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hūn jià
  • marriage;wed;take a wife or marry a man
婚嫁 [hūn jià]
  • [marriage;wedding] 结婚的行为或礼仪

婚嫁[hūn jià]
  1. 婚嫁是农民一生中的大事,对农民的生活世界意义重大。

    Marriage is a major event in the living of farmers .

  2. 城步苗族婚嫁歌曲艺术特征及其演唱

    The Artistic Features and Singing of Marriage Songs in Chengbu County

  3. 目前她尚无意于婚嫁

    She has no intention of plighting her troth at the moment .

  4. 尽管她们早已到了婚嫁年龄,却没有一个人上门求婚。

    Though they had reached marriageable age , no one called to ask for their hands .

  5. GL婚嫁一波三折(续)

    BV failed to buy GL ( continued )

  6. 村庄精英在社区公共事务中的角色扮演以甘肃定西市Z村婚嫁丧葬仪式为例黄土丘陵区不同退耕模式对土壤物理性状影响研究以甘肃定西市为例

    The Role-Playing of Rural Elites in Public Affairs of the Community ; Research of the Effect on the Physical Properties of Different " Conversion of Farmland to Forest " Practices - Take Dingxi City of Gansu Province as An Example

  7. 在这五月初的早晨,而没有人要婚嫁。

    This early May morn when there is none to wed .

  8. 目前她尚无意於婚嫁。

    She have no intention of plight her troth at the moment .

  9. 农村婚嫁中的高消费现象受到各种因素的影响。

    The high consumption was influenced by Internal factors and external factors .

  10. 为什么你要跟我谈论婚嫁的问题?

    Why do you talk to me about marriage ?

  11. 江苏省外来婚嫁女的婚姻状态与观念

    The Marital Status of Non-native Female and Their Notion on Marriage in Jiangsu Province

  12. 这是讨论婚嫁的时候吗?

    Is this any time to discuss marriage ?

  13. 但是,最能体现婚嫁所带来的深刻经济影响的,莫过于住房市场。

    Yet nowhere is the economic impact so potentially profound as in the housing market .

  14. 或许她还未到婚嫁年龄,但我怀疑。

    Perhaps she is on the sunny side of marriage age but I doubt it .

  15. 瑶、汉族婚嫁模式与新型生育文化建设&湖南省江华瑶族自治县的实证分析

    Marriage Modes and New Fertility Culture Construction & Case Analysis in Yao Autonomous County , Hunan Province

  16. 在中国这个古老的东方国度里,人们对婚嫁礼仪非常重视。

    In China , this ancient oriental country , people attach great importance to the marriage ceremony .

  17. 婚嫁格局变动与乡村发展&以康村通婚圈为例

    Change of Marriage Pattern and Development of Countryside : The Example of the village Kang 's Intermarry Range

  18. 婚嫁仪式作为一种特殊的文化载体,与农民的终极价值关怀密切相关。

    Marriage ceremony as a special cultural carriers , is closely connected to the farmers ' ultimate value .

  19. 敦煌文书中的婚嫁实例则反映了人们对礼法和时代潮流的自我修改和追随。

    The real wedding ceremonies in the Dunhuang manuscripts reflected people modified and followed the customs and trends .

  20. 山西省跨省婚嫁的农村育龄妇女艾滋病及母婴传播性疾病调查

    Survey on AIDS and maternal-neonatal transmission diseases of rural women of child-bearing age in inter-provincial marriage in Shanxi

  21. 居官、婚嫁均以此为主要参考,政治作用较强。

    Both officialdom and marriages had it as the main references , for it had a strong political effect .

  22. 归反映的婚嫁习俗&兼谈家、室与对偶婚制

    Marriage Customs Reflected by " Gui " & also on " Jia " " Shi " and Paring Marriage System

  23. 农村经济体制改革后,康村的婚嫁距离急剧缩短,通婚区域快速内卷,通婚村减少,婚入与婚出出现了地域上的不对称性。

    After the reform of rural economy system , the distance of village Kang 's marriage rapidly has been shortened .

  24. 据该杂志报道,此前二人曾经就已谈及婚嫁,但布罗迪的这次求婚确实是一个很大的惊喜。

    According to the magazine , the two had been talking about marriage , but Brody 's proposal was a surprise .

  25. 不过在中国,尤其是在农村,生儿育女是婚嫁的非常重要的原因。

    But in China , especially in the rural area , to have children is a very important reason for marriage .

  26. 婚嫁与沿海农村女性的生活质量&福建泉州围头村的个案研究

    Marriage and living quality of women in coastal rural areas & A case study of the Weitou village in Quanzhou of Fujian

  27. 在婚礼中使用嫁妆清单,是清代婚嫁中的一种重要习俗。

    In Qing Dynasty , people had one import and familiar kind of customer that they use the dowry list in marriage .

  28. 论民俗变迁中音乐传统的坚守&以永新民间婚嫁仪式音乐研究为例

    On the Persistence in Music Tradition in the Changes of Folk Custom & a Case Study on Ceremonial Music of Yongxin Folk Marriage

  29. 本公司也特地为了这个重要的时刻推出多样化的婚嫁系列,以方便每一位新人有其独特的主题。

    The Bakery has made this special moment more memorable by providing numerous designs of Wedding Cakes to accommodate each couple 's individual theme .

  30. 中国正处于婚嫁的黄金时期,从摄影工作室到全球铂金矿商的各行各业因此受益。

    China is in the midst of a golden age of weddings , a boon for businesses from photo studios to global platinum miners .