
yuǎn jiàn
  • vision;foresight;far-sight
远见 [yuǎn jiàn]
  • [foresight;vision] 远大的眼光;高明的见识

远见[yuǎn jiàn]
  1. 教育战略是教育整体具有全局性、远见性、主导性和决定性、实效性的行动纲领与策略体系。

    Educational strategy is the acting programme and policy system of the education as a whole with generality , far-sight significance , leading role , decisiveness and practical effectiveness .

  2. 他们有投资新技术的远见。

    They had the foresight to invest in new technology .

  3. 许多人都称赞伦德尔的想法很有远见。

    Many are hailing Rendell 's ideas as visionary .

  4. 怀特既有远见又充满理性。

    White was both visionary and rationalist .

  5. 企业家不仅要能承担风险,还应富于远见。

    An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker . He is a visionary .

  6. 白宫对中国的决定表示欢迎,称其是富有远见、意义重大的举措。

    The White House has welcomed the Chinese decision and described it as a far-sighted , significant step .

  7. 现今一段时间以来,颇有远见的经济学家们不是一直在告诉我们,将来我们的工作量会减少而不是增加吗?

    Haven 't far-sighted economists been telling us for some time now that in the future we will work less , not more ?

  8. 不过,这是一些只有最卓识远见的经济学家观察到的迹象。

    Yet these were signs seen only by the wisest economists .

  9. 格拉夫不像往常那样顺从远见和理想。

    Graff was not so amenable to vision and ideals as usual .

  10. 这一事业成功的关键是有经验、有远见而又讲求实效的组织和领导人。

    And skilled , visionary , and yet pragmatic organizations and leaders are at the heart of this effort .

  11. 有远见的父亲为自己孩子的教育做长远打算。

    A provident father plans for his children 's education .

  12. 她在会上的发言缺乏远见,已产生严重后果。

    Her improvident speech at the meeting has set a stone rolling .

  13. 普立兹在自己的博客EpicContentMarketing上这样说,这家拖拉机制造商那时可真有远见。

    The tractor maker was onto something , according to Joe Pulizzi 's Epic Content Marketing .

  14. 华为周三推出了一款名为远见(Vision)、能为用户提供云计算服务的智能手机,呼应了其它手机厂商的类似举动。

    Echoing similar moves by other handset makers , Huawei on Wednesday launched the Vision , a smartphone that gives users access to cloud computing services .

  15. 然而,美国制度的活力重新浮现,美国选民已选择了具有政治才能和远见的巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)担任总统。

    Yet the vitality of the US system resurfaced , and American voters have chosen in Barack Obama a man of vision and statesmanship .

  16. 有远见的,中基采用了LED照明为核心的技术来源和公司,拥有优秀的研发能力和LED生产具有军事背景的投资能力。

    With foresight , CII uses LED lighting sources as the core technology and invests in companies which possess excellent R & D ability and LED producing ability with military background .

  17. ERP作为一种管理手段,因其集中体现了企业资源计划系统的即时性、集中性和远见性的特点,目前正被国内大中型企业所接受。

    As a means of management , ERP is accepted by domestic large and medium-size enterprises because of its character which is timely , centralized and farseeing .

  18. 根据剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)贾奇商学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)和斯德哥尔摩经济学院(StockholmSchoolofEconomics)在2001年发表的一篇富有远见的高质量论文,传统上,信任度方面的鸿沟存在于公司内部,而不是公司之间。

    Traditionally , this trust divide existed inside companies rather than between them , according to an excellent and prescient 2001 paper by Cambridge 's Judge Business School and the Stockholm School of Economics .

  19. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)去年当选美国总统时,在为他准备的首批文件中,有一份是美国国家情报委员会(nationalintelligencecouncil)起草的,冷静而富有远见。

    When Barack Obama won the US presidential election last year , one of the first papers prepared for him was a sober and prescient document drafted by the National Intelligence Council in Washington .

  20. Ware写到了人们在生命最后获得的异常清晰的远见以及我们如何从他们的智慧中学习。

    Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives , and how we might learn from their wisdom .

  21. 拜伦的女儿埃达,也就是洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(CountessofLovelace),则比她父亲更有远见。

    Byron 's daughter Ada , Countess of Lovelace , was more prescient .

  22. BPM作为一种企业管理的核心思想,不仅使得企业日常的协同工作变得轻松而高效,而且具有非常好的远见性。

    As a core idea of business management , BPM not only makes the daily work of company easier and efficient , but also has very good vision .

  23. 高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)的执行理事威尔·哈钦斯(WillHutchings)说,放在这个大环境中看,修建这个博物馆是“是很有远见的做法”。

    In this context , said Will Hutchings , an executive director at Goldman Sachs , the museum is " very long-term thinking . "

  24. 针对电力系统实时通信接口复杂,实施困难的特点,提出了利用OPC技术,封装接口来解决远见约处理的问题。

    For the complicated interface of real_time communication of power system , the method of using OPC technology and wrapping the interface to resolve the protocol processing is here put forward .

  25. 从最权威的远见和规划文件之一可以确定在未来的CAV的能力的作用。

    From the most authoritative vision and planning documents one can identify the role of a CAV capability in the future .

  26. 周小川表示,这份提议将需要超凡的远见和勇气,此外他还指出,约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)在上世纪40年代就曾提出类似建议。

    Mr Zhou said the proposal would require extraordinary political vision and courage and acknowledged a debt to John Maynard Keynes , who made a similar suggestion in the 1940s .

  27. 我要感谢Shirley,Tilghman,这位有远见的领导者,感谢她能要求我回到普林斯顿教学。

    I thank Shirley Tilghman , one of the visionary leaders in education for inviting me back to Princeton .

  28. MP3是一项有远见的发明,因为它不但可以让你只听自己喜欢的音乐,还能使声响压过往日城市里那些恼人又刺耳的噪音。

    An MP3 is a wise investment , as it allows you to listen only to your choice of music , and drowns out disagreeable loud noises common in the cities .

  29. Barker卓有远见,早在二十世纪七十年代末,他就开始用录音带录下那些老居民的故事,现在那些故事占据了他书中最有趣的章节。

    With great foresight , in the late 1970s Mr Barker began to tape-record the old inhabitants , whose stories now fill the most interesting pages of his book .

  30. Kapor的商业敏感性、创造力和远见对于把Ozzie的设想变为现实至关重要。

    Kapor 's business acumen , creativity , and foresight were critical in changing Ozzie 's vision into reality .