
  1. 论水的意象在沈从文小说中的意义

    Dissertation on Water Image Featured in Novels of Shen Cong Wen

  2. 探析沈从文小说的艺术特征

    An Analysis of Artistic Features of Shen Cong-wen 's Novels

  3. 道德困境中的同情&沈从文小说的情调

    Sympathy in the Moral Plight ── The novel style of Shen Cong-wen

  4. 论沈从文小说创作的印象主义色彩

    On the Impressionism in the Novel Writing of Shen Cong-wen

  5. 众里寻她千百度&略谈沈从文小说创作的文学个性

    On the Literary Personality in Shen Cong-wen 's Novel Writing

  6. 酒神:沈从文小说的民俗审美情绪

    On the Folktale Aesthetic Emotion of Shen 's Novels

  7. 从女性书写看沈从文小说创作中的精神冲突

    On Shen Cong-wen 's Spirit Conflict in His Novels

  8. 沈从文小说《人与地》的文体学分析

    Stylistic Analysis of Shen Cong-wen 's Novel & The Man and The Land

  9. 生态美学视域中的沈从文小说

    Deciphering Shen-C on gwen 's Novels in Ecological Esthetics

  10. 小说最终是一门语言的艺术,文体是语言技巧的运用,沈从文小说意境的实现最终也是靠语言。

    Novel finally is a art of language .

  11. 论沈从文小说的空白艺术

    On Gap Arts in SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels

  12. 论沈从文小说的原始主义倾向

    Primitive Tendency In Shen Cong wen 's Novels

  13. 沈从文小说的宗教情绪

    Religious Mood in Shen Cong-wen 's Novels

  14. 论沈从文小说中湘西少女的服饰描写艺术

    About the artistic expression of finery of Western hunan 's maidens in Shen chong-wen 's Fictions

  15. 沈从文小说具有突出的尚“三”特征。

    Shen Congwen s novels are distinctively characterized by the worship of number " three " .

  16. 生命之光熠熠照人&论沈从文小说中的人性主题

    Light of life shines & on the theme of humanity in Shen cong - wens novel

  17. 神性氤氲的生命形态&沈从文小说生命主题研究

    Life Form under the Cover of Divinity : The Subject of Life in SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels

  18. 本文运用原始主义批评方法对沈从文小说加以解读。

    In the paper the author applies the critic method of primitivism to appreciate Shen Congwen 's novels .

  19. 沈从文小说是中国现代性文学的重要组成部分,是现代主义文学的最杰出代表。

    They are therefore an important part of modern Chinese literature and the preeminent representative of the modernistic literature .

  20. 论沈从文小说的气度与宋元文人画

    On The Qualities of Shen Cong-wen 's Novels and The Paintings by The Scholars in Song and Yuan Dynasty

  21. 人性优美背后的现代性思考&沈从文小说主题的再认识

    An Idea on the Modern Features of the Graceful Normal Human Feelings & A New Perspective on the Theme of Shen Cong - wen 's Novels

  22. 文化觅母:对荆楚文化的精神体认与审美趋同&沈从文小说与传统文化研究之一

    The origin of culture : Jingchu culture spiritual approvals and aesthetic trend & One of the studies of Shen Congwen ′ s novel and traditional culture

  23. 本文在分析沈从文小说的基础上,浅析了“水”意象在其作品中的显现及原因。

    On the basis of analysing Sherig Congwen 's novels , the paper has a brief talk on the reason and reveal of water imagery in his novels .

  24. 通过对作家的人生经历心理透视以及小说的意境、语言、文体等方面的分析,阐述了沈从文小说的艺术特征。

    This paper sets forth the artistic features of Shen Congwen 's novels from the perspectives of his personal experiences , his internal world and context , language and stylistic mode in his novel .

  25. 总的来说,沈从文小说的语言风格就是在以自然、含蓄影响、隽永为基调的情景交融的艺术境界里从容叙述,淡淡抒情,隐含忧郁。

    In general , Shen Congwen 's style is the language in a natural , subtle effects , the scene as the keynote Meaningful exchanges in the realm of art calmly described , light lyric , hidden depression .

  26. 沈从文小说充满着对人性的礼赞,本文以小说中湘西男女形象、湘西中老年形象、湘西土匪土娼形象为例,对其人性美进行了粗浅解读。

    This article , form the images of men and women , middle-aged and elderly people , bandits and prostitutes , in western Hu nan , tries to probe into the beauty of human nature in Shen s novels .

  27. 本论文在研究界现有成果的基础上,通过深入分析沈从文小说,从两方面入手阐释其中展示出的性爱形态、生命形态与民族主体形态。

    This article is based on the achievements now available in the circles of his novels ' study , explains the " er o s " formation , vitality formation and national subjectivity formation from two sides by analyzing the novels of him in depth .

  28. 本文试从三个方面加以论述:第一部分论述沈从文小说思想内容的抒情特征;第二部分论述沈从文小说艺术形式的抒情特征;第三部分论述沈从文与其他抒情小说作家的异同。

    This paper should be discussed from three aspects : The first part discusses the ideological content of Shen lyrical characteristics ; second section deals with Shen art form of lyrical characteristics ; third part discusses the Shen and the other lyric writer of the similarities and differences .

  29. 沈从文湘西小说生命世界初探

    The Life World of SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels on Western Hunan

  30. 沈从文在小说创作的同时也写下大量的批评文字。

    He wrote volumes of critical literature while creating .