
  • 网络Strong connection;strong tie;DSC-durable strong connection;Strong links above
  1. DB2IntelligentMiner的有用功能之一是能够在这个网络中寻找强连接的子图。

    One of several useful features of DB2 Intelligent Miner is that it finds strongly connected sub-graphs within this network .

  2. 根据Shih等人的模型,水凝胶属于强连接区,但得到的主干分形维数无意义,意味着该模型不适用。

    According to the model of Shih et al . , the hydrogel falls into the strong-link regime . However , the resulted backbone fractal dimension yielded unrealistic values , suggesting inapplicability of this model .

  3. 生产外包双方是一种强连接的伙伴关系,而且具有比较高的转换成本。

    The joint is strong , and the switching cost is high .

  4. 钢筋直螺纹套筒等强连接技术及其施工控制

    The technology of the reinforced parallel thread coupler splicing of rebars and construction control

  5. 强连接解锁器的研制

    Development of strongly connecting release unit

  6. 通过强连接集合元间卡氏积的运算实现产品的装配结构多方案设计;

    Thirdly , the system achieved multi assembly plan design by strongly connected structural aggregations ' Cartesian product operation .

  7. 用面向对象的方式和统一的框架结构表示组织功能与强连接集合元信息及相互间的关系;

    Secondly , the system used object-oriented method to uniformly represent and organize the information of functions and elements of strongly connected aggregation .

  8. 基于在图中寻找强连接节点的算法,给出一种线性时间复杂度算法来检测故障树中的模块。

    Based on the algorithm to find strongly connected nodes of a graph , this paper presents a linear time algorithm to detect modules of a fault tree .

  9. 对系统可达矩阵运用系统分析方法,进行子要素级别分析、强连接关系识别、基本子要素的确定一系列的运算,确定系统故障树结构模型,得到系统故障树顶部结构。

    System analysis is applied to the reachable matrix . As a result , the fault tree frame model of the process control system is obtained , and the top structure in sequence .

  10. 引入社会网络领域的强连接和弱连接概念以促进知识的转移效果,分析了弱连接在知识转移过程中的重要作用,并对有利于知识管理的组织设计问题提出了一些建议。

    Based on the concepts of strong-tie and weak-tie from social network field , the writer emphasizes the important role of weak-tie in knowledge transfer and put forward suggestions promoting organization design in knowledge management .

  11. 接头性能进行分析表明,搅拌摩擦焊接头强度达到母材强度的80%以上,搅拌摩擦焊参数选择适当时,可实现等强连接。

    The friction stir welding joint strength analysis indicated that the tensile strength of the friction stir welding joint could reach 80 % of the base MMC . Changing the friction stir welding parameters , the equal strength joint could be reached .

  12. 超便携个人电脑体型小,重量轻,具备很强的连接功能,售价在2000美元或更高,投入市场几年来一直属于利基产品(nicheproduct)。

    UMPCs are small , light computers with strong connectivity features that can cost US $ 2,000 or more and have remained a niche product after several years in the market .

  13. 等强钢筋螺纹连接在引黄控制调度中心的应用

    The application of full-strength steel bar thread connection technology in control center works of Yellow River Division Project

  14. 由于机群系统结构松散、结点独立性强、网络连接复杂,造成机群系统管理不便,难以使用。

    The usage of cluster system is difficult because of incompact structure , strongly independent nodes and complex network .

  15. 由钢筋焊接接头静载拉伸试验检验接头抗拉性能,在无焊接缺陷情况下,高匹配接头完全可以达到等强甚至超强连接,钢筋屈服强度低有利于接头焊接。

    Static load of reinforced welded joint tensile test tensile properties of joints , welding defects in the absence of circumstances , with good matching can be achieved and other joints and even super strong connections with low yield strength steel welded joints in favor .

  16. 光照越强,Arduino在连接插脚处读取的电压越多。

    The greater the intensity of the light , the more voltage the Arduino sees at the connected pin .

  17. 该模型在小世界和Scale-free模型的基础上,结合了节点的本地强连接性、新增连接的度相关性和网络动态的增长方式,把小世界和Scale-free联系了起来。

    Strong local connectivity and network evolving by group and the preferential attachment rule are combined in this model . Networks generated using this model have small-world and scale-free simultaneous - ly .

  18. 某些情况下有必要用一种高熔融温度的强锌焊料来连接金属表面。

    In some cases it may be necessary to connect metal surfaces by means of a hard spelter solder which fuses at hight temperature .

  19. 目的:筛选具有结肠靶向释药特性的强的松龙葡聚糖连接物,探讨葡聚糖分子量对强的松龙葡聚糖连接物体外靶向释药的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of molecular mass of dextran on drug release of prednisolone dextran conjugates in vitro and to screen colon specific conjugates .

  20. 所用分析方法通用性强,对绕组连接复杂多相异步电机定子槽漏感参数计算优势明显。

    The proposed analysis methods are of versatility , which is especially suited to calculate stator slot leakage inductance parameters of the multi-phase induction machine with complicated winding connection .

  21. 半刚性连接又分为强轴半刚性连接和弱轴半刚性连接,目前对半刚性连接的研究大多集中在强轴连接方面,而关于弱轴半刚性连接的研究较少。

    Semi-rigid connections are divided into the strong axis and minor axis of semi-rigid connections semi-rigid connections , the current study of semi-rigid connections are mostly concentrated in the strong axis connections , but rather on the minor axis of less semi-rigid connections .

  22. 本文还在“强节点,弱构件”抗震设计一般原则的基础上提出了“强连接,弱板件”的端板连接抗震设计概念。

    Based on the general seismic design rule of structures , which is strong joint , weak member , another seismic design concept for steel structural end-plate connections , which is strong connection , weak plate is pnt forward .