
hūn líng
  • marriageable age;legally marriageable age
婚龄 [hūn líng]
  • [legally marriageable age] 法律规定的最低结婚年龄

婚龄[hūn líng]
  1. 她还没有到婚龄。

    She is not of marriageable age .

  2. 关于我国现行法定婚龄的法律思考

    Contemplation on the operating law of statutory marriageable age in our state

  3. 所以应该减去8年婚龄。

    That knocks off eight years of marriage right there .

  4. (四)未到法定婚龄的。

    If the legally marriageable age is not attained .

  5. 夫妇婚龄差对预期丧偶期的影响研究&从1990年北京地区夫妇婚龄差看老年丧偶

    The Effects of Age Difference between Spouses on the Expected Span of Being Widowed

  6. 你的未婚夫(妻)婚龄为多久?

    How long was your SO married before ?

  7. 由此推断,唐五代宋初敦煌地区麻的利用率是相当高的。唐五代宋初敦煌婚龄考

    The utilization ratio was fairly high . Research on Marriage Age of Dunhuang in Tang-Song Period

  8. 年龄婚龄龄别生育率

    Age-marital duration specific fertility rate

  9. 当地时间7月23日,西班牙将最低婚龄从14岁提升至16岁。

    On July 23 , Spain has raised the minimum age for marriage from 14 to 16 .

  10. 他尊重婚姻,心里想的只是印第安纳波利斯的那几位已到了婚龄的漂亮姑娘。

    He had respect for the married state , and thought only of some pretty marriageable girls in Indianapolis .

  11. 十年前,男性平均婚龄为30.7岁,女性为28.7岁。

    Ten years earlier , men married at an average age of 30.7 years and women at 28.7 years .

  12. 婚龄对她们的夫妻关系、独身倾向、离职倾向和家务事有相当显著的影响;

    Their length of marriage has significant effcet on their marital relationship , single tendency , job leaving tendency , and housework ;

  13. 20世纪三四十年代以初婚年龄和夫妇婚龄差异为核心的婚姻行为仍保持了浓厚的传统色彩;

    In 1930s and 1940s , marriage practices surrounding age of first marriage and age difference between spouses still maintained a strong traditional flavor .

  14. 目前吉尼斯世界纪录上保持结婚时间最长的是婚龄86年的美国费希尔夫妇,但丈夫赫伯特·费希尔已于今年早些时候去世。

    Guinness lists the86-year marriage of Americans Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher as the world 's longest , but Herbert Fisher died earlier this year .

  15. 这个婚姻法最令人印象深刻的在于婚龄的选择和相应所付费用的反比关系。

    The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged .

  16. 婚龄性别比失衡对社会运行和发展的影响&来自吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州农村地区的调查分析

    Unbalanced Ratio of Marriage-Age Genders : Its Effect on Social Operation & An Investigation in the Rural Area of Jilin Province 's Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture

  17. 第一项调查涵盖了美国280名成人,这些人的平均年龄为33岁,平均婚龄8年。

    The first survey involved 280 adults in the US , who were aged 33 on average and had been married for an average of eight years .

  18. 因此,当一对恋人结婚时,他们将会从一到一百年之间选择他们的婚龄。

    Therefore , when a couple get married , they are supposed to choose the time of their marriage which ranges from 1 year to 100 years .

  19. 迄至80年代初,尽管各个时期都有一定比例低于法定婚龄结婚者,但多数民众却遵循了这一原则。

    In the early 1980 's , most of the young people followed the marriage law but some of them still got married below the legal marriage age .

  20. 结论工业区婚龄男子精液质量较差,应当引起有关部门重视;

    Conclusion : The semen quality of marriageable men in our industry district is in a lower level , this should arouse the attention of some special departments ;

  21. 第二项调查主要涉及139名平均年龄42岁,平均婚龄达13年的香港成年男女。

    The second survey involved 139 married adults in Hong Kong , who were 42 years old on average and had been married for an average of 13 years .

  22. 她们开始把时间和精力投人到发展自我和享有成功的事业中去,而不是达到婚龄后马上结婚。

    They began to devote their time and energy to developing themselves and having a successful career instead of getting married soon after they reached the age of marriage .

  23. 在缺乏婚龄女性的中国社会,许多拐卖案件涉及女婴或幼小的女童,她们被卖给急于寻找儿媳妇的家庭充当“童养媳”。

    Many abductions involve infant or toddler girls being taken to serve as " child brides " sold to families desperate for daughters-in-law in a culture short of marriage-aged women .

  24. 如果你选择一年婚龄,你需要付差不多两千英镑,外加接受一本厚如字典的关于权利和责任的参考资料。

    If you choose 1 year for your marriage , you shall pay as much as 2 , 000 sterling pounds plus receiving a dictionary-thick reference of rights and responsibilities .

  25. 他们同时发现这样的关系不受其他的因素如婚龄、育儿数、收入水平、通勤时间的影响。

    They also found that this link existed independent of other factors such as number of years married , number of children , income level and differences in actual time spent commuting .

  26. 加泰罗尼亚统计研究所的一项研究表明,2013年,在西班牙加泰罗尼亚,男性平均婚龄为33.6岁,女性为32.6岁。

    One study by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia showed that , in 2013 , men in the region married at an average age of 33.6 years , compared to 32.6 years for women .

  27. 由于我国国民素质及法律修养的整体水平偏低,因而不可避免地存在着重婚、未达婚龄结婚、近亲结婚等无效婚姻。

    Due to the low quality of the citizens and the overall level of legal accomplishment , so inevitably there is bigamy , marriage below the age of marriage , consanguineous marriage invalid marriage .

  28. 但是如果你选择一百年婚龄,那你就非常幸运,只需要付半个英镑,接受一张简短但让任何女人都深受感动的纸条;

    But if you choose 100 years , then you are very lucky and only need to pay 0.5 pound for the fees and receive a short but heart-touching note in all women 's eyes :

  29. 报道说,此项欲提高女性法定婚龄的提案得到司法部长多米尼克·佩尔邦的大力支持,他说,很明显,允许女孩15岁就结婚“是一种假自由”。

    The amendment , approved by an overwhelming cross-party majority , is also backed by the justice minister , Dominique Perben , who said allowing girls to marry at15 was " manifestly a false freedom " .

  30. 目前英国婚龄最长的是结婚80年的珀西和弗罗伦斯·艾罗史密斯夫妇,可珀西·艾罗史密斯已于去年辞世。米尔福德夫妇的感情久而弥坚,他们希望能够打破80年的婚龄纪录。

    With their relationship as strong as ever , the couple hope to beat the record for Britain 's longest-ever marriage of 80 years , set by Percy and Florence Arrowsmith . Percy Arrowsmith died last year .