
yǎn shén
  • Eyes;look;light;eyesight;expression in one's eyes
眼神 [yǎn shén]
  • (1) [expression in one's eyes]∶眼睛的神态

  • (2) [eyesight]∶眼力

眼神[yǎn shén]
眼神[yǎn shen]
  1. 然而,如果你的经验或工作转变有任何独特的,你应该借此机会用肯定的眼神来简明地解释这些。

    However , if there Is something unusual about your experience or career move , you should use this opportunity to succinctly explain these in a positive light .

  2. 她的眼神告诉我出事了。

    The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong .

  3. 他看她的时候,眼神里明显流露着敬佩之情。

    His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her .

  4. 他的眼神冷酷无情。

    His eyes were as hard as flint .

  5. 她的眼神无丝毫畏惧。

    Her eyes showed no fear .

  6. 她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。

    There was a distant look in her eyes ; her mind was obviously on something else .

  7. 袭击者还站在那里,用一种鄙夷的眼神一言不发地看着她。

    The attacker still stood there , watching her with silent contempt

  8. 她最后清醒了一会儿,眼神呆滞。

    With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant .

  9. 他看她的眼神总是那么暧昧。

    His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her .

  10. 唯独她俏皮的眼神使事情露馅儿了。

    The only giveaway was the look of amusement in her eyes .

  11. 他的眼神让我心里扑通扑通直跳。

    The look in his eyes made my heart flutter .

  12. 她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚。

    She smiled with a faraway look in her eyes .

  13. 他眼神中隐藏着无尽的痛楚。

    Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain .

  14. 她责备的眼神中流露出一种被骗的神情。

    The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal .

  15. 他眼神悲伤地久久望着我。

    He gave me a long , doleful look .

  16. 他避免任何眼神接触,一有人靠近就把目光迅速移开。

    He avoids any eye contact , quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches

  17. 她眼神呆滞。

    There was a glazed look in her eyes .

  18. 她看我的眼神冷酷无比。

    She gave me the stoniest look I ever got

  19. 他看到了敌人冷酷的眼神。

    He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy

  20. 他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。

    He looked at me , a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes .

  21. 弗兰克以恳求的眼神看着吉姆。

    Frank looked at Jim with imploring eyes .

  22. 多诺万向他的同伴投以疑问的眼神,对方点头回应。

    Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion , who nodded in reply .

  23. 丹和哈丽心照不宣地交换了一下眼神。

    Dan exchanged a knowing look with Harry .

  24. 她眼神中流露出深深的悲伤。

    There was a terrible sadness in her eyes

  25. 她恳求地看了他一眼,温柔的眼神足以融化坚冰。

    She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice .

  26. 我们出去时,女孩子们总是用忌妒的眼神看着我。

    When we go out , girls are always giving me the evil eye .

  27. 我讲的每句话让黑斯廷斯夫人的眼神变得越来越热情,越来越充满欣赏。

    Mrs Hastings ' eyes grow warmer and more appreciative with my every word .

  28. 他的眼神不停地瞄到这幅画上。

    His eyes kept wandering to the picture

  29. 她眼神暗淡,呆呆地凝视着。

    Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly

  30. 他那怒不可遏的眼神在眼镜片下显得愈发逼人。

    His glasses magnified his irritable glare .