
hé pínɡ jiě jué ɡuó jì zhēnɡ duān
  • pacific settlement of international disputes;peaceful solution of international discords
  1. 和平解决国际争端总议定书(订正本)

    General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes ( revised )

  2. 关于和平解决国际争端的海牙公约

    Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

  3. 论我国和平解决国际争端的理论与实践

    China 's Theory and Practice of Settling International Dispute Peacefully

  4. 中国和平解决国际争端问题初探

    Primary Exploration of China 's Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes

  5. 和平解决国际争端修订总议定书;

    Revised general act on peaceful settlement of international disputes ;

  6. 中国致力于和平解决国际争端和热点问题。

    China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and crisis issues .

  7. 和平解决国际争端公约

    Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

  8. 国际争端解决不好就会导致严重的后果,甚至发生战争。和平解决国际争端是联合国的宗旨和国际法基本原则。

    Settling the international dispute peacefully is the cardinal principle of the UN and international law .

  9. 作为第一个和平解决国际争端的国际安全体系&国联失败了。

    The first international security system of peacefully settling dispute & the League of Nations failed .

  10. 对和平解决国际争端的政治与法律方式的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Peaceful Solutions to International Disputes Through Either Political Way or Judicial Settlement

  11. 近年来,联合国的维和行动对和平解决国际争端发挥了有益的作用

    " Recently , UN peace-keeping operations plays a useful role in settlement of the international conflicts "

  12. 警惕局部战争和霸权主义,和平解决国际争端;

    Third , be on guard against local war and hegemonism and international disputes should be peacefully settled .

  13. 和平解决国际争端原则及其适用&中国的理论评析和实践探讨

    Study on Principle of Peaceful Settlement of Dispute and Its Application & Theoretical Analysis and Practical Discussion on China

  14. 和平解决国际争端是联合国的宗旨,也是国际法的基本原则。

    Peaceful settlement of international disputes is the founding purpose of the United Nations and a basic principle of international law .

  15. 其中,以国际法基本原则、领土法以及和平解决国际争端等方面对发展国际法的主要贡献,最为引人瞩目。

    The noticeable contributions reflect the basic principles of international law , the law of territory and peaceful settlement of disputes among these .

  16. 二战后更加规范和完善的和平解决国际争端是战后和平的重要支撑。

    After the War , more standards and perfect way of " solving the international conflicts peacefully " were the important support for the postwar peace .

  17. 国际司法机构在和平解决国际争端乃至国际法中的地位和作用日益受到重视,而其作用的切实发挥取决于判决的遵守与执行。

    More and more attentions have been paid to the roles of international judicial organs in international law and international society , which largely depends on the implementation of their judgments .

  18. 和平解决国际争端也需要选择适当的方式、遵循法的规范、发挥高超的谈判技巧、提出创造性的方案、保持良好的谈判势头。

    Settling an international dispute peacefully also need choose proper way , abide by the standard of law , elaborate excellent negotiating skill , put forward a plan of creativity and keep favorable negotiating impetus .

  19. 因为WTO框架是和平解决国际贸易争端的稳定的、可预见的途径;熟悉WTO规则,完善国内立法才是维护本国利益并与其他国家建立良好贸易关系的必经之路。

    The best way to establish good trade relations with other countries is to get familiar with the WTO rules and perfect related domestic legislation .

  20. 坚持通过对话和协商,以和平方式解决国际争端。

    We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation .

  21. 我们应当用和平方法解决国际争端,而不应诉诸武力。

    We should find peaceful ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms .

  22. 第四,应加强对话与合作,坚持以和平方式解决国际争端。

    Fourth , we should intensify dialogue and cooperation , and commit to peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  23. 以和平方式解决国际争端是当代国际法的重要主题。

    It is an important theme of the contemporary international law to solve the international dispute by the way of peace .

  24. 倡导以和平方式解决国际争端,反对在国家关系中诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。

    Advocate the settlement of international disputes through peaceful means . And oppose the threat or use of force in international relations .

  25. 世贸组织争端解决机制是一种新的、独特的、组织化的和平解决国际贸易争端的制度。

    The WTO dispute settlement system is a new , distinctive and organized system aiming to settle international trade disputes in a peaceful way .

  26. 中国努力避免和制止战争,努力用和平方式解决国际争端和历史遗留问题。%$

    China spares no effort to avoid and curb war , and to solve international disputes and questions left over by history through peaceful means .

  27. 我们全面深化与世界各国的友好合作,促进以和平方式解决国际争端和地区热点问题,推动国际秩序向着更加公正合理的方向发展。

    We have deepened friendly cooperation with all countries , promoted the peaceful settlement of international disputes and regional hot-spot issues , and worked for a more just and reasonable international order .

  28. 国际水资源利用领域的国际合作法律制度包括交流数据和信息、通知、谈判与协商、达成流域水条约、建立流域组织机构、和平解决国际水争端等。

    The legal mechanism on international cooperation includes exchanging data and information , informing , negotiation and consultation , reaching basin water treaty , building basin organization , resolving international water disputes peacefully , and so on .

  29. 我们主张用和平的方式解决国际争端。

    We advocate a peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  30. 双方强调多边主义和联合国在国际事务中的核心作用,以及和平解决国际和地区争端的重要性。

    Both sides emphasised multilateralism and the central role of the United Nations in international affairs . They underlined the importance of resolving international and regional disputes through peaceful solutions .