
  • 网络Learning Systems
  1. 弹性学习制度下职业学校的语文教学改革

    On Chinese Teaching Reforms in Vocational Schools under the Elastic Learning Systems

  2. 高校教师政治(理论)学习制度溯源

    System Tracing on Political ( Theoretical ) Study of College Faculty

  3. 本文作者运用绩效动态分析方法对我国职业教育实施弹性学习制度问题进行了较深入的探讨。

    This paper discusses the elastic study in vocational education .

  4. 高校弹性学习制度研究

    The Study on the Flexible Learning System of Higher Schools

  5. 论我国大学本科学习制度的开放性

    On the Open Schema of College Studying System for Undergraduates in our Country

  6. 我国高职教育实施弹性学习制度研究

    The Flexible Study System in Higher Professional Education

  7. 推行弹性学习制度,已成为世界上许多国家高等教育政策的一个主题。

    Implementing the flexible learning system has become a topic of worldwide higher education policy .

  8. 弹性学习制度:一种培养学生创新精神和实践能力的保障机制

    Flexible Learning System : A System to Foster College Students ' Creativity and Practical Ability

  9. 制度保障是中等职业学校顺利实施弹性学习制度并取得成效的关键。

    The guarantee system is key to smoothly implementing flexible learning system in secondary vocational school .

  10. 在自习时间学校维持着无人监管的学习制度;可信赖的工人在一般情况下无需监管。

    The school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods ; reliable workers are generally unsupervised .

  11. 第四,改革中等职业学校固定学年制的传统管理体制,实行弹性学习制度,以满足人们多样化的职业教育需求。

    Lastly , to change the fix semester system , using elastic system to satisfy different vocational requirements .

  12. 弹性学习制度的施行为职业学校语文教学改革搭建了平台。

    The implementation of elastic learning system has set up a platform for practising Chinese teaching reforms in vocational schools .

  13. 弹性学习制度是高等学校在新形势下的必然选择,但其实施过程中存在着许多现实问题。

    Elastic-study system is an necessary choice for universities in the new situation but there exist many problems in its implementation .

  14. 将分层教学和弹性学习制度结合起来,开展选修教育,增加教育的弹性。

    Conbined level-teaching method with " flexibly study system " together , take elective course , it will increase the elasticity of education .

  15. 鉴于我国高等职业教育的现状,必须积极探索,深化改革,其基本思路是:改革办学模式、改革专业教学、改革招生和就业制度、改革学习制度等。

    To achieve innovation of school running mode of higher vocational education , we should accurately locate the training objective so as to provide a premise for it .

  16. 其次概括了信息数字化、生产柔性化、组织弹性化、管理一体化、经营虚拟化、学习制度化、管理人本化等七大方面的特征。

    Secondly , the essay summarizing 7 features of biz informationization : digital information , flexible manufacture , elastic organization , fictitious operation , systematic learning , talent-based management .

  17. 实行学分制对高等教育改革和发展具有重要的意义,而传统的学习制度、教学策略和管理模式与学分制管理模式有着极大的冲突。

    It is significant to carry out the credit system in higher educational reform and development in which the traditional system of learning and teaching collides greatly with the credit system .

  18. 政府组织的学习制度与政治文明建设有着内在的联系,也有内容机制方式的差异,区分这些差异是构建学习型政府所必须进行的一项重要工作。

    There is an innate association and some differences in the mechanism and manners of the content between the learning system set up by the government and the construction of political civilization .

  19. 职业教育弹性学习制度探析建立与之相配套的政策与制度保障体系,可以最大限度地发挥弹性学习制度的育人功能和经济效应。

    Therefore , the policy and the ensuring system related with it must be set up so that the educational function and economic effects of elastic-study system can be given to full play .

  20. 制度体系包括建立和完善基层公务员培训宏观管理制度、学习制度、培训登记制度、考试考核制度、激励制度和相关配套制度、政策。

    Establish and perfect the system including the grass-roots civil servants training macro management system , the training of learning system and registration system , the evaluation system , incentive system and related system , policy .

  21. 其具体途径有:建立学习制度,加强管理干部培训;调整队伍,优化结构;稳定管理干部队伍,加强梯队建设。

    The concrete ways is to set up learning system to strengthen the training of administrative cadres to adjust group and perfect constructure to stablize administratire cadres group , to intensify the training of the seeond echelon .

  22. 这些问题的解决并不在一朝一夕,也许有的方面需要的是政府的支持,有的方面是需要学习制度的改革,而有的方面则需要学校教师的重视与能力的提升。

    These issues are not resolved in overnight , maybe some aspects need government support , and some aspects of the reform need learn the system , and some aspects of need teacher to improve attention and ability .

  23. 党外干部培训工作要立足于三个基点,在培训内容、方式、管理体制、资源上要创新,在培训目标、课程设置、学习制度上取得实效。

    The training of Non-Party Members should base on three starting points . It should innovate on the training content , mode , management system and resources , and make actual effect from the training goal , installation of courses and study institution .

  24. 执行方面,要以制度建设作为保障,建立终身学习制度、落实领导责任制度、健全成效考核制度以及建立轮流监督制度,从而创建学习型政党的长效机制。

    With the system construction as guarantee , we must establish lifelong learning system , implement the responsibility system of the leadership , perfect effect assessment system and establish take turns supervisory system in order to create a long-term mechanism of building learning party .

  25. 弹性学习制度包括开放和灵活的入学制度、学生转系和转专业制度、完善的学分制、自助餐式的课程制度、弹性的学期制、学制的弹性化与评价的弹性化等。

    The Flexible learning system includes open and flexible enrollment system , the system of students'changing departments and changing majors , perfect credit system , curriculum system of cafeteria style , flexible semester system , the flexibility of school system and flexibility of evaluation .

  26. 然后,基于企业化运作的视角提出建设高效的基层政府执行组织体系,健全基层政府执行流程,强化监督考评流程,战略性构建服务公众的终身学习制度等措施来提高我国基层政府执行力。

    Then I bring forward some measures to improve implementation ability of grass-roots government like building efficient grass-roots governmental implementation system , improving grass-roots governmental implementation process , strengthening supervision and review process and cultivating grass-roots governmental implementation quality on the basic of using for reference of foreign advanced experiences .

  27. 制度学习与制度模仿的后发优势;

    The system studies the advantage of backwardness imitated with the system ;

  28. 台湾高校学习预警制度及其借鉴

    Early Warning System for the Studying of Taiwanese University Students and Its Meaning

  29. 少年犯只安排习艺性的劳动,实行半天劳动、半天学习的制度。

    Juvenile deliquents only work to learn skills , following a Half-work and half-study schedule .

  30. 该基金会还支持一个帮助青年人学习法律制度的项目。

    The foundation also supports programs to help young people learn about the legal system .