则,这些商用建筑包括餐饮中心,办公楼,保龄球馆和通信中心等。

    This paper introduces both the load Characterstics and design criterias that apply to modern air conditioning systems of commercial buildings . Specific information included on dining centers , office buildings , bowling centers and communication centers are covered .

  27. 天津电力调度通信中心是天津地区电力调度系统正常、安全和经济运转的核心,也是电力系统自动化及通信网络的核心。

    Tianjin Electric Power Dispatch & Communication Center ensures the normality and safety of electric power dispatch system and business operation in Tianjin region , which is also the core of the automation of electric power system and communication network .

  28. 通信保障中心与美国发达的工业界广泛合作,他们在柯达公司、国家收银机器公司,还有IBM公司的协助下,设计和制造各种机器。

    The CSAW was already closely connected with the most advanced sections of American industry , using Eastman Kodak , National Cash Register , and IBM to plan and build its machinery .

  29. 本文以中科院上海无线通信研究中心的WiMAX基带FPGA原型系统研制项目为背景,对WiMAX自适应调制编码系统进行了算法研究、性能仿真测试和基于FPGA的硬件实现。

    The work in this paper was grounded by the project of WiMAX PHY & MAC layer FPGA prototype from Shanghai Research Center of Wireless communication , China Academic Science .

  30. 中国网通大连通信枢纽中心空调设计

    Air conditioning system design for CNC Dalian Communication Center