
yī bān fǎ lǜ yuán zé
  • general principle of law
  1. WTO成员国理应遵守为国际社会所公认的有关劳工标准的一般法律原则,但应坚决反对在WTO体系内纳入任何形式的蓝色条款。

    The members of WTO should obey the general legal principles relating to labor standards which are recognized by the international society , but it is utterly unnecessary to insert any kinds of " blue box " into WTO system .

  2. 欧洲法院与欧盟法的一般法律原则

    The European Court of Justice and the General Principle of Community Law

  3. 欧盟法中的一般法律原则

    Analysis on the General Legal Principles of EU

  4. 相称性原则是欧共体法中的一项一般法律原则。

    The principle of proportionality is one of general principles of the law of European Community .

  5. 论一般法律原则在共同体司法实践中的运用

    On the Function of the General Principles of Law in the System of the European Law

  6. 本文试图通过若干案例,说明一般法律原则在共同体司法实践中的运用。

    Through some cases the author will try to explain how the praxis in EC is .

  7. 比例原则的思想在早期建立三个共同体的基础条约中只有有限的表述,是欧洲法院的司法实践使比例原则被广泛承认为欧共体法中的一般法律原则。

    There were no provisions on the proportionality principle in the early constituent treaties establishing the three Communities .

  8. 若法律规则含混不清或模棱两可,法官就可以不适用规则而适用一般法律原则;

    If the law principle is ambiguous or equivocal , the judge can use average law principle not according to the rule .

  9. 法治国家的一般法律原则,可作为引导行政行为的准据,更可提供法院作为审查的基础。

    The general principles of a law-ruled state can be the bases upon which administrative shall be guided and judicial review based .

  10. 实体规范主要规定国际刑事法院的管辖权、核心罪行的定义、一般法律原则与刑罚等问题。

    The substantial norms stipulate the jurisdiction of the ICC , the definitions of core crimes , general legal principles and punishment .

  11. 这些相似性为法院提供了解决国际争端中所产生的许多问题的一般法律原则。

    It is this similarity that provides courts with the " general principles " in deciding many problems that arise in international disputes .

  12. 由欧洲法院在司法实践中通过一系列的判例形成的一般法律原则是欧洲联盟法的重要组成部分。

    The general legal principles , formed in EU practice by a variety of legal cases , is an important part of EU law .

  13. 国际法适用于欧洲共同体,共同体法律体系中的一般法律原则基本上包括国际法的一般原则。

    The international law applies in the European Community . The general principles of law are a part of the law system of EC .

  14. 一般法律原则作为国际法的渊源,在具体内容和适用上颇有异议,但在最新的国际立法和司法实践中其内涵已经逐渐明确。

    As to the general principles of law being the source of International Law , there are some different opinions about their concrete meanings and the application .

  15. 目前,商人习惯法的渊源主要包括国际商事条约、一般法律原则、国际商事惯例和国际商事习惯、国际标准合同以及国际商事仲裁裁决等。

    Nowadays , it includes international commercial treaties , general principles of law . international commercial conventions , international standard contracts , international commercial arbitration and so on .

  16. 共同体法意义上的一般法律原则既内在于共同体法的秩序里,也存在于成员国各法律体系之中。

    The general principles in the sense of the European Law are present both in the order of the European law and the legal systems of the EC - Members .

  17. 实际上,反映刑法精神的一般法律原则、相对恒定的计划型政策在疑难案件的判决中发挥着巨大的、不可或缺的作用。

    Actually , general principles reflecting the spirit of criminal law , planning policies which have long effects have tremendously important and even indispensable function during the process of deciding a hard case .

  18. 认为信赖保护原则的法理基础是诚实守信的一般法律原则,而非由民法上的诚实信用原则类推产生。

    It is considered legal principle of protective principle of administrative trust is a general law principle of honor for the honest rather than due to analogy of honest and trustworthy principle in civil law .

  19. 本文对欧洲联盟法的一般法律原则中的基本权利原则、比例原则、平等原则、确定性原则以及国家责任原则进行了研究。

    The article analyses the principle of basic rights and obligations , the principle of equality , the principal of definiteness and the principle of state responsibility , all of which belong to the general legal principles .

  20. 一般法律原则是一个经常使用但又很不确定的法律概念,其功能主要是弥补国内法和国际法在调整国家和外国公司之间商事关系方面的不足。

    The general principles of law are an uncertain conception which is often mentioned , its main function is to remedy the limitation of domestic law and international law in regulating commercial relationship between countries and foreign companies .

  21. 理论方面主要是包括条约、习惯和一般法律原则在内的传统国际法对国家主权的限制;现实方面主要包括对国家领土管辖权和国家管辖权的限制。

    From the theoretic aspects this paper mainly introduces the restrictions on state sovereignty stem from treaties , customs and general principles of law . From the realistic aspects this paper mainly presents the restriction on countries territorial jurisdiction and judicial jurisdiction .

  22. 权利的行使必须遵循一般的法律原则,知识产权的行使也不例外,否则就构成知识产权滥用。

    The exercise of right must follow the common lawful principles , or it will be abuse of right , the exercise of Intellectual Property ( IP ) too .

  23. 信贷集中于国家和银行是现代国家的一般金融政策和法律原则,非金融机构的企业间的相互借贷弊端甚多。

    The concentration of credit and loan in the state and the banks is a principle of modern financial policy , and the loan made by non-financial institutions entails a great many defects .

  24. 自然国际法的渊源,包括基本原则、一般原则(即一般法律原则)、具体化的原则(即强行法)等三个层级。

    The sources of natural international law consist in basic principles , general principles ( General principles of law ), and specified principles ( Jus cogens ) .