
ɡàn bù péi xùn
  • cadre training
  1. 加紧干部培训和WTO研究。

    Speeding up cadre training and WTO studies .

  2. 在干部培训中实施经验课程教育的探讨

    An Exploration of Implementing Experiential Courses Education in Cadre Training

  3. 新形势下农业干部培训的若干对策

    Some Suggestions on the Training of Agriculture Cadres Under New Situation

  4. 关于林业干部培训机构核心能力建设的研究

    On the Core Competence Construction of Training Body for Forestry Cadres

  5. 干部培训教育最重要的是师资队伍建设。

    Education and training of teachers is the most important building .

  6. 少数民族干部培训流程初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Training Flow of Cadres of Ethnic Minorities

  7. 西部省区群体干部培训班学员调查分析

    The Research on the Cadre Training in Western of China

  8. 科学发展观视野中的干部培训创新初探

    On Innovation of Leadership Training under Scientific Outlook of Development

  9. 基于需求的县处级领导干部培训实证研究

    County Level Based on the Needs of Empirical Research Training Leading Cadres

  10. 举办卫生管理干部培训班情况分析及设想

    The conditional analysis of conducting training class of hygeian administrator and suggestions

  11. 介绍一种在企业管理干部培训实施中的四步操作模式。

    Introduced a four-step VT operation mode for enterprises management .

  12. 惠州市中青年科级干部培训需求的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thinking of Huizhou Middle-aged and Young Section-level Cadres Training Demand

  13. 关于计划生育干部培训形式的几点思考

    Some Considerations of the Ways of Training Family Planning Workers

  14. 干部培训实施案例教学必须处理好几个关系

    Teaching by Cases in Training Cadres : Several Relations

  15. 教育干部培训中人力资源的优化

    Optimization of Human Resources in Educating and Teaching Cadres

  16. 英国互动式教学及对我国妇女干部培训的启示

    Interactive Instruction in Britain and its Inspiration on Women Cadres Training in China

  17. 我国地方政府领导干部培训模式研究

    Training of Local Leadership Cadres of Our County

  18. 论林业干部培训方式的变革

    On the Change of Forestry Cadres Training Way

  19. 党校干部培训模式的选择往往会直接影响到培训效果。

    Party cadre training mode choice is often a direct impact on training effectiveness .

  20. 管理干部培训现状及展望

    The present situation and the prospect to the training of Management Science in seismological system

  21. 基于胜任力的医院领导干部培训体系研究

    Competency-Based Hospital System for Leading Cadres Training

  22. 四是建立保卫干部培训机制。

    Establishing training system for guard personnel .

  23. 单一型干部培训院校图书馆用户需求导向的馆藏建设策略研究

    Study on User Need Based Collection Construction Strategy of Single Institution-Building Cadres Training College Library

  24. 干部培训历来是我们党提高干部素质的重要手段。

    Cadres training has been an important means to improve the quality of our cadres .

  25. 与时俱进努力提高党校干部培训质量

    Advance with the Times , Striving to Improve Quality of Training for Cadres of Party School

  26. 我们要牢固树立科学的人才观,促进干部培训的发展。

    We must firmly establish scientific talent view and advance cadre new development of training constantly .

  27. 西部大开发与少数民族青年干部培训工作

    Great development of western regions and the training of young cadres in ethnic minorities of China

  28. 基于科学发展观的电力企业政工干部培训机制研究

    Study on Training Mechanism of Political Cadres in Electric Power Enterprises Based on Scientific Concept of Development

  29. 新时代干部培训出现新的特点,要求开展“菜单式”培训。

    The new characteristics of cadre training emerged in the new era , demanding " menu " training .

  30. 农业领导干部培训教师素质建设理论研究

    A theoretical Study on the Construction of Teacher 's Quality for the Training of Agricultural Leaders in China