
  • 网络Peace Strategy
  1. 英国和平战略初步实施取得成效。

    The initial implement of the peace strategy made it .

  2. 肯尼迪上台之际的国际形势促使肯尼迪提出和平战略,外援政策也面临相应的调整。

    The situation of the world led Kennedy to bring forward the peace strategy and reorganize the foreign aid policy as soon as he became the president .

  3. 第三章,详细阐述英国和平战略是如何初步实施的。巴黎和会后,英国一方面满足法国在赔偿问题上的部分要求,一方面为恢复欧洲经济而努力,但都没有产生预想的效果。

    After the Paris peace conference , on the one hand Britain got France partly satisfied with the request for reparation , on the other hand made an effort to renew the European economy , but it was manifested that all this didn ' tcome to the expected result .

  4. 浅析和平发展战略蕴涵的哲学思想

    A Discussion of Philosophy Basis in the Chinese Peaceful Development Strategy

  5. 东盟与中国和平发展战略的实现

    ASEAN and China 's Realization of the Strategy of Peaceful Development

  6. 中国和平发展战略与软实力建构研究

    Chinese Peaceful Development and the Study of Soft Power 's Construction

  7. 宋初和平统一战略及实践

    The Peaceful Unification Strategy and Practice in the Early Song Dynasty

  8. 大国崛起的类型学分析&兼论中国和平崛起战略的可行性

    Rise of the Great Powers : A Typological Analysis

  9. 我相信:我们争取和平的战略将会成功。

    I believe our strategy for peace will succeed .

  10. 中国的跨界民族问题与和平崛起战略

    China 's trans-boundary problems of ethnics and the strategy of rising abruptly in a peaceful way

  11. 半藤一利表示,日本最大的资产,是通过战后的和平主义战略赢得的国际社会的信任。

    Japan 's greatest assets is the international trust its post-war pacifism has earned , says Mr Hando .

  12. 在当前国际环境中,中国实行和平发展战略既有机遇,也面临挑战,机遇大于挑战。

    In the current international environment , China faces both opportunities and challenges in implementing its strategy of peaceful development .

  13. 我们满怀信心,毫无所惧,继续苦干下去,不是朝灭绝的战略,而是朝着和平的战略进行下去。

    Confident and unafraid , we labor on , not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy of peace .

  14. 本文首先挖掘了和平崛起战略思想的内涵,对崛起、和平崛起、中国的和平崛起等关键概念进行了递进式的界定。

    We first define the concepts of the China s Peaceful Rise , and meanwhile analyze the supporting basis of it .

  15. 正式形成时期:新一代领导集体明确提出了和平崛起战略思想,并对其应有之意进行了系统的阐释。

    The formal formation period : the present leaders of CCP formally titled the Chinese national strategy as peaceful rise and interpreted the general idea .

  16. 和平统一战略前瞻性具有历史基础、现实保障和未来的战略,是为了实现中国人民的根本利益;

    Peace unity 's strategy is for the essential benefits of the people in China which has historical base 、 realistic guarantee and future strategy ;

  17. 中国的和平崛起战略是在长时间地学习、适应国际法之后提出来的,具有充分的合法性。

    The strategy of peaceful rise of China , which rised after a long time of learning and adjusting to international law , has adequate legality .

  18. 明初东北和平统一战略的实施依托于明朝强大军事的实力和军事威慑力,并在总的和平统一战略的前提下实施局部的军事打击。

    The application of the unifying strategy existed in the military mighty force of Ming Dynasty and the local military attacks under the condition of overall integration .

  19. 和平发展战略要求我国能够稳定的获得国外能源供应、国外能源价格合理、国外能源运输不受到威胁。

    The peaceful development strategy of China requires China to get steady foreign energy supplies , foreign energy at reasonable prices , foreign energy transport not threatened .

  20. 中国实行和平发展战略以来,在各个领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,同时,对中国外交也提出了严峻的挑战。

    It gets the great achievements in every domain since China has implemented peace developmental strategy . Meanwhile , it brings the challenge to the Chinese diplomacy .

  21. 现阶段应实施和平发展战略,以和平谋发展,以威慑求稳定,以合作缓解安全困境并谋求利益最大化。

    In contemporary phase , China should use peace to seek development , use deterrent to seek stabilization , use cooperation to mitigate security dilemma and maximize interests .

  22. 和平崛起战略不仅是中国高层向国际社会的庄重承诺,更是社会主义中国的历史选择。

    " Peaceful emergence " is not only a solemn promise to international society which is made by Chinese high-ranking officials , but also a historical choice made by socialistic China .

  23. 中国和平发展战略的提出,与中国优秀的传统文化特别是儒家国家关系伦理思想有着密不可分的关系。

    The emergence of the China 's Peaceful Development Strategy ( CPDS ) has an indispensable link with the Chinese traditional culture , especially the Inter-state Relation Ethics of the Confucius Thought .

  24. 中国和平发展战略的内生性决定了中国必将走出一条和平发展的新道路,为人类和平与发展事业增添极其重要的积极因素。

    The inner characteristics of China 's peacefully rising strategy determine that we will initiate a peacefully rising road , and add very important factor to human being 's peace and development .

  25. 声明重申了巴领导机构将和平作为战略选择的政治立场,并再次强调了巴方反对所有针对以色列和巴勒斯坦平民的恐怖活动。

    The statement reiterated the Palestinian leader 's authority 's political stance of peace as a strategic option and reemphasized palestine 's opposition to all terrorist activities aimed at Israeli and Palestinian civilians .

  26. 新世纪,中国不断重申和强化其和平发展战略,既是基于现实主义考虑,更是中国战略文化对其发展道路的内在规定。

    New century , China has constantly repeated and strengthened its peaceful development strategy . Not only based on realistic considerations , but on the inherent regulations of China 's strategic culture to its development road .

  27. 和平崛起战略作为我国在新世纪的强国方略,有着深刻的内涵,同时,也是对当今国际形势的冷静回应。

    The strategy of peaceful rising , which has profound connotations , is the strategy to build up a powerful country of our own in the 21 century . It is also a calm response to the international situation .

  28. 无论从国家和平发展战略角度,还是从社会群体之间的沟通融合角度来看,台商都是一个集经济性、政治性和社会性于一体,具有特殊地位和作用的群体。

    No matter from the perspective of the national peaceful development strategy , or the communication and integration between social groups , Taiwanese investors are groups with special status and role and with economic , political and social nature .

  29. 认真总结历史的经验教训,能够为21世纪世界社会主义运动的价值复兴以及中国社会主义和平外交战略的不断完善提供有利的借鉴。

    Summa - rizing the experience and lessons of history conscientiously will bring favorable references for the rejuvenation of the socialist movement of the world in the 21st century and the perfection of the diplomatic strategy of peace of China .

  30. 在和平崛起战略下,我国现行贸易报复机制的适用是以符合世贸组织争端解决机制为前提的,其适用的措施及其适用的范围都有其独特性。

    With the " Peaceful Rising " strategy , China 's utilization of its present trade retaliation mechanism is reasonably based on the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO and the specific retaliating measures and applicable scope have their particularity .