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  • 网络And surname;lastname
  1. (提示:选择一个包含您的名和姓的昵称,例如jamescoughlin,这样别人就可以轻松地在社区中查找和识别您)。

    Hint : Choose a display name that contains your first and last name , such as james_coughlin , so you are easy to find and recognize in the community .

  2. 另外还取决于多少人具有相同的名和姓:在同一个城市中有两个“AprilBack-Cunninghams”的几率比有两个“RobertJohnsons”的几率低。

    It will also depend on how many people have the same first name and last name : it is less likely that there are two " April Back-Cunninghams " in the same city than there are two " Robert Johnsons " .

  3. 确保名和姓的组合惟一。

    Ensure that the first name and last name combination is unique .

  4. 在韩国,姓“朴”和姓“金”的最多。

    Which is the most popular surname in South Korea ?

  5. 安德利亚:我想知道雷克斯最近和姓王的那个家伙怎么样?

    Andrea : I wonder how Rex is doing with that Taylor Wang guy ?

  6. 当你建立账户的时候用的名和姓?

    What first and last name did you use when you created the account ?

  7. 您必须输入您的名和姓,而且你的姓

    You must enter your last name and first name , and the last name

  8. 俄罗斯人姓名的全称是由名字、父称和姓三部分构成的。

    Russian names include three parts : given name , paternal name and surname .

  9. 反正这和姓文的交友网站根本不是一码事

    It really didn 't have much to dowith the Winklevosses ' dating site . 

  10. 配有两只外套农架附有可拆装的肩带、箱锁和姓名牌。

    Complete with two coat-hangers , detachable shoulder strap , padlock , and a name tag .

  11. 在这一阶段,有一个虚构细节是重要的,即人物角色的名和姓。

    One fictional detail at this stage is important : the personas ' first and last names .

  12. 他们只将先生、夫人或小姐等称呼和姓连用,但绝不和名连用。

    They use Mr. , Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name .

  13. 例如,可能需要将名和姓组合到一列中。

    For example , you may need to combine the first name and the last name into one column .

  14. 控件,然后添加代码以将名和姓组合成为一个全名。

    Controls for entering first and last names , and then adding code to combine them into a full name .

  15. 不幸的是在汉人语言'红色'和姓明末皇帝共享相同的特征:'楚'。

    Unfortunately in Han Chinese language'Red Color'and the surname of late Ming dynasty emperors share the same character : 'Chu ' .

  16. 首先,我们将姓名分为名、中名缩写和姓,并将它们放在一组。

    First , we will separate the name into first , middle initial , and last name , and group them together .

  17. 请注意,在以上例子中我们假设将客户的名和姓传值到第一个参数。

    Please note that the example above assumes that we are passing in the customer 's first and last name to the first argument .

  18. 清单9提供一个如何根据用户提交信息创建用户名暗示的示例&本例中是名字和姓。

    Listing 9 provides an example of how to create user name suggestions based on user-submitted data & in this case , the first and last names .

  19. 前两列显示职员的名和姓,第三列显示职员姓名,中间隔个空格。

    The first two columns display the first and last name of staff members while the third column displays the first and last name separated by a space .

  20. 在想要发送用户名和姓之外的更多内容,比如表单中的选择时,二者可能会需要多加注意。

    However , they 're very real concerns when you 're sending more than just a user 's first or last name , or maybe selections on a form .

  21. 你必须要有名和姓,不能过于粗俗,体现种族或者宗教仇恨,亦或是管制药品的使用。

    You need to have both a first and last name , and it cannot be vulgar , promote racial or religious hate , or the use of controlled drugs .

  22. 这是用户的显示名,而非用户真实的名和姓(除非该用户的真实姓名就是其实际的显示名)。

    This is the user 's screen name , as opposed to the user 's real first and last name ( unless the user 's real name is , in fact , the screen name ) .

  23. 等着的时候,我努力装出一副若无其事的样子,仿佛那个雷鸣般的轰鸣声是别人的车子发出来的,这时,我看见埃美特·卡伦、爱丽丝·卡伦和姓黑尔的那对双胞胎正钻进他们的车子,就是那辆亮闪闪的新沃尔沃。

    As I waited , trying to pretend that the earsplitting rumble was coming from someone else 's car , I saw the two Cullens and the Hale twins getting into their car . It was the shiny new Volvo .

  24. 第四部分通过教学实验验证构建历史生命课堂的可行性和有效姓。

    Experimental validation of a four part history of life through classroom teaching feasibility and effective name .

  25. 比如,要考虑“名”的首字母和“姓”在读音上连读的问题。

    Consider , for example , the initial of the first name in phonetic combination with the last .

  26. 柳姓源于姬姓和展姓,柳下惠为其近祖,秦统一六国时徙居河东。

    Clan Liu was originated from Clan Ji and Zhan , with Liu Xiahui as its near ancestor , who moved to Hedong when Qi unified the six countries .

  27. 渤海世家大族以原渤海国的王族和右姓为主,尽管它们在新王朝统治下发展情况并不相同。

    The Po-hai great families consisted mainly of the King family and other famous families of the former Po-hai State , though they developed differently under the government of the new dynasty .

  28. 嗨,这和受害者的姓一样。

    Hey , that 's the same last name as the victim .

  29. 她和一个姓余的同志结了婚。

    She has been married to a comrade yu .

  30. 前述陈姓店主和这位蓝姓店主都没收到古驰的信。

    Neither Ms. Chan nor Mr. Lan had received a letter from Gucci .