
ɡān cài
  • dried vegetable
干菜 [gān cài]
  • [dried vegetable] 晒干腌制的蔬菜

  • 北方有些农民在冬天吃夏天储备的干菜

  1. 我加工厂大量销售野生蕨菜干,小山竹笋干,芥菜干,霉干菜,长豆角干。

    I plant a large number of sales of wild fern stem , shoot dry hills , dry mustard , molded dried vegetable , long beans dry .

  2. 绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革

    Processing technique and historical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable

  3. 同时蒸馏萃取&气质联用分析绍兴霉干菜中挥发性香气成分

    Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Flavor Constituents of Shaoxing Black Dried Pickle

  4. 看看你的衣服是不是霉干菜。

    Is your suit losing its crispness ?

  5. 腐乳防腐剂100%合格,干菜苯甲酸合格率98.04%。

    Fermented bean curd antiseptic 100 % qualified , dried vegetables benzoic acid qualified rate 98.04 % .

  6. 三种干菜储藏期昆虫群落结构及检疫风险评估

    The Research on the Structure of Storage Insect Community on Three Dried Vegetables and Corresponding Pest Risk Assessment

  7. 采用同时蒸馏法提取并用气质联用检测绍兴霉干菜中挥发性香气成分。

    Volatile oil of Shaoxing black dried pickle was obtained by simultaneous distillation-extraction ( SDE ) and analyzed for chemical constituents by GC-MS.

  8. 该文主要介绍了霉干菜的来历、风味特点及原料、腌制工艺、成品的质量指标等。

    This paper mainly introduced the origination , flavor characters of the product , materials , salting technology , and quality indexes of end products .

  9. 同时,也应该加强对干菜储藏期管理,努力减少和控制虫害的发生。

    Meanwhile , we should strengthen the managements of thedried vegetable during the period of storage , and control or reduce the pests to occur effectively .

  10. 对于这个问题的回答将是对方接受还是持谨慎观望态度,或者干菜拒绝你的要求。

    Your ability to answer this question to their satisfaction will lead them to accept or to be cautious and reserved , or possibly even to reject .

  11. 可根据实际场地和需要,灵活设计成干菜层、多层、充分利用空间。

    Could be designed as two levels or multiple levels according to the space and your needs so that maximum utilization of the space could be achieved .

  12. 葡萄糖对氨基酸含量的影响极显著,对风味的影响极显著,干菜含水率对色泽的影响高度显著;

    In Maillard reaction , the notable factor of effecting amino acid content and flavor is glucose , the notable factor of effecting colour is water content in dried-salted Potherb mustard .

  13. 由于干菜储藏对环境温度和湿度要求较高,在储存过程中容易感染害虫,货主需要定期对干菜进行灭虫处理,出口检疫存在一定的风险。

    Due to the facts that storing dried vegetables needs to meet higher requirements on environmental temperature and humidity , and during the storage dried vegetables are prone to infect pests , owners of goods should regularly conduct pests-killing treatment on dried vegetables .

  14. 按照风险评估结果,虽然干菜害虫难以构成输入国检疫性害虫,但这并不说明不具有检疫风险。

    According to the results of risk assessment , although the pests in the dried vegetables are difficult to be listed in the quarantine pests of the imported countries , it does not mean that some of the pests have not importance of quarantine .