
  • 网络Hand Dryer
  1. 很多手部卫生专家不建议使用干手器,主要是因为很少有人有耐性把手完全吹干,最后只是在衣服上擦擦了事。

    Many hand-hygiene experts are down on hand dryers & chiefly because few people have the patience to dry completely and end up wiping their hands on their clothes .

  2. 干手器还能把残余的细菌吹到最远6英尺的地方。

    Air dryers can also blow remaining germs as far as six feet away .

  3. 我用干手器。

    I prefer the hand-dryer .

  4. 该干手器采用高速直流无刷电机,配备全新电路控制系统,5~7秒钟内快速吹干双手,一改传统老式干手器效率低、能耗大的缺点。

    This new kind products can dry a pair of hands in5 to7 seconds , discarding the old types disadvantage of low efficiency with high energy costing .

  5. 它们销售的东西或许是干手器或家庭保险,但从本质来看,它们能否生存取决于能否准确把握客户的真实需求,而利润则是对它们最先搞清楚客户真实需求的奖赏。

    Perhaps they are selling people hand-dryers or household insurance but , ultimately , their livelihoods depend on the accuracy with which they have discerned the true needs of those they have set out to serve : profit is the reward for working out those of your clients ahead of anyone else .