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hé qià
  • congenial;harmonious
和洽 [hé qià]
  • [in harmony] 和睦融洽

  • 天下和洽

  1. 违反潮流,倒转去寻求和洽,往往比进行战争更为棘手。

    A harmony established contrary to sense is often more onerous than a war .

  2. 这也表明不是哪种溶剂对所有墨水的溶解能力都是很好的和洽当的,当然也包括丙酮和丁酮。

    This also shows that not the kind of solvent on the solubility of all the ink is very good cordial when , of course , also include acetone and methyl ethyl ketone .

  3. 他又填补道,如不美观事实证实这种体例的博览会给两国带来成功和洽处的话,那么其他的任何处所也可以效仿。

    The purchasing power there is also very strong , Chen said , adding that if this type of exhibition proves to be successful and beneficial to both countries , it can be duplicated elsewhere .

  4. 这种文化传统,以社会集体为重,崇尚自尊自强、艰苦奋斗、勤劳节俭、谦虚好学的美德,处理人际关系提倡和洽协调,对待国际关系主张和平共处。

    These cultural traditions attach great value to social communities uphold such virtues as self-strengthening arduous effort , industriousness , frugality modesty and eagerness to learn . They stress harmony in handling human relations and stand for peaceful coexistence in international relations .