
gān cǎo
  • hay;cured hay
干草 [gān cǎo]
  • [hay] 晒干(或风干)水分的枯草;准备收入干草棚的草;特指割下并晒干作饲料用的各种草本植物,有时包括草籽和其他饲料(如豆科植物)

干草[gān cǎo]
  1. 他载着一大车干草驶过。

    He drove by with a big load of hay

  2. 他能闻到粪臭和清新的干草味。

    He could smell muck and clean fresh hay .

  3. 一支香烟把干草点燃了。

    A cigarette set the dry grass alight .

  4. 干草着火了。

    The dry grass caught fire .

  5. 干草割下并捆扎之后需要对其进行化学处理。

    Once hay has been cut and baled it has to go through some chemical processes .

  6. 她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。

    She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family 's farm .

  7. 农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。

    Farmers cut the hay , fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns .

  8. 马在咔嚓咔嚓地咀嚼干草。

    The horses were champing their hay .

  9. 他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。

    He ignited the wood with a band of hay .

  10. 这帮人为了一车干草的价钱争吵不休。

    These men have quarreled over the price of a load of hay .

  11. 车夫装了一大车干草。

    The driver heaped a cart with hay .

  12. 这农民用叉子叉干草。

    The farmer forked hay .

  13. 雷击时,干草容易着火。

    When lightning strikes , dry grass easily catches fire .

  14. 那是因为在过去,床经常是一个装满干草的大袋子。

    That 's because a bed was often a big bag with hay inside in the past .

  15. 小男孩给了狗一些食物、水和干净的干草让它躺在上面。

    The little boy gave the dog some food , water and clean dry grass to lie on .

  16. 当你累了想上床睡觉的时候,你可以说,"我需要干草。(我得睡了)"

    When you are tired and you want to go to bed , you can say , " I need to hit the hay . "

  17. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  18. 他们通常将干草存放在谷仓中。

    They usually keep the hay in the barn .

  19. 这被称作「干草市场屠杀」。

    It was called the Haymarket Massacre .

  20. 这些干草被不断地扔给下面的母牛、马、绵羊们吃。

    And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the hourses and the sheep .

  21. 有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声,它就会掉落一口干草

    There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats , it loses a mouthful of hay .

  22. 不过,这里面最浓的味道却是干草味儿,因为谷仓上面的大阁楼里总是堆满了干草。

    But mostly it smelled of hay , for there was always hay in the great loft4 up overhead .

  23. 三天后,数千名罢工工人在干草市场广场聚集,警方与劳工在那爆发冲突。

    Three days later , thousands of strikers met in Haymarket Square , where a riot broke out between cops and workers .

  24. 你先从上面的梯子下爬到放干草的地方,再握住绳子站在那上面,这时如果往下看你可能会感到害怕和头晕。

    You climbed a ladder to the hayloft . Then , holding the rope , you stood at the edge and looked down , and were scared and dizzy .

  25. 然后,暖暖的散发着清香的干草会被卸进大阁楼,直到堆得整个谷仓看起来像无数的筒状草与苜蓿铺起的奇妙的大床一样。

    Then the hay would be hoisted , sweet and warm , into the big loft , until the whole barn seemed like a wonderful bed of timothy and clover .

  26. 它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。

    It ’ s similar to the English saying “ Many a fine dish has nothing on it ” or the Chinese idiom “ embroidered pillow , ” which boasts a beautiful cover , but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside . For example :

  27. 第二天,如果没有雷阵雨,所有的人就会来帮着用耙子把割下来的草收拢到一起,装上高高的干草车往谷仓拉,芬和埃弗里则坐到了车的最顶上。

    Next day , if there was no thunder shower , all hands would help rake and pitch and load , and the hay would be hauled to barn in the high hay wagon , with Fern and Avery riding at the top of the load .

  28. 有时,跑步的人见到有人在里面走来走去,但是谁都知道那就是房子的主人,因为他的卡车就停在大门口。大家也都知道他是用楼下的房间储存一些机器和剩下的干草。

    At times , the CC runners did see someone poking6 around there , but it was obviously the owner of the property as they would see his truck parked in front of the place , and they could see that he was using the downstairs rooms to store equipment and surplus hay .

  29. 试验结果说明,大比例紫花苜蓿干草日粮(紫花苜蓿为24%DM)乳脂率显著(P

    The trial results indicated : larger content of lucerne hay ( 24 % DM ), fat percentage was higher ( P

  30. n.干草干草堆放久了就会自燃。

    A stack of hay will self-ignite if it stays for a long time .