- marriageable age;legally marriageable age

[legally marriageable age] 法律规定的最低结婚年龄
She is not of marriageable age .
Contemplation on the operating law of statutory marriageable age in our state
That knocks off eight years of marriage right there .
If the legally marriageable age is not attained .
The Effects of Age Difference between Spouses on the Expected Span of Being Widowed
How long was your SO married before ?
The utilization ratio was fairly high . Research on Marriage Age of Dunhuang in Tang-Song Period
Age-marital duration specific fertility rate
On July 23 , Spain has raised the minimum age for marriage from 14 to 16 .
He had respect for the married state , and thought only of some pretty marriageable girls in Indianapolis .
Ten years earlier , men married at an average age of 30.7 years and women at 28.7 years .
Their length of marriage has significant effcet on their marital relationship , single tendency , job leaving tendency , and housework ;
In 1930s and 1940s , marriage practices surrounding age of first marriage and age difference between spouses still maintained a strong traditional flavor .
Guinness lists the86-year marriage of Americans Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher as the world 's longest , but Herbert Fisher died earlier this year .
The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged .
Unbalanced Ratio of Marriage-Age Genders : Its Effect on Social Operation & An Investigation in the Rural Area of Jilin Province 's Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture
The first survey involved 280 adults in the US , who were aged 33 on average and had been married for an average of eight years .
Therefore , when a couple get married , they are supposed to choose the time of their marriage which ranges from 1 year to 100 years .
In the early 1980 's , most of the young people followed the marriage law but some of them still got married below the legal marriage age .
Conclusion : The semen quality of marriageable men in our industry district is in a lower level , this should arouse the attention of some special departments ;
The second survey involved 139 married adults in Hong Kong , who were 42 years old on average and had been married for an average of 13 years .
They began to devote their time and energy to developing themselves and having a successful career instead of getting married soon after they reached the age of marriage .
Many abductions involve infant or toddler girls being taken to serve as " child brides " sold to families desperate for daughters-in-law in a culture short of marriage-aged women .
If you choose 1 year for your marriage , you shall pay as much as 2 , 000 sterling pounds plus receiving a dictionary-thick reference of rights and responsibilities .
They also found that this link existed independent of other factors such as number of years married , number of children , income level and differences in actual time spent commuting .
One study by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia showed that , in 2013 , men in the region married at an average age of 33.6 years , compared to 32.6 years for women .
Due to the low quality of the citizens and the overall level of legal accomplishment , so inevitably there is bigamy , marriage below the age of marriage , consanguineous marriage invalid marriage .
But if you choose 100 years , then you are very lucky and only need to pay 0.5 pound for the fees and receive a short but heart-touching note in all women 's eyes :
The amendment , approved by an overwhelming cross-party majority , is also backed by the justice minister , Dominique Perben , who said allowing girls to marry at15 was " manifestly a false freedom " .
With their relationship as strong as ever , the couple hope to beat the record for Britain 's longest-ever marriage of 80 years , set by Percy and Florence Arrowsmith . Percy Arrowsmith died last year .