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qiàn shōu
  • crop failure;poor harvest;a bad harvest;have bad crops
歉收 [qiàn shōu]
  • [a bad harvest] 农作物产量低于一般水平

歉收[qiàn shōu]
  1. 对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。

    The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers .

  2. 他说干旱已经连续两年导致农作物严重歉收。

    He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second year running

  3. 由于今年粮食歉收,成千上万的人在挨饿。

    Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year 's harvest .

  4. 上个夏季庄稼又歉收了。

    The crops failed again last summer .

  5. 实际上,因为干旱,很多粮食作物歉收。

    In fact many food crops failed because of the drought .

  6. 一些主要农作物由于遭受虫害而歉收。

    Several key crops failed when they were attacked by pests .

  7. 有些粮食作物歉收。但棉花的收成仍相当不错。

    Some of the food crops failed . However , the cotton did quite well

  8. 几百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。

    Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests .

  9. 中世纪时,庄稼连年歉收后总会出现严重的疫情。

    In the Middle Ages , years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease .

  10. 歉收造成食物严重短缺。

    The bad harvest led to severe food shortages .

  11. 坏天气注定了庄稼要歉收。

    Bad weather doomed the crops .

  12. 这种作物连续两年歉收。

    The crop failed two years .

  13. 歉收一半儿由于干旱,一半儿由于虫灾。

    The crop failure was due in part to drought and in part to insect pests .

  14. 美国干旱缓解中心(NationalDroughtMitigationCentre)气候学家布莱恩•福克斯(BrianFuchs)说:目前还没有出现大面积歉收,但这种趋势正在快速发展。

    We aren 't seeing widespread failure yet , but it sure is developing rapidly , said Brian Fuchs , climatologist at the National Drought Mitigation Centre .

  15. 印度正在经历七年来最干燥的雨季,导致人们对今年粮食歉收的恐慌上升。但是印度总理辛格(ManmohanSingh)说,前两年粮食大丰收有助于印度克服今年可能面临的任何粮食产量不足的问题。

    As the driest monsoon season in seven years raises the specter of failed harvests , Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says bumper food grain production in the past two years will help India overcome any shortfall in food production this year .

  16. 地势低洼的太平洋岛屿正面临着海岸侵蚀和作物歉收的困境。

    Low-lying Pacific Islands are suffering coastal erosion and crop failures .

  17. 很多地方由于变暖、干将会歉收。

    Warmer and drier conditions in many places will reduce yields .

  18. 如果庄稼再一次歉收,成千上万的人就要挨饿。

    Thousands of people could starve if the crops fail again .

  19. 庄稼歉收是不利的天气情况造成的。

    The failure of the crop was due to adverse weather conditions .

  20. 病毒常常在发展中国家造成主要粮食作物的大面积歉收。

    Viruses often cause massive failure in staple crops in developing countries .

  21. 作物歉收农民就要受灾。

    The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers .

  22. 遇上荒年,农作物普遍歉收。

    In the lean years , crop failures are common .

  23. 那年,庄稼歉收导致大范围的饥荒。

    That year , crop failure led to widespread famine .

  24. 我今年的西红柿歉收。

    My tomatoes produced only a light crop this year .

  25. 农民们把农作物的歉收归咎于天气不好。

    The farmers blamed the failure of the crops on the weather .

  26. 在这种情况下,丰收后供应最大时,农民必须以低价出售农产品。而歉收后供应数量有限时,他们必须出高价自己购买食物。但是当农民种植更多作物时,他们也可以出售更多产品。

    But when farmers produce more food , they can sell more .

  27. 天气不好是庄稼歉收的部分原因。

    The weather was partly to blame for crop failure .

  28. 太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。

    Too much rain accounted for the poor crop .

  29. 是的,但是大家说反正橙子要歉收。

    Yes , but everybody said the crop would be a failure anyhow .

  30. 庄稼再歉收就会导致大范围饥荒。

    Another crop failure could result in widespread famine .