
  • 网络ocular surface
  1. 目的探讨女性类风湿性关节炎(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)患者的眼表损害的临床特点。

    Objective To investigate the clinical features of the ocular surface lesions in female rheumatoid Arthritis .

  2. Ki-67标记指数作为眼表新生物的一个恶性标记

    Ki-67 labeling index as a marker of malignancy in ocular surface neoplasms

  3. 羊膜移植联合丝裂霉素C进行穹隆部重建治疗重症瘢痕性眼表疾病

    Intraoperative mitomycin C and amniotic membrane transplantation for fornix reconstruction in severe cicatricial ocular surface diseases

  4. 体外干细胞培养扩增同种异体移植物眼表重建的结果及DNA分析

    Outcomes and DNA analysis of ex vivo expanded stem cell allograft for ocular surface reconstruction

  5. OK镜对泪膜和眼表的影响

    The affections on tear film and eye surface after wear-ing Ortho-K contact lens

  6. TOLL样受体及其与眼表疾病的关系

    Toll-like receptors and their relations with ocular surface diseases

  7. 目的:探讨rhEGF(recombinanthumanepidermalgrowthfactor)促进培养人结膜上皮细胞增殖的作用及最佳有效浓度,为提高眼表重建术后成功率寻找有效的治疗手段。

    Purpose : To investigate the effects of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor ( rhEGF ) on proliferation of human conjunctival epithelial cells and optimal dose in vitro .

  8. 结论体外单独及联合应用EGF与bFGF对原代培养的兔角膜缘干细胞的增殖能力有明显的促进作用,为提供大量的角膜缘干细胞以治疗眼表疾病提供了实验基础。

    Conclusion Application of EGF or bFGF alone and their combined application in vitro can strengthen the proliferation of cultured corneal limbal stem cells .

  9. 羊膜移植治疗继发于LOC综合征的眼表瘢痕患者的随访研究

    Follow up of patients with ocular scarring secondary to LOC syndrome treated by amniotic membrane transplantation

  10. 结果眼表损害在所研究的SLE患者中的发生率为256%(23/90),正常对照组为30%(3/100);

    Results The incidence of ocular surface lesion in the SLE cases in our study is 25 6 % , 3 0 % in normal contrast group .

  11. ezrin和AKT-1在眼表鳞状细胞肿瘤中的表达

    Expression of ezrin and AKT-1 in squamous carcinoma at ocular surface

  12. 抗青光眼药物治疗和青光眼白内障联合手术对青光眼患者眼表MUC5AC的影响超声乳化白内障吸除术治疗白内障合并继发性闭角型青光眼

    Phacoemulsification in Patients with Cataract and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma

  13. 结论:PV角膜接触镜对于多种角膜病、眼表病、及角膜术后角膜保护、促进角膜愈合和缓解疼痛刺激等有显著疗效;

    Conclusion : Our result shows that PV Contact Lens exhibits prominent efficiency in treating corneal diseases and ocular surface diseases , as well as corneal protection , corneal healing and pain relief .

  14. 严重的眼表疾病可损伤角膜缘区,导致LSCs的缺失及屏障结构的破坏,从而引起一系列眼表反应,甚至导致失明。

    Severe ocular surface disorders could damage limbus , lead to LSCs deficiency and barrier structure destruction .

  15. 目的探讨羊膜移植(AMT)重建眼表治疗角膜缘干细胞缺陷(LSCD)的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the appling value of amniotic membrane transplantation ( AMT ) in comeal surface reconstruction for patients with limbal stem cell deficiency ( LSCD ) .

  16. 结论NPC放疗性角膜损伤与鼻咽癌临床分期及照射剂量无密切关系(P>0.05),可能主要与角膜感觉神经损伤导致眼表疾病相关;

    Conclusion The corneal damage by radiation in patients with NPC be no related to clinical period and dose of radiation ( P > 0.05 ), but might be related to disease of ocular surface due to sensory nerve damage of cornea by radiation .

  17. 新鲜羊膜移植术治疗眼表烧伤晚期并发症的临床研究

    Fresh amniotic membrane transplantation in late complications of ocular surface burn

  18. 翼状胬肉手术前后眼表及屈光改变的临床基础研究

    Changes in Ocular Surface and Dioptrics before and after Pterygium Surgery

  19. 术后翼状胬肉、眼表肿瘤和睑球粘连均没有复发,睑球粘连者均恢复了眼球的运动功能。

    The ocular movement was restored for the eyes with symblepharon .

  20. 眼表生物膜的固定装置在穹隆重建手术中的初步应用

    Preliminary application of the bio-membrane fixing device in conjunctival fornices reconstruction

  21. 新鲜羊膜覆盖术治疗急性眼表烧伤

    Treatment with the covering fresh amnion for acute ocular surfaces burn

  22. 眼表疾病羊膜移植术后的观察与护理

    Observation and Nursing on Fresh Amnion Transplantation of Ocular Surface Disease

  23. 角膜缘组织移植治疗眼表疾病的初步报告

    A preliminary report of ocular surface disease treated by limbal transplantation

  24. 保存羊膜在早期眼表碱烧伤的应用

    Application of Preserved Human Amnion to Early Ocular Surface Alkali-Burned Eyes

  25. 过敏性眼表疾病患者抗生素滥用情况严重。

    And the abuse of antibiotic is common in AOD patients .

  26. 全角膜板层带环形结膜移植治疗严重眼表化学烧伤

    Total lamellar corneal and annular conjunctival transplantation for severe ocular chemical burn

  27. 268例急性炎性眼表疾病的治疗分析

    Treatment of 268 Patients of Acute Inflammatory Ocular Surface Diseases

  28. 白内障超声乳化术对泪膜及眼表的影响

    The effects of phacoemulsification on tear film and eye surface

  29. 利用组织培养的人羊膜上皮细胞的非外科移植术进行眼表重建

    Ocular surface restoration using non-surgical transplantation of tissue-cultured human amniotic epithelial cells

  30. 组织工程材料在眼表重建中的应用

    Application of tissue engineering materials in the ocular surface reconstruction