
  • 网络Ocular Motility Disorders
  1. 方法:对39例经CT、MRI证实为脑干病变的患者行眼球运动障碍、眼球震颤分析。

    Methods : Analyse the ocular dyscinesia and nystagmus in 39 patiens who have lesions in the brain stem confirmed by CT and MRI .

  2. 目的用MRI研究轴性高度近视眼4条直肌pulley的功能位置,探讨轴性高度近视继发性眼球运动障碍的病因。

    Objective To study the location of rectus pulleys in high myopia by dynamic MRI and the etiopathogenisis of dyskinetic ocular movement of axiality high myopia .

  3. 结果:中线旁双侧丘脑梗死综合征主要临床特征为多数急性起病,有不同程度意识障碍,Korsakoff遗忘综合征,垂直性眼球运动障碍,预后差。

    Results : The clinical characteristics of bilateral thalamus infarction near median line were most patients experienced acute , different level of conscious disorders , Korsakoff syndrome , upward gaze limitation . The patients had poor prognosis .

  4. 有复视和眼球运动障碍者7例,占8.97%。

    Diploma and limited ocular movement was noted in 7 patients .

  5. ③眼睑肿胀和眼球运动障碍不明确,或仅轻微复视,观察1-2周;

    The eyelid swelling and the eye movement barrier is not explicit , or only the slight diplopia , observes for1-2 weeks ;

  6. 结果:眩晕、意识障碍、眼球运动障碍和瞳孔异常和视力障碍是最常见的症状及体征。

    Results : Vertigo , disturbance of consciousness and movement of the eyeball , abnormality of the pupils and visual disorder were the common clinical features .

  7. 意识障碍、眼球运动障碍、瞳孔异常、运动及感觉异常、偏盲、共济失调等是常见的症状及体征。

    Alteration of the level of consciousness , abnormal eye movements , pupil anomalies , motor and sensation deficit , and ataxia were the common clinical manifestations .

  8. 临床表现多以突然眩晕或意识障碍起病,合并眼球运动障碍及瞳孔异常,运动障碍、偏盲,可伴有行为异常等。

    The clinical manifestation comprised the sudden vertigo or unconsciousness with disturbance of eyeballs , abnormality of pupils , dyskinesia , hemianopsia and chagnes in behavior are often seen .

  9. 结果意识障碍、眼球运动障碍、瞳孔异常、偏盲、运动障碍、感觉行为异常,为该病最常见的临床表现。

    Results Disturbance of consciousness and movement of the eyeball , abnormality of pupils , partial blindness or cortical blindness , dyskinesia and dystrophy were the main clinical features .

  10. 该技术的发展使人们对眼球运动障碍类疾病如斜视、眼球震颤、颅神经麻痹、颅脑损伤等的认识不断深入,为阐明其发病机制提供了途径。

    With the development of this technique , we have known more about ocular movement disorders such as strabismus , nystagmus , cranial nerve palsy , craniocerebral injury , which may provides an potential opportunity of understanding the mechanism of these diseases .

  11. 结论本病的特点为(1)起病急,进展快,常以眩晕、恶心、呕吐起病。(2)眼球运动障碍和瞳孔异常。

    Conclusion TOBS is characteristic of the following : ( 1 ) acute onset and fast progress with vertigo , nausea and vomitting ,( 2 ) disorder of ocular movement ,( 3 ) consciousness disorder , and ( 4 ) visual disorder , hallucination and sleep reversal .

  12. 视轴矫正法可以治疗会聚功能不全,在这种情况中眼球的协调运动障碍。

    Orthoptics can treat convergence insufficiency , in which the eyes have trouble working together .

  13. 均有不同程度的视力下降、眼球突出、眼球运动障碍及眶压升高。

    All cases showed impaired vision , proptosis ocular movement disorder and higher intraorbital pressure .

  14. 临床以眼球突出、眼球运动障碍、眼睑或结膜水肿充血、视力下降和眶缘可触及肿物为主要表现。

    Proptosis , restrictive movement of the involved eye , eyelid or conjunctive congestion , decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings .

  15. 临床主要表现为复视、眼球内陷和眼球运动障碍。

    The clinical manifestations were diplopia , endophthalmos , and eye movement disturbance .

  16. 病人均有眼前部钝挫伤史、眼球内陷、眼球运动障碍和复视。

    Every patient had the history of blunt injury with large object which hit on the front of the eye , enophthalmos , oculomotor defect and diplopia .

  17. 结果:5例患者均有外伤史、眼球突出、球结膜充血水肿及眼球运动障碍。

    Results : Each case had trauma history and ocular signs such as exophthalmos , conjunctiva hyperemia and chemosis , and motor restriction was obvious .

  18. 结果(1)眼眶海绵状血管瘤多表现渐进性轴性眼球突出,部分患者出现视力下降、复视及眼球运动障碍等;

    Result ( 1 ) The main clinical findings of OCH are gradual exophthalmos , possible visual decrease , diplopia and ocular movement restriction .

  19. 眼球外肌是维持眼球正常运动及形成正常视觉的关键因素,其病变表现为斜视及眼球运动障碍。

    Extraocular muscles play an important role in the normal movement of globe and formation of normal vision , whose lesions may result in strabism and ocular motor disturbance .