
tōng hūn
  • be related by marriage;intermarry
通婚 [tōng hūn]
  • [intermarry;be related by marriage] 双方结成姻亲

  • 中外通婚有增多趋势

通婚[tōng hūn]
  1. 他们未被禁止与当地人通婚。

    They were not forbidden to intermarry with the local people .

  2. 他们被获许通婚。

    They were allowed to intermarry

  3. 一些商人定居下来,并与当地妇女通婚。

    Some of the traders settled and intermarried with local women .

  4. 他来自一个古老的近亲通婚的家族。

    He came from an old inbred family .

  5. 通婚并不少见。

    Intermarriages were not uncommon .

  6. 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

    For two millennia , exogamy was a major Transgression for jews .

  7. 哈克史密斯的理论是有证据支撑的,DNA检测表明人类和穴居人之间有通婚繁衍的迹象。

    Evidence to back up his theory is DNA tests show that humans and Neanderthals did interbreed .

  8. Amish人很少和他们宗派以外的人通婚。

    Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect .

  9. 兰宁家族,他们与德格拉斯伯爵的后代近亲通婚;还有范德卢顿一家,他n〕是曼哈顿首任荷兰总督的直系后代,独立战争前与法国及英国的几位贵族有姻亲关系。

    the Lannings , who had intermarried with the descendants of Count de Grasse , and the van der Luydens , direct descendants of the first Dutch governor of Manhattan , and related by pre-revolutionary marriages to several members of the French and British aristocracy .

  10. 农民工与市民通婚意愿的实证研究

    A Study of Marriage Wishs of Farmer Workers and City Residents

  11. 一些古代种族的成员与他们自己的姐妹们通婚。

    Members of some ancient races intermarried with their own sisters .

  12. 贵族与平民通婚已经不再稀奇。

    It is no longer unusual for royalty to marry commoners .

  13. 近亲通婚率及近亲通婚遗传效应的研究

    The Study on Percentages and Heredity Effect of Consanguineous Marriage

  14. 调查发现,同江市街津口乡赫哲族与汉等民族普遍建立了民族混合家庭,20世纪70年代以后出生的人已全部实行族际通婚。

    Mixed ethnic families are popular between Hezhe nationality and Han nationality .

  15. 在这个过程中,族际通婚也就是水到渠成的事。

    During the process , the cross-ethnic marriage is natural .

  16. 什么因素影响族际通婚?&社会学研究视角述评

    An Review of The Factors affecting Intermarriage from Sociological Perspective

  17. 唐朝民间民族通婚在《太平广记》中的反映

    Civil Ethnic Marriage in Tang Dynasty Reflected in Tai Ping Guang Ji

  18. 移民通常不会与其种/民族外的人通婚。

    Immigrants generally don 't marry outside their racial or ethnic group .

  19. 同来自高一级种姓的人通婚是不允许的。

    Marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed .

  20. 贵贱通婚在殖民地的美洲是时常发生的。

    In Colonial America left-handed marriages between Frenchmen and Indians were frequent .

  21. 教士阶级通常不与武土阶级通婚。

    The priestly caste does not normally intermarry with the warrior caste .

  22. 不同人种之间的通婚看来并不普遍。

    Intermarriage between different ethnic groups doesn 't appear to be common .

  23. 他有著异族通婚的父母,一半荷兰一半英国。

    He is of mixed parentage : half Dutch , half English .

  24. 但是人们仍可以和我们的阶层通婚。

    But people would get married in our caste too .

  25. 上海郊区姓氏和通婚分析

    The Analysis of the Surnames and Intermarriages of the Suburbanites of Shanghai

  26. 约60年前,异族通婚还是违法的。

    Around 60 years ago , it was illegal to marry interracially .

  27. 你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?

    Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems ?

  28. 氏族的任何成员都不得在氏族内部通婚。

    No member is permitted to marry within the gens .

  29. 试论回汉通婚的原因及其特点

    On Reasons and Features of Marriage Between Hui and Han

  30. 第四章从饮食和通婚两方面看到两种文化的互相接受。

    The fourth chapter unfolds a picture of reception via diet and intermarriage .