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  • 网络Diopsidae;THICK-HEADED FLY;Conopidae;Catleya fly
  1. 而是丈量工具,用来测量公凸眼蝇的

    they 're measuring sticks , used to gauge

  2. 两眼间距最宽的凸眼蝇

    Having the widest eye span

  3. 稻茎毛眼水蝇生物学特性研究

    On the bionomics of black rice stem fly

  4. 居住条件拥挤、缺乏足够的水分和卫生服务及接触家附近的眼飞蝇及苍蝇滋生地是沙眼的多种危险因素。

    Crowded living conditions , lack of sufficient water and sanitation services , and contact with eye-seeking flies and fly-breeding sites near the homes are some of the many risk factors for trachoma .

  5. 但若两只眼距相同的公凸眼蝇碰在一起就有麻烦了

    But there 's trouble if two top males have exactly the same eye width .