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  • metaphysis
  1. 结果:MRI显示了二次骨化中心骨髓和干骺端之间的5种不同的微解剖结构:①二次骨化中心的临时钙化带;

    Results : MR imaging depicted five zones between the secondary ossification center and the metaphysis corresponding histologically to ① zone of provisional calcification center ;

  2. 干骺端的部分血液经干骺端静脉回流。

    A part of blood in the metaphysis drains into the metaphyseal veins .

  3. 正常乳猪骨骺及干骺端骨髓的增强MR成像研究

    Gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging in developing epiphysis of normal piglets : an experimental study

  4. 目的运用动态钆增强MRI技术,评价正常骨骺软骨、生长板软骨、海绵状骨松质、干骺端等不同解剖区域的血液供应特征。

    Objective To evaluate the blood perfusion of epiphysis , physis , spongiosa and metaphysis in normal growth skeletons by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .

  5. 尼尔雌醇治疗3个月可显著增加OVX大鼠干骺端骨量(P<0.05),但仍显著低于对照组(P<0.05);

    The bone turnover rate and trabecular bone volume were improved with the treatment of nylestriol for 3 months in the OVX rats ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. C3型骨折因干骺端粉碎应采用松质骨移植恢复桡骨的长度;

    And cancellous bone graft should be performed in severe comminuted fractures to restore the length of radius .

  7. 一个Schmid型干骺端软骨发育不良症家族

    A Kindred of Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia , Schmid Type

  8. 隐匿性骨折4例,表现为干骺端边界模糊的片状T1低信号影,T2信号多样。

    In4 cases of obscure bone fracture , the lesion was located in the metaphysic , manifested a hypo-intense shadow on T1WI , diverse on T2WI .

  9. 结论DXA测量大鼠骨量是精密和有效的方法,胫骨近端干骺端和股骨远端干骺端是大鼠去卵巢后骨丢失最敏感区域。

    Conclusion The proximal tibia and distal femur are the most sensitive regions for detecting bone loss in ovariectomized rat by DXA .

  10. 模型确立后,在三组兔胫骨近干骺端处分别植入两枚微种植体,微种植体之间间距为2cm。

    After the animal models of osteoporosis established , Implant two titanium screw Micro-implants into the Proximal metaphyses of tibiae of every rabbit .

  11. 目的研究日粮电解质平衡对21日龄肉鸡胫骨软骨发育不良(TD)发生、血液酸碱平衡、生长板和干骺端胶原蛋白合成和降解的影响。

    Objective : [ WT5BZ ] The influence of dietary electrolyte balance on incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia ( TD ), acid base balance of blood and metabolism of collagen in cartilage was studied .

  12. 结论AOT型钢板适用于骨质条件好,肱骨头关节端骨块骨量多,肱骨大、小结节骨片较大,肱骨干骺端较粉碎的患者。

    Conclusion To the patient who has good bone quality , more bone stock in humeral head fragment and tuberosities , it is adequate to use AO T buttress plate .

  13. 本文报道了在安徽省宿县地区发现的一个Schmid型干骺端软骨发育不良症家族。

    This paper reports a kindred of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia , Schmid type , which has ' been found in an area of north Anhui .

  14. 骨髓转化系数(MCI)值为T1WI干骺端信号强度与大转子信号强度的比值。

    The marrow conversion index ( MCI ) was the ratio of the marrow signal intensity of the proximal femoral metaphysis ( SM ) to that of the greater trochanter ( ST ) .

  15. 儿童HME的瘤体由软骨组织的帽状结构和几乎与骨骼骨面垂直突出的骨组织构成,大多数分布在关节周围,即长骨的干骺端,肋骨、肩胛骨、骨盆等处有少量分布。

    The tumor of children HME is consisted of the cap-like structure of cartilage tissue and the prominent bone tissue which is almost perpendicular to the bone surface .

  16. [目的]总结经皮微创钢板接骨术(MIPPO)治疗胫骨近侧干骺端骨折的手术方法和临床效果。

    [ Objective ] To summarize the surgical management and clinic results of the minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis ( MIPPO ) technique in treatment of proximal metaphyseal fractures of tibia .

  17. 术后14周OVX组离体股骨BMD显著低于Sham组(P0001),股骨远侧干骺端平均降低116%(P0001);

    The femoral BMD in vitro was markedly decreased in OVX rats at 14 weeks post surgery , compared to that in sham operated rats ( P 0 001 ), especially for the distal femoral metaphysis ( P 0 001 , - 11 6 % ) .

  18. 术后14周右侧离体胫骨BMD两组间差异无显著性,但OVX组胫骨近侧干骺端BMD显著低于Sham组(P<0001);

    There was no significant difference at 14 weeks post surgery for tibial BMD in vitro between OVX rats and sham controls , but the BMD of proximal tibial metaphysis in OVX rats was significantly decreased , compared to that in sham operated rats ( P < 0 001 ) .

  19. 干骺端骨密度在术后持续降低,到12周时尚未见回升迹象。

    The BMD of distal metaphysis remained reduced until 12 weeks .

  20. 微创手术治疗胫骨远侧干骺端骨折的疗效

    Outcomes of minimally invasive surgery for treating distal tibial metaphyseal fractures

  21. 儿童干骺端致密带征原因的X线诊断

    X-ray Diagnosis of Metaphysial Dense Band - sign in Children

  22. 干骺端骨髓炎伴化脓性膝关节炎的关节镜下治疗

    Arthroscopic treatment of knee septic arthritis caused by osteomyelitis in adjacent metaphysic

  23. 本文报告30只兔胫骨上干骺端截骨延长的实验结果。

    The tibia was lengthened with proximal metaphyseal osteotomy in 30 rabbits .

  24. 平均愈合时间:骨干为18个月,干骺端为7个月。

    The average healing time of shaft was18months , and7months at osteoepiphyseal interface .

  25. 胫骨上干骺端一骨干截骨延长术的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of proximal metaphyseal ─ diaphyseal osteotomy in

  26. 外固定器加同种异体骨移植治疗儿童干骺端良性骨肿瘤

    Treatment the Children Osteoma of Epiphysis With the Unilateral External Fixation and Allograft

  27. 骨干干骺端T型截骨治疗下肢短缩畸形的护理

    Nursing Care of Diaphysis metaphysis T shaped Osteotomy in the Treatment of Lower Limb

  28. 培养软骨植入干骺端对胫骨生长影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on the effect of cultured cartilages on tibial growth by allograft into metaphyses

  29. 儿童干骺端喇叭样膨大,干骺端毛刷征;

    At the end of Silurian . ( 4 ) flared metaphysis with brush change ;

  30. 干骺端动脉增强干骺部的血液供应。

    Several metaphyseal arteries enter the bone marrow to enhance the blood supply of the metaphysis .