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qiáng jiàn
  • robust;sturdy;strong and healthy;stout
强健 [qiáng jiàn]
  • [strong and healthy] 强壮健康

  • 强健的体魄

强健[qiáng jiàn]
  1. 他看上去强健,其实他的心脏很衰弱。

    He appears to be strong and healthy , but , as a matter of fact , he suffers from a very weak heart .

  2. 维生素D有助于强健骨骼和肌肉。

    Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy .

  3. 她将近90岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。

    She was almost 90 , but still very robust .

  4. 华盛顿看上去是个典型的体魄强健、崇尚运动的人。

    Washington looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism .

  5. 他头脑聪明,身体强健。

    He 's got plenty of brains as well as brawn .

  6. 这一动作舒展脊椎,使脊神经更加强健。

    This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves

  7. 骑自行车是一项不错的锻炼方式。它能使身体各部分的肌肉更强健。

    Cycling is good exercise . It strengthens all the muscles of the body

  8. 一直有人鼓励她去游泳以强健体魄。

    She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles

  9. 如果能经常正确地锻炼肌肉的话,双臂就会一直结实而强健。

    When muscles are exercised often and properly , they keep the arms firm and sinewy .

  10. 男人们似乎仍然错误地认为女人喜欢体毛浓重、肌肉强健的男人。

    Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy , muscular men

  11. 汉斯活动了一下他那强健的肌肉。

    Hans flexed his powerful muscles

  12. 只要他们身体强健,我看不出他们有什么理由不继续再打四五年比赛。

    Provided they are fit I see no reason why they shouldn 't go on playing for another four or five years .

  13. 在中国,格雷丝·汤普森看见“苗条、挺直而强健的女人们”携带着各种物品。

    In China Grace Thompson observed the great variety of loads that were carried by ' slim , erect but muscular Amazons ' .

  14. 强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。

    A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character .

  15. 运动可使肌肉强健。

    Exercise tones up the muscles .

  16. 这一次,她的对手更高大强健,并且经历丰富。

    This time , her opponent was bigger , stronger and more experienced .

  17. 他体质强健,精力充沛。

    He is constitutionally energetic .

  18. 强健的桥梁意味着洪水过后,村庄不太可能出现食物和药品短缺。

    Stronger bridges mean villages are less likely to be left without food and medicine after floods .

  19. 它可以帮助你的身体吸收钙,而钙是保持骨骼强健所必需的。

    It helps your bodies use calcium , which is necessary to keep your bones strong .

  20. 另外,山地徒步能帮助你增加、强健腿部肌肉。

    What 's more , if you hike on hills , it helps to build and strengthen leg muscles .

  21. 而其web服务业务将取得更强健的利润率。

    And its Web services business will earn an even stronger margin .

  22. 政府的短期合理目标应该是实现名义GDP的强健增长。

    A sensible short-term aim for the government would be robust nominal GDP growth .

  23. 由于对HTTP或基于Web的图形技术的强健支持,许多公司开发了在WebSphereApplicationServer上部署的Web应用程序。

    With robust support for HTTP or Web-based graphical technologies , many companies develop Web applications to be deployed on WebSphere Application Server .

  24. 6.robusta.健康的,强健的,要用力气的,坚定的,粗野的他是个精力充沛的人,可以连续工作十八小时不休息。

    He is a robust man who can work on for eighteen hours without rest .

  25. 本文通过人事电子政务系统的设计与实现,探讨了在B/S结构和Internet环境下,使用ASP开发环境,构建强健人事电子政务系统的方法。

    The thesis discusses ways of establishing electronic administration system utilizing ASP development environment under B / S construction and Internet .

  26. 强健有力,带有适当的角度和强健的低位驸关节。从技术角度出发,优化现有LED产品,减低成本。

    Powerful , muscular with moderate angulation and strong lower-set hocks . Lead cost down activity on existing LED product from engineering standpoint .

  27. 通常,它们提供的错误处理比我的SOAP客户机的更好,提供的其它一些功能是用于强健应用程序开发的较好基础。

    They usually offer better error handling than my SOAP client and other features that lay a better foundation for robust application development .

  28. 另外,P2P网络的分散特性使其变得更加强健,因为它不存在单个故障点。

    Also , the decentralized nature of the P2P network means that it is more robust since no single points of failure are present .

  29. 该代理在各方面都一致表现良好,它强健的管理团队以及为现有客户如上海GM和诺基亚开展的业务都经受了考验。

    Bates performed consistently in all aspects , testament to its strong management team and work on current clients like Shanghai GM and Nokia .

  30. G20领袖将探讨使世界经济实现更强健复苏的方法。

    The Group of 20 will discuss the best ways to guide the world economy to a stronger recovery .