
  1. 随着圣希尔达学院的财政和学术状况越来越窘迫,要求招收男学生的呼声也越来越高。

    The call for change came as St Hilda 's faces increasing financial and academic difficulties .

  2. 目前,对学生主体价值的呼声高涨,并把它当成批判教师主导的利器。

    At present , the main value of the students are growing louder , and put it as a critical tool for teacher-led .

  3. 随着教育改革的深入,社会对初中语文教学要培养学生全面发展的呼声越来越高。

    As the educational reform goes further , the society calls more for the all-round development of students in Chinese class in junior high school .

  4. 随着新课程改革的深入,人们对提高学生人文素养的呼声逐渐高涨。提高学生人文素养的一个关键因素是教师自身要具有较高的人文素养。然而,教师人文素养的现状却不容乐观。

    With the new course reform permeating , the voice of improving students ' humanistic quality is being raised gradually . A key factor of improving it is that teachers should have higher humanistic quality . However ; the real situation of teachers ' humanistic quality is not so optimistic .

  5. 如果你被选入学生会,你将如何支持学生们的呼声?

    If you were elected , what would you do to support a strong student voice here at school ?