
  1. 她的眼睛红肿疼痛。

    Her eyes were sore and inflamed .

  2. 一贴治疗眼睛红肿的膏药。

    A poultice for inflamed eyes .

  3. 千万注重,不能用手挤压,以防局部产生眼蜂窝织炎,引起整个眼睛红肿就危险了。

    Ten million attention , cannot squash with the hand , in case local generation eye phlegmon , cause whole eye red dangerous .

  4. 人体摄入盐份过多,会导致细胞中存留大量的水分,引起眼睛红肿。

    The human body takes in too much salt , will cause and retain a large number of moisture in cells , cause eyes redness .

  5. 孙太太眼睛红肿,眼眶似乎饱和着眼泪,像夏天早晨花瓣上的露水,手指那么轻轻一碰就会掉下来。

    Mrs. Sun 's eyes were red and swollen and the corners seemed saturated with tears ; they were like the dew on flower petals on a summer morning , and the slightest touch of the finger would cause them to drop .

  6. 大多数法国士兵的脸部成为畸形,鼻子和两颊都冻伤了,差不多所有的人的眼睛都红肿、糜烂。

    The majority of the French soldiers were disfigured by frost-bitten cheeks and noses , and almost all of them had red , swollen , and streaming eyes .

  7. 他努力着,不让眼泪流下来,他知道,哭泣会让眼睛变得红肿,如果那样的话,他就再没有机会找到一个家了。

    He was trying hard not to cry because he knew that tears would make his eyes all puffy and red and then he would have even less chance of finding a home .