
  • 网络red-black;red black;red;Black-Red
  1. 设n是红黑树的内部结点的个数。

    Let n be the number of internal nodes of a red-black tree .

  2. 通过红黑树,可以使用大量的定时器而不会对定时器子系统(O(logn))的性能造成影响。

    Using the red-black tree , large numbers of timers can be active without affecting the performance of the timer subsystem ( O ( log n )) .

  3. 我们还有红黑的Ellen内裤正在热卖

    and we also have red and black Ellen underwear that were selling

  4. Watson分配策略在两个单独的“红黑树”中以节点的形式维护堆中的空闲空间

    The Watson allocation policy maintains free space in the heap as nodes in two separate " red-black trees "

  5. 当前运行任务(现在被抢占的任务)通过对putprevtask调用(通过调度类)返回到红黑树。

    The currently running task ( now preempted ) is returned to the red-black tree through a call to put_prev_task ( via the scheduling class ) .

  6. 红黑树的每个节点都由rbnode表示,它只包含子引用和父对象的颜色。

    Each node in the red-black tree is represented by an rb_node , which contains nothing more than the child references and the color of the parent .

  7. 此函数只是从红黑树中获取最左端的任务并返回相关schedentity。

    This function simply picks the left-most task from the red-black tree and returns the associated sched_entity .

  8. 对于大多数操作,红黑树的执行时间为O(logn),而以前的调度程序通过具有固定优先级的优先级数组使用O(1)。

    The red-black tree is O ( log n ) in time for most operations , while the previous scheduler employed O ( 1 ), using a priority array with a fixed number of priorities .

  9. 红黑树(平衡二叉树)是自平衡二叉树,由RudolfBayer发明。

    A red-black tree ( or symmetric binary B-tree ) is a self-balancing binary tree invented by Rudolf Bayer .

  10. 因为Watson在红黑树中维护空间,所以与其他策略相比,它提供更高效的插入和搜索等树操作。

    Since Watson maintains its space in a red-black tree , it provides more efficient tree operations like insertion and searching as compared to other policies .

  11. 店里卖的多数品牌引发了相当程度的“标价震惊”(stickershock,指看到标签上的价格而震惊),如缀满平安针的各款红黑晚礼服标价都能抵上一辆中型轿车的价格。

    Most of the other items in the store induced some degree of sticker shock , such as the various red and black safety-pin laden evening gowns priced in the same range as a mid-sized sedan .

  12. 随后画面突然切换,丰田章男换上一身红黑相间的连体赛车服,戴上头盔,在拉斯维加斯赛车场(LasVegasMotorSpeedway)驾驶一辆迷幻色彩的凯美瑞(Camry)轿车奔驰。

    Then suddenly , he is in a red and black racing jump suit , helmet on , climbing behind the wheel of a psychedelic Camry sedan at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway .

  13. 谢尔顿:那可是著名的好莱坞服装设计师DeborahNadoolman的杰作,她还设计了迈克尔·杰克逊的《战栗》的MV中那件经典的红黑夹克,不过我一直没看完MV,因为我觉得一群僵尸跳舞这么整齐是在是太假了。

    Sheldon : That 's the work of noted Hollywood costume designer Deborah Nadoolman . She also designed the iconic red and black jacket in Michael Jackson 's Thriller video , which I 've never viewed in its entirety , as I find dancing in

  14. 首先对信号耦合模型和耦合因素进行了相关分析,然后根据分析结论针对PDP具体电路进行了红黑混合设计研究、红黑信号串扰抑制研究和红电路辐射发射抑制研究。

    First it analyzed the signal coupling model and coupling factor , then it gave the research on the design of mix circuit 、 the restraining of crosstalk interference between red and black signal and the the restraining of the electromagnetic radiation of the red circuit .

  15. 对基于红黑排序下的分块系统的重排技术进行研究。

    Reordering methods of block-partioned system with red-black ordering are studied .

  16. 一种新的删除红黑树的结点的算法

    A new algorithm for deleting a node from a red-black tree

  17. 画有红黑几何形状的水牛皮。

    A buffalo hide painted with red and black geometric designs .

  18. 这场比赛的胜利使得红黑军团积分达到了11分。

    This win pushes the Rossoneri up to11 points in the classifications .

  19. 这也是红黑军团历史上重要的一天。

    It is also an important day in Rossoneri history .

  20. 38℃的红色红黑散的质量标准研究

    Study on the quality standard of red and black powder

  21. 红黑树是一个自平衡的二叉查找树。

    Red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree .

  22. 这种红黑相间的款式太牛了!

    The new black and red shoes are awesome !

  23. 红黑排序混合算法收敛速度分析

    A convergence rate analysis of hybrid red-black ordering algorithm

  24. 红黑树的算法试验作业。

    Red and black tree algorithm test operation .

  25. 一种高效的二叉查找树&红黑树

    An Efficient Binary Search Tree-Red / Black Tree

  26. 看,它是红黑相间的。

    Look , it 's red and black .

  27. 这是红黑军团在本赛季的五连胜之后的第一场平局。

    It was the rossoneri 's first draw of the season after five wins .

  28. 红黑树的高度

    Height of a red - black tree

  29. 开发了适用于具体红黑树结点的插入和删除算法。

    The Algorithms of insertion and deletion of nodes are developed for the special application .

  30. 红黑树是一个树,具有很多有趣、有用的属性。

    A red-black tree is a tree with a couple of interesting and useful properties .