
  • 网络stem form
  1. 马尾松树干干形及材积估测的研究

    Study on the stem form of Pinus massoniana and estimation of Standing Volume

  2. 林分密度对湿地松林木干形影响的研究

    Study on Effect of Stand Density on Tree Stem Form of Slash Pine

  3. 本研究利用来源于澳大利亚新南威尔士州不同生长条件下的辐射松人工林样木干形数据,比较了广义Brink干形方程和三角函数干形方程对去(带)皮直径的拟合效果。

    This paper compares trigonometric variable-form taper function with generalized Brink stem profile function when estimation predicting diameter under ( over ) bark at any height of stem using sample taper data collected from Pinus radiata plantations in New South Wales , Australia .

  4. NL-80351干形园满通直、尖削度小、分枝角度小、冠幅窄、抗性强,未发现发生病虫危害,一般经营措施下林木生长旺盛,已成为孝感市主栽品种。

    NL-80351 trunk shape was full and straight , small pointed whittle , small branch degree and narrow crown , strong resistance , found non appearance of disease and pests damages , trees grew vitality under general managing measures , that had become dominant cultivars in Xiaogan city .

  5. 乔木的干形好、材质优良、较速生。

    Arbors grow fast with good stem shape and good timber .

  6. 泡桐干形变异与选择

    Study on the Stem form Variation and Selection of Paulownia

  7. 刺槐无性系人工林干形与削度研究

    Studies on the stem form and taper of black locust clonal plantations

  8. 用相对干形法建立立木树干表面积模型的研究

    Surface Area Models of Standing Tree Stems by Relative Stem Form Method

  9. 杉木人工林广义干形模型的研究

    A Generalized Stem Form Model for Chinese Fir Plantation

  10. 陕西省8种树种干形的差异分析

    Discriminatory Analysis of Stem Forms of Eight Main Tree Species in Shaanxi Province

  11. 泡桐干形培育研究进展

    The advances of Paulownia stem form Cultivation Research

  12. 美洲黑杨新无性系干形性状遗传变异初步研究

    Research on the Genetic Variation of New Clonal Stem Form Traits in Populus Deltoides

  13. 干形相对较差,生长略显缓慢;

    Poor-shaped stem and slowing the growth ;

  14. 油松相对干形与树冠率及平均高的关系

    Relationship of the relative stem form to crown ratio and mean height for Pinus tabulaeformis

  15. 喉上神经外支呈袢状,而非传统的干形。

    The shape of external laryngeal branch is looped , but not as traditional linear .

  16. 落叶松树干干形的研究

    Studies on the shape of Larch trunk

  17. 以胸径生长量和干形作为选择指标,从东部黑核桃优良家系中选出速生、干型好的优树7株。

    Seven elite trees are selected based on the DBH growth and the stem form .

  18. 红松人工林修枝技术对林木生长和干形的影响

    The Influence of Stem Pruning on the Growth and Stem Form of Korean Pine Plantation Forest

  19. 工业用材柳树新无性系生长、干形及适应性比较研究

    A comparative study on new willow clones growth , truncal form and adaptation for industrial usage

  20. 用干形指数法编制原条材积表及商品材积表的探讨

    Approach to drawing up tree-length volume table and commercial volume table by stem form exponent method

  21. 性状间相关分析证明,生长性状、干形性状、冠形性状间存在显著的相关关系。

    Analysis of genetic correlations indicated that there were significant correlations among growth , trunk form and crown traits .

  22. 河南火炬松种源中龄林生长量、干形特征的差异分析

    The Difference Analyses of Tree Growth Characteristics Among Provenance of Exotic Loblolly Pine Planted in South of Henan Province of China

  23. 基于马尾松测交系子代的生长、干形和木材密度GAC/SCA分析

    Genetic Analysis on Combining Ability of Growth , Stem Form and Wood Basic Density of Pinus massoniana by testcross mating design

  24. 同时利用指数分析法对杨树新无性系干形的优劣进行了综合评价。

    Moreover , it was carried out that tree stem forms were valued by index method analysis for each new poplar clones .

  25. 叶片形态、生长性状、干形性状表现型分离均呈正态分布,表明他们均由微效多基因控制。

    The phenotypic of leaf , growth traits and stem form traits are all normal distribution , which indicate that they are controlled by polygons .

  26. 通过对24块红松人工林固定标准地的研究得知:修枝可显著提高林分的材积生长率并可改良林木的干形;

    Through studying on24 pernament sample plots , the conclusion is as follow : stem pruning raised the growth rate of stand and improved stem form .

  27. 本文用在陕西主要林区调查的油松标准地、标准木材料,就树冠率和平均高对相对干形的影响进行了研究。

    Effects of crown ratio and mean height on the relative stem form were studied by sample plots and sample trees for Pinus tabulaeformis in main forested region of Shaanxi .

  28. 结果表明:不同水分条件对池杉的树高、胸径、枝下高、干形、树干基部形态及生长过程均产生明显的影响。

    Result showed that different waterlogging depths have obvious effects on tree height , diameter at breast height , under branch height , trunk morphological structure , stem base form , and growth process .

  29. 本文从相对干形和正形数的变化规律、立木求积、林分蓄积计算等方面,综述了相对干形理论及其应用的研究成果。

    A general review of the theory of relative stem form and its application is given based on the variation law of relative stem and normal form factor , calculation of standing volume and standing stock , etc.

  30. 为了充分挖掘干形改良的遗传潜力和为多世代育种提供理论依据,探讨了从树冠结构方面对干形实行间接选择的可能性。

    In , order to tap adequately the potential of stem form improvement and to provide theoretical foundation for mult-generation breeding , the possibility of selecting indirectly for stem form from the tree crown structure was studied .