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gān biě
  • wizened;shrivel;dried
干瘪 [gān biě]
  • (1) [wizened;dried]

  • (2) 干枯收缩;不丰满

  • 随着岁月的流逝,他的脸变得愈来愈憔悴干瘪了

  • (3) 形容文辞等内容贫乏而枯燥

  • 上海人叫小瘪三的那批角色,也很象我们的党八股,干瘪得很,样子十分难看。—— 毛泽东《反对党八股》

  • 在辞章拙劣的中间,人们所读到的永远只是干瘪的词汇。——《义理、考据和辞章》

干瘪[gān biě]
  1. 甚至我的嘴唇看起来都很干瘪。

    Even my lips look shrivelled .

  2. 吴老太爷接过来恭恭敬敬摆在膝头,就闭了眼睛,干瘪的嘴唇上浮出一丝放心了的微笑。

    Old Mr. Wu took it and laid it reverently on his lap . He closed his eyes again , a faint smile of peace on his shrivelled lips .

  3. 他干瘪的大腿几乎不足以支撑他身体的重量。

    His shrunken thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body .

  4. 这篇评论语言干瘪,内容空泛。

    The review is dull and devoid of content .

  5. 干瘪的种子裂开了,卷曲的绿叶伸展了

    The dry seed ruptures and the green leaf uncurls .

  6. 尽管2008年后美国明显有必要提高国民储蓄率,但巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统却试图延续消费狂潮&他向荷包业已干瘪的消费者大力推销住房和汽车,同时不顾预算赤字不可持续实施减税举措。

    In spite of the evident need for a rise in national saving after 2008 , President Barack Obama tried to prolong the consumption binge by aggressively promoting home and car sales to already exhausted consumers , and by cutting taxes despite an unsustainable budget deficit .

  7. 那手看上去粗糙干瘪,不像是个男孩的手。

    The hand looked chapped and wizened , not a boy 's.

  8. 由于完全失去了水分而干瘪皱缩。

    Dry up and shrivel due to complete loss of moisture .

  9. 他不是因长时间在箱子里而干瘪的。

    He wasn 't in the box long enough to mummify .

  10. 那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。

    That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser .

  11. 有个干瘪的小老头来到门口。

    A little dried-up old man came to the door .

  12. 所罗门先生是一个干瘪矮小的人,头发鬈曲灰白。

    Mr Solomon was a wizened little man with frizzy gray hair .

  13. 有个一身干瘪的小个子男人,拐弯抹角混过了执行警戒的士兵队列。

    A wizened little man wriggled through the line of soldiers standing guard .

  14. 处理前后含水量无明显的变化,水果未出现干瘪等症状。

    The moisture of treatments has no obvious change .

  15. 但是它的一对翅膀却小得接近枯萎,身体也很干瘪。

    But it had a withered body it was tiny and shriveled wings .

  16. 她又继续按摩他那干瘪了的肌肉。

    She would go on kneading his exhausted muscles .

  17. 他那张干瘪苍白的脸常常显得憔悴。

    His dry pallid face often looked gaunt .

  18. 可是荪甫,我们自己今天却干瘪了;

    The thing is , sun-fu , we 're left high and dry today !

  19. 葡萄藤上的葡萄都干瘪了。

    The grapes withered on the vine .

  20. 墙上挂着的丝瓜都已经给风吹干瘪了。

    The towel gourds hanging on the wall have been dried out by the wind .

  21. 一个围着花围裙的干瘪老妪。

    An aged crone a floral apron .

  22. 发现了一具干瘪的尸体。

    A mummified body was found .

  23. 这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。

    That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal .

  24. 7组瘤体缩小干瘪,结痂脱落。

    The tumors of group 7 were reduced , shriveled , scabbed and desquamated at last .

  25. 可是现在,他的鼻子干瘪瘦长,贴近下巴像纤细的棍棒

    But now his nose is thin , and it rests upon his chin like a staff

  26. 她的干瘪的胸部鼓起。

    Her dry breast filled .

  27. 不育株与可育株的花朵在表型上有明显区别,不育株的花丝短小,花药小而干瘪,其颜色发白,无粉;

    There are distinct differences between sterile plants and fertile plants on the phenotype of their flowers .

  28. 年迈干瘪的牛头人坐在火前,温暖着自己的老骨头。

    The ancient and wizened tauren sat in front of the fire , warming his old bones .

  29. 她由于年老体衰而显得干瘪。

    She shriveled with age .

  30. 我永远记得她干瘪衰老得象发黄的纸。

    I always remember her as being dried up and old , like a piece of yellow rice paper .