
hónɡ zhú
  • red candle
  1. 您是红烛,燃烧自己照亮别人;

    You are a red candle burning up yourself but illuminating us ;

  2. 红烛、松树、圣辰,祝福你,我的友人,青春永驻,幸福长在。

    Red candle , pine tree and Christmas are greeting you , wishing youth and happiness be your .

  3. 带队的老师点燃了红烛,颇有秉烛夜游的味道。

    Led Candle lit teacher , the taste is quite .

  4. 我们经常把老师比作红烛。

    The teacher is often compared to a candle .

  5. 若伤,便作一枝流泪的红烛,将悲伤付之一炬;

    If the injury , it makes a Candle 's tears will be sad to burn ;

  6. 他在新房里摆了许多红烛,显得十分喜庆。

    He placed many red candles in the bridal chamber , and it appeared very festive .

  7. 你是红烛。

    You are the candle .

  8. 红烛的燃烧是短暂的,可她燃烧自己,照亮别人的心却是永恒的。

    Red candle burning is short , but she burns oneself , illuminates the other people 's heart is forever .

  9. 社会对教师的赞美常用红烛、春蚕似乎教师只有以生命为代价,才是好教师。

    Teachers often praise the community " The Candle , Spring Silkworms " seems only to life at the expense of teachers , is a good teacher .

  10. 对尘世千年的爱恋化作一枝流泪的红烛,这温柔是轮回里红烛最后一瞥,凄然而绝美。

    On the earth a thousand years of love and tears into a Candle , which is a reincarnation Village Candle gentle final glimpse of sad but beautiful .

  11. 像燃烧了千年的红烛,微弱的火光消融在烛泪中,未能燃尽的灯芯留的是不见痕迹、无法治愈的创伤。

    Like thousands of Candle burning , faint flame ablation in Zhu Lei , the failure to burn the wick to stay is not seen signs of incurable trauma .

  12. 1923年出版第一部诗集《红烛》,闪烁着反帝爱国的火花,1928年出版第二部诗集《死水》,表现出深沉的爱国主义激情。

    In1923 he published his first poetry book of Red Candle twinkled with sparkles of anti-imperialism patriotism.In1928 he published his second poetry book of Dead Water with deep patriotic passion .

  13. 夜晚南湖湖面放荷花灯,以纸扎灯,下系木片,中燃红烛,飘浮水上,多至千盏。

    South Lake lake lotus lights at night put to paper-made sacrificial lamps , under the Department of chips , the burning Candle , floating in the water , up to1000 .

  14. 我愿化作红烛,插在香甜的蛋糕上,让闪闪烛光映你幸福的笑脸,散发出醉人的温馨。

    I 'd like to change into a red candle on your delicious birthday cake , the glittering candle lights light up your happy smiling face , with a charming atmosphere all around .

  15. 直到阴历新年的15号,你和你的嘉宾可以享受到清樽红烛的汪师傅设计的“佳节同欢菜单”。

    Up to the 15th day of the Lunar New Year , you and your guests can enjoy Chef Wong 's " Prosperity Menu " at Qing Zun Hong Zhu for lunch or dinner .

  16. 在月下,将月亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。

    In the month , the statue will be placed on the moon , the moon in that direction , Candle 's high burning , the whole family followed by worship the moon , then headed housewife cut reunion cakes .