
  1. 叶赛宁的抒情诗一方面表现了他热爱祖国的高尚精神,一方面又表现了农民的愚昧。

    Both lofty love to his motherland and the ignorance of a peasant are showed in C.

  2. 教师道德理想人格就是教师职业中最完美的道德人格,是教师的高尚精神及其外化的感性显现。

    The ideal moral personality for teachers is perfect moral personality in teaching career , the reflection of the high moral of teachers and its outer perceptual display .

  3. 实践理性引导人们向善臻美,成就人生的价值理想,从而使人真正成为具有高尚精神境界的人。

    People led by the practical reason to pursue the goodness , attain the beauty and achieve the value of life so as to fulfill the noble spiritual world .

  4. 自1993年,志愿服务走入高校,志愿服务及其蕴涵的高尚精神得到了越来越多的在校大学生的认同,参与志愿服务的大学生越来越多,志愿服务领域越来越广。

    Since 1993 , volunteer services inter the university . More and more college students recognize voluntary service and its implication of the noble spirit and participate in voluntary services . Voluntary services become more widely .

  5. 他们堪称为医生高尚职业精神的杰出楷模。

    They showed us excellent examples of the high professional spirit .

  6. 无偿献血,体现您高尚的精神境界。

    Unpaid blood donation embodies the spirit of the noble realm .

  7. 梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。

    Mei is a symbol of distinguishing spirit and moral integrity .

  8. 为此,要强化理论教育,建设高尚的精神家园;

    Therefore , the theory education should be reinforced to construct magnificent spirit ;

  9. 这是真正高尚之精神。

    This is real generosity of spirit .

  10. 文学作为人类一种高尚的精神产物,往往彰显着创作者的精神理想、思维方式以及心理现实。

    Literature is a kind of human spirit produce . it always reflects the ideas of the writer .

  11. 健康文明、科学高尚的精神需求是建设文明美好社会的内在要求。

    Healthy , civilized , scientific , noble spiritual requirements are inner requirements to build good and civilized society .

  12. 这就要求画家不仅要有高尚的精神品德,而且应有深厚的文学修养。

    This requires painters should not only have the noble spirit and moral , and should have profound literary accomplishment .

  13. 研究“敬义”思想对塑造培养高尚人格精神具有重要意义,由此也可以窥视16世纪到17世纪韩国文化思想与中国传统文化思想的相通性。

    The cultural thought of Korea from the 16th Century to the 17th Century was closely associated with traditional cultural thoughts of China .

  14. 只有这种包含高尚道德精神的市民社会才是现代生活和政治的基础。

    Only such a civil society , driven by a high moral spirit , can be the basis of modern society and politics .

  15. 在技术理性盛行、平面化感官化的后现代生存语境中,更需要重建价值理性,培养高尚的精神追求。

    In the postmodern existence context that stresses technical rationalism , complanation and sense , we specially need to reconstruct value rationalism and cultivate lofty spiritual ideal .

  16. 我国的社会主义新闻事业,要求新闻报道必须“以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”;

    The features of the news cause in our socialist nation requires the news report to shape people with great spirit and motivate people with great works .

  17. 休闲是人们在自由时间内的自由活动和自在体验,它是一种高尚的精神状态和生活态度。

    Leisure is a sort of free activity and comfortable experience for oneself in free time for people , which is an hight-minded spiritual state and life attitude .

  18. 20世纪90年代以来,物质世界与精神世界失衡的加剧,使人在与贫穷、愚昧挥手的同时,高尚的精神追求受到漠视。

    Since 1990s , the severe imbalance of the material world and the mental world causes the farewell not only to poverty and ignorance , but also to the spiritual aspiration .

  19. 以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人

    " to persevere in arming the people with scientific theories , guiding them with correct public opinions , shaping their outlook with noble ideas , and inspiring them with good cultural works "

  20. 出版事业肩负着以科学的理论武装人、以正确的舆论引导人、以高尚的精神塑造人、以优秀的作品鼓舞人的社会主义文化建设重任。

    Publication takes on an important role for socialist culture construction which equips people with scientific theories , guides them with correct opinions , imbues them with a noble spirit and inspires them with excellent works .

  21. 企业家队伍必须具有高尚的精神境界,树立适应时代需要的思想观念,具备高度的智慧和才干,为人正直和品质优良。

    The teams of enterprisers should possess the lofty spiritual outlooks and set up the ideological sense fitting in with the needs of the era , having the high wisdom and talent , to be the upright and good quality person .

  22. 真正做到以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人,培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民。

    One should truly implement that arming people with scientific theory , guiding people with correct media , figuring people with high-minded spirit , inspiring people with excellent works in order to cultivate citizens with lofty ideals , moral integrity , better education and good sense of discipline .

  23. 新时期高校校报应在理论宣传、舆论引导、精神塑造等方面强化育人功能,做到以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人。

    University journals should strengthen the function of educating people in aspects of the propaganda of theories , the guidance of consensus , the building of morality , etc so as to educate people with scientific theories , guide people with advanced consensus and nurture people with loyal morality .

  24. 清晰的理智和高尚健全的精神使柏拉图得以超越当时世事的范围而会想废除奴隶制。

    Plato , carried by his clear reason and the noble sanity of his spirit beyond the things of the present , would have abolished slavery .

  25. 知识分子们,如塞帕斯和维克拉斯,坚信高尚的比赛精神和奥林匹克理想,为复兴奥运会而努力奔波。

    Intellectuals such as Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas who believed in the spirit of noble contests and the Olympic ideals , lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games .

  26. 传统艺术美学,自生发时起便是围绕这一高尚的人格精神展开的。近世二胡艺术的发展也传承着这一精神的架构,并被它激活而贯穿之。

    Since its birth , the art of traditional aesthetics has been focusing on the noble personality spirit , which gives impetus to and is inherited by the development of the art of Erhu in modern times .

  27. 作为中国近代著名的爱国主义思想家魏源大力弘扬了爱国主义精神、革变通精神、泊名利精神、族忧患精神、于律己精神等高尚的道德精神。

    As a famous patriotism of China in modern times , Wei Yuan developed these noble moral spirits such as patriotism spirit , innovating spirit , being indifferent to fame and wealth spirit , national suffering spirit , seriously demand oneself spirit .

  28. 大学生是祖国未来的建设者和接班人,他们是否具备伟大而高尚的民族精神,对我们社会主义和谐社会的构建以及全面实现小康社会的建设目标具有很大的影响。

    Students are the future builders of the motherland and successors , whether they have a great and noble national spirit , has a great impact to our building a socialist harmonious society , as well as the full realization of the goal the building of a well-off society .

  29. 高尚的心、精神等

    A generous mind , spirit , etc

  30. 救灾英雄的特质继承建国初期的模式,依然是具备高尚品格和奉献精神的人。

    Relief qualities of hero inherited the mode , the founding of the noble is still possess and dedication to people .