
qiánɡ xínɡ fǎ
  • jus cogens;imperative law
  1. 自然国际法的渊源,包括基本原则、一般原则(即一般法律原则)、具体化的原则(即强行法)等三个层级。

    The sources of natural international law consist in basic principles , general principles ( General principles of law ), and specified principles ( Jus cogens ) .

  2. 物权法主要是强行法,具体到法定物权则表现为物权发生或变动原因的法定性。

    Property law is jus cogens , the specific performance of the statutory property rights will happen to property or the reasons for the statutory change of .

  3. 强行法在国际商事仲裁中的适用

    On the Application of Jus Cogens in International Commercial Arbitration

  4. 强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。

    Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL .

  5. 自此,国际法中便有了裁判性的强行法规范。

    From then on , norms of judicial nature came into existence in public international law .

  6. 结论是对约定保证期间应尽量保证合同自由,取消来自强行法的限制。

    Our conclusion is that the limitation on the longest duration of guaranty period has its unique value .

  7. 继承法是私法中的强行法,继承法的这种双重品格决定了其存在固有的缺陷。

    Law of succession is a compulsory law of private law , and such double characters lead to its inherent defaults .

  8. 20世纪60年代末,罗马法中的强行法概念被引入进1969年的《维也纳条约法公约》。

    Later on , the concept of jus cogens was introduced into public international law and was codified in 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties .

  9. 它是当代国际法的和平基石,作为一项强行法,它是维护国际和平与安全的重要保障。

    This article serves as a stepping-stone to peace in the International Law , and as an Jus Cogens , it guarantees the international peace and security .

  10. 第四章对公司法的公法与私法之争、强行法与任意法之争作了全面的分析与介绍。

    Chapter IV comprehensively expounds and analyses the controversy over public law and private law under company law , as well as that of mandatory law and optional law .

  11. 从国际实践来看,合同履行地国的强行法被认为是与合同的联系更为密切,从而能够在仲裁中得以适用。

    In international practice , the jus cogens of the state , where the contract is performed , is deemed to have close ties with contracts and can be invoked in arbitrations .

  12. 商主体的类型划分应采用商主体法定原则,即用强行法规范对商主体的类型、设立和内容加以严格的控制。商主体的类型,包括商个体、商法人和商合伙。

    The type of commercial subject should be divided in according to the principle of legal prescription , that is , limiting the type establishment and content of commercial subject with compulsory norms .

  13. 在适用强行法方面,仲裁员的主要作用在于界定实体法,确定合同履行地及仲裁裁决实施地,甄别、解释有关的强行性法律。

    While applying jus cogens , arbitrators are mainly concerned with delineating substantial law , determining the place of performance of a contract and the place of arbitration , choosing and interpreting the respective jus cogens .

  14. 国际反恐怖主义法本质上属于国际法范围的公法,它构成了惩罚恐怖犯罪的国际刑法的有关组成部分,因此同时兼具强行法和软性法的特性。

    As a compulsory rule of law , international counter-terrorism law is a vital part of international criminal laws , which nature is not considered to be national law but a kind of public international law instead .

  15. 在将上述三种情况予以具体介绍后分别进行探析,指出法律规避行为无论其规避对象是内国强行法还是外国强行法,从理论和司法实践两个层面都应支持法律规避效力否定说。

    With specific introduction and analysis , it is pointed out that the negative view should be supported both in theory and practice , no matter that the object of Evasion of Law is domestic compulsory norms or foreign compulsory norms .

  16. 在证明执行期限的合理性时,国内强行法具有表面证据效力,同类仲裁判例具有一定说服力但并不具有法律约束力。

    The domestic mandatory law is the circumstantial evidence , and the similar arbitration " jurisprudence " has the certain persuasive power but not legally binding , when the implementing member seek to prove that the implementation period it proposes is logical and rigorous .

  17. 董事多元化是弥补公司社会责任理论欠缺可操作性的一项积极的举措,它反映了公司强行法理论向公司合同理论的转变。

    Director multiplicity is a positive measure that can remedy the shortcoming of the theory of corporate social responsibility , because this trend makes corporate social responsibility operable . This trend also reflects that the theory of corporate contract is better than the theory of corporate force law .

  18. 本文首先从系统辨识的角度分析系统未建模的存在性,在此基础上给出处理未建模动态所用的方法,即强行建模法和信号补偿法,并作具体分析。

    Based on the analysis , methods for handling unmodeled dynamics and ideas for further work , namely force modeling method and signal compensation method , are then proposed and briefly discussed .

  19. 球场观众暴力现场处置的具体措施:政策攻心法、重兵震慑法、警械封控法、强行驱散法、遏制反弹法措施。

    Field spectators violence disposal site specific measures : Psychological policy , deter large numbers of law , police gear closures control laws , forcibly dispersed , containment " rebound " law measures .

  20. 政府通过强行手段推行国家法在农村社区实施时,必须注意到国家法与民间规则的这种互动与相容关系。

    When implementing the national law by force in rural areas , the government must realize the interaction and conformity between the national law and folk rules .

  21. 国际商事仲裁强行规则的基础理论可以被分为两种:其一为一般强行法的基本理论;其二则是国际商事仲裁法的基本理论。

    The fundamental theories for mandatory rules on the international commercial arbitration can be divided into the following two groups : basic theories for general mandatory law ; basic theories for international commercial arbitration system .